Relationships & Revenue with John Hulen

P3 Studios
Relationships & Revenue with John Hulen Podcast

Life is all about relationships and great leaders heavily invest in those relationships. On the Relationships and Revenue Podcast, we talk about how to improve our most significant relationships at home so we can be better in our business relationships. We talk with experts from all over the world representing many disciplines about the best tips and strategies to become amazing people and amazing leaders. Welcome to the show!

  1. 4 DAYS AGO

    Improving the World with Robb Munger

    John talks with Robb Munger — former Army officer, founder of Exodus Place (a nonprofit that helps homeless people), and author of the book Momentum: A Book About Getting One’s Momentum Back. Robb has also served in the National Guard, worked in finance and real estate, and helped turn around Guiding Light Mission, a struggling nonprofit. Robb shares his mission to improve the world and how meeting Tim, a homeless man, changed his life. That encounter led him to realize that building relationships with those in need is the key to making real change and offering support. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Welcome notes and Robb’s bio [02:36] - Robb’s book Momentum [03:42] - Robb’s introduction to West Point and his military career [08:31] - Transitioning into real estate and building a successful brokerage [16:42] - Meeting Tim, a homeless man who changed his perspective [20:36] - Connecting Tim with a local mission and becoming his mentor [21:52] - The moment that led to starting Exodus Place in 2009 [29:10] - Leadership in military vs. business vs. non-profit sectors [32:50] - How military training influenced his leadership style in non-profit [35:55] - Training and replicating leadership at Exodus Place [40:44] - Impact of Robb’s faith on his work and decision-making [44:27] - How Robb improves his significant relationships [48:04] - Robb’s definition of success [48:46] - Top daily habit [50:12] - Best way to connect with Robb [50:48] - How to donate to Exodus Place [52:24] - Book recommendations [53:02] - Robb’s go-to podcasts [53:44] - Closing thoughts NOTABLE QUOTES: “In the army, you want to fight it (military structure and hierarchy) because you want to be your own person. Then, all of a sudden, you realize order is different from just bossing someone around. It’s giving them instruction so they can perform their job better with a lot of people to accomplish the mission.” “The best leaders replicate themselves, meaning they create more leaders.” “A passable leader has followers; it doesn’t take much to do that. It takes something special to create other leaders, to see that kernel of potential and help it become what it could be.” “Don’t be embarrassed about a small donation because it’s the act of donating that makes a difference in a person’s life. It all counts.” “The average donation in the United States right now is about $15. For us, $15 covers 45 meals.” “I understand that I am nobody without everybody.” “Together, we’re all going to make mistakes, but together, we can work through them.” “Success is about relationships. If you take care of the people around you, everything else will fall into place. BOOKS MENTIONED: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho ( The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be (from Chicken Soup for the Soul series) by Jack Canfield ( Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It by Chris Voss ( PODCASTS MENTIONED: The Joe Rogan Experience ( Ben Greenfield Life Podcast ( Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair Podcast ( BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast ( Moonshots with Peter Diamandis ( USEFUL RESOURCES: “Momentum: A Book About Getting One’s Momentum Back” ( CONNECT WITH JOHN Website -

    55 min
  2. 13 SEPT

    Digital Wellbeing with Petra Velzeboer (Part 2)

    John continues his conversation with Petra Velzeboer. The two share their valuable perspectives on education, the changing job market, mental health, and the impact of digital technology on our well-being.  Petra also shares her journey of writing her first book, Begin with You, and her upcoming book, Digital Wellbeing: Recharge Your Focus and Reboot Your Life, which explores the impact of technology on our mental health and relationships. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Intro and Part 1 recap [01:27] - The assumption that every high school graduate will go to college [02:27] - The changing job market [05:51] - How she secured her TEDx talk through networking [07:33] - Petra’s book Begin with You, its inspiration, and focus [11:03] - Petra’s upcoming book Digital Wellbeing [12:30] - Digital tech has been perpetrated on us without our permission [14:24] - Us vs. Them politics [17:26] - Many people have lost the skill of conversing and sharing ideas [18:22] - Future plans for her consultancy [20:53] - Coaching is a 2-way street [23:47] - How Petra improves her significant relationships [25:29] - Petra’s ideal client [26:12] - #1 daily habit of Petra [26:42] - Traits of a great leader [28:19] - Best advice Petra has given [30:29] - What Petra does to invest in her growth [32:18] - The best way to connect with Petra [34:01] - Book recommendations [36:49] - Closing remarks NOTABLE QUOTES: “Networking is just a superpower.” “Isn’t it interesting that if you offer something to someone, they just want to help.” “Educating people that mental health is about all of us. It’s about the health of our mind. It’s not mental illness; that’s just a part of it.” “When we say mental health, we think crisis. But actually, it’s about, ‘How do we perform at our best? How do we sustain success? How do we live our best lives?’” “Empathy and authenticity open the space for others to be open with you.” “Coaching, like any other relationship, is a two-way street. There has to be, ‘I think you’re a good fit,’ and you have to think, ‘I’m a good fit.’ It has to go both ways. And if it doesn’t, it isn’t going to work.” “Selling is serving. Because if you’re truly serving people, they never feel sold to. Ever.” “You’ll learn through the movement forward, not through the strategizing. The opposite of a perfectionist is someone who moves forward, and as you’re moving, your creative juices will flow.” “Growth is in my bones. It’s in my blood. It’s the only thing I know, and sometimes to my detriment, because sometimes people are like, let’s just take a breath and appreciate where we are.” BOOKS MENTIONED: The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan ( Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski ( Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home by Toko-Pa Turner ( The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip Heath and Dan Heath ( PODCASTS MENTIONED: The Diary Of A CEO Podcast ( The Rich Roll podcast ( USEFUL RESOURCES: “Begin with You: Invest in Your Mental Well-Being and Satisfaction at Work” ( “Digital Wellbeing: Recharge Your Focus and Reboot Your Life” ( CONNECT WITH JOHN Website -  Instagram -  Facebook -  Twitter -   LinkedIn -     YouTube -

    38 min
  3. 6 SEPT

    Digital Wellbeing with Petra Velzeboer (Part 1)

    John talks with Petra Velzeboer – psychotherapist, TEDx speaker, founder of PVL (a mental health consulting business), author of Begin with You: Invest in Your Mental Well-Being and Satisfaction at Work and Digital Wellbeing: Recharge Your Focus and Reboot Your Life, and a proud mother of two.  Petra was born and raised in a religious cult, which led to many challenges in her life, including addiction and depression. She now uses her experiences to help, inspire, and support others. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Intro [01:07] - Petra’s bio [05:32] - Warning: Potentially sensitive content, not to be overheard by kids [05:57] - Petra’s background of being born and raised in a religious cult [08:19] - Leaving the cult  [09:35] - Getting addicted to drugs, alcohol, and promiscuity after leaving the cult [10:35] - Her rock-bottom moments [12:35] - How growing up in a cult changed her perspective on God [15:32] - Moving to London while pregnant and adjusting to a new life [16:51] - Her desire to cover up her past and fit in [19:42] - Rock bottom moments that pushed Petra to change [22:07] - When she was driving under the influence with her young son [22:38] - How A.A. helped her develop honesty and accountability [23:33] - Petra’s journey to sobriety [27:15] - Discovering her entrepreneurial spirit [30:00] - Her interest in the counseling profession as a teenager [31:11] - What led her to become an accidental entrepreneur [32:46] - Intentionally shrinking her business to a small, flexible team  [34:49] - How the U.S. educational system is not designed to create independent thinkers [36:56] - Outro NOTABLE QUOTES: “Sometimes life happens because we’re not brave enough to make a stand.” “Addicts have a lot of rage and a lot of trauma and a lot of stuff. But if you can reposition it to be energy or forward motion and doing great things, we have more energy than a lot of people, actually.” “I think we get sucked into the cult of success and what it should look like.” “Groupthink does not ever lead to innovation.” USEFUL RESOURCES: “Begin with You: Invest in Your Mental Well-Being and Satisfaction at Work” ( “Digital Wellbeing: Recharge Your Focus and Reboot Your Life” ( CONNECT WITH JOHN Website -  Instagram -  Facebook -  Twitter -   LinkedIn -     YouTube -  EPISODE CREDITS Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz -

    38 min
  4. 30 AUG

    Into the Storm with Kevin DeShazo (Part 2)

    Episode 227 Into the Storm with Kevin DeShazo (Part 2) In Part 1, Kevin shared his journey, from his non-entrepreneurial upbringing to founding BETTER and Fieldhouse Media, and the importance of developing mental toughness and resilience.  In this episode, he discusses his book Keep Chopping Wood and how seasoning wood parallels long-term growth. He also discusses the importance of consistent effort and commitment in improving any area of life—whether it’s leadership skills or relationships—and shares why prioritizing relationships, especially with family, is essential. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Part 1 recap [01:16] - Intro [02:24] - The power of physical books [05:49] - Shoutout to Dr. Hayley Nelson (EP80 - [07:15] - About his book Keep Chopping Wood [11:49] - Impact of his book across various industries [12:39] - Leadership Interrupted book [15:32] - How Kevin’s faith influences his leadership, coaching, and business [18:22] - Ministry through business [21:03] - How Kevin improves his relationships [22:44] - Creating “family freedom” [24:52] - Being present and intentional with his family [27:44] - Kevin’s definition of success [28:12] - Traits of a great leader [28:22] - Best advice Kevin received [29:50] - Kevin’s biggest failure and the lesson learned [32:03] - Best way to connect with Kevin [33:04] - Books that help Kevin to grow [37:56] - Wrap-up NOTABLE QUOTES: “You need a vision for what you want—whether it’s being a great leader, spouse, parent, or just being healthy and financially stable. That vision for tomorrow demands something from you today.” “We live in a world of convenience, but when it comes to getting better, convenience is out the window.” “Getting better is not going to be convenient. It’s just a requirement that you show up and do the work every day.” “When everyone’s looking for the shortcut, the work is the shortcut.” “Share your stories. You never know the impact that message might have, whether it drives revenue or not.” “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% your attitude and how you respond to it.”  “Show up each day with gratitude and say, how can I steward this the best way possible?” “Your circumstances plus your perspective determine your experience. If you want to have a better experience, have a better perspective on whatever is happening around you. You get to choose your perspective on that thing, and it will be good or bad, not because of what it is, but because of the way that you view it.” BOOKS MENTIONED: 10x Is Easier Than 2x: How World-Class Entrepreneurs Achieve More by Doing Less by Dan Sullivan ( The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact by Chip Heath and Dan Heath ( USEFUL RESOURCES: "Into the Storm: How to Turn Adversity Into Your Advantage" ( "Keep Chopping Wood: An Ordinary Approach to Achieving Extraordinary Success" (  CONNECT WITH JOHN Website -  Instagram -  Facebook -  Twitter -   LinkedIn -     YouTube -  EPISODE CREDITS Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz -

    39 min
  5. 23 AUG

    Into the Storm with Kevin DeShazo (Part 1)

    John talks with Kevin DeShazo — author, co-founder of BETTER, founder of Fieldhouse Media, keynote speaker, consultant for top leaders/teams on leadership, culture, mindset, and high-performance, husband, and dad. Kevin’s new book, Into the Storm: How to Turn Adversity Into Your Advantage, is about building mental toughness and overcoming adversity. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Intro [01:09] - Kevin’s bio [02:06] - Kevin’s backstory [03:22] - Meeting his wife [04:13] - Starting his healthcare staffing company [05:33] - Recognizing the potential of social media  [06:21] - The inception of Fieldhouse Media [07:00] - Creating the company, BETTER [08:46] - The discipline to become the best [12:26] - Fieldhouse Media today [13:51] - How to effectively use social media [16:32] - The value of generosity and sharing on social media [20:31] - Regularly recording and sharing content [21:18] - What posts to share [22:52] - You don’t need expensive equipment to get started [23:40] - The one-take rule [25:30] - The services offered by BETTER [29:30] - How BETTER supports companies outside the sports world [30:53] - The role of mental performance in leadership [32:25] - How negative thoughts lead to negative actions and outcomes [35:29] - Kevin’s upcoming book, "Into the Storm" [39:02] - Outro NOTABLE QUOTES: “Often, the best leader on the team is not the best player. They may not have the talent level, but they have the discipline. They have the commitment, but they also have the character and the willingness to lead, and people will follow them.”  “It doesn't matter what your industry is, what your age is; you just need to figure out where your people are on social media and then determine how you can add value.” “Figure out where your audience is and what they want on those platforms. Every platform has its own psychology, and people want different things from each.” “In today's world, people care a little bit about your brand. They care more about you…That doesn't mean you have to show your whole life, but when you can show your interest, passion, expertise, and just be generous with your thoughts and expertise, which is going to be helpful to a lot of people.” “People care a little bit about your brand. They care more about you. We want to buy from people. We want to connect with people.” “You can have every leadership skill in the world. You can read every great leadership book, go to every great leadership conference, and listen to every great leadership podcast, and they’re all great. You can build up all of these skills, but when the pressure hits, if you can’t think clearly, none of those skills are actually going to help you.” “The better you get at being a clear and more concise and a better communicator, the more you're going to win.” “Our thoughts shape our actions; our actions shape our outcomes. Most people experience negative outcomes in their lives because they're taking negative actions. They're not choosing those negative actions; they are simply a natural outflow of negative thoughts.” “The only way to get better at dealing with adversity is to deal with adversity. Most people are terrible at dealing with adversity because they refuse to deal with it. They keep running away from it and wondering why they can never handle difficult things.” USEFUL RESOURCES: "Into the Storm: How to Turn Adversity Into Your Advantage" ( "Keep Chopping Wood: An Ordinary Approach to Achieving Extraordinary Success" (  CONNECT WITH JOHN Website - https://th

    40 min
  6. 16 AUG

    From Junkie to Judge with Mary Beth O’Connor (Part 2)

    John and Mary Beth continue their discussion. In the previous episode, Mary Beth shared her journey of overcoming childhood trauma, addiction, and adversity to become a respected judge and now a passionate advocate for recovery. Today, she talks more about the recovery process and shares her experiences to reduce stigma, offer hope, and guide others on the path to healing. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Intro and recap of Part 1 [01:26] - The process for becoming a Federal Administrative Law Judge [03:53] - Mary Beth’s take on “Addiction = Disease” [06:02] - Statistics related to recovery rates [07:41] - Rewiring the brain for recovery [11:21] - The nudge Mary Beth felt to help others in recovery [13:36] - Helping women recover from various traumas through SHE RECOVERS [15:17] - Mary Beth found her purpose in helping others through her pain [18:04] - How Mary Beth improves her significant relationships [20:34] - Mary Beth’s definition of success [21:40] - #1 daily habit [22:19] - Traits of a great leader [23:00] - Best advice Mary Beth received  [24:31] - Mary Beth’s legacy [25:33] - How Mary Beth invests in her growth [27:27] - Best way to connect with Mary Beth [30:53] - Different ways Mary Beth has fun [32:20] - Books recommendations [33:00] - Closing thoughts NOTABLE QUOTES: “The bad things about having an addiction are the losses. It’s not that you try to forget them; you try to ignore them. But there’s that pain of knowing that you’ve lost things you wanted—things you maybe worked for—and because of your addiction, you had to give them away, or they were taken away.” “It’s important that we all recognize our natural rhythms and accommodate them to the best of our ability.” “The positive choices rewire the brain. And when you make good positive choices in your recovery, it’s a new normal.” “Challenge your own thoughts if you find yourself caught in negative loops.” “Success in life is more about having meaningful work, challenging but not too much, and a balanced life.” “You have to decide what you’re going to do about the pain you’ve experienced and hopefully find a way to heal and give back to others.” “When you get to work on time, today and tomorrow and the next day, you do that for a month, that it’s usually a habit. It’s not a struggle anymore. That’s your new normal.” BOOKS MENTIONED: The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk ( Girl Walks Out of a Bar by Lisa F. Smith ( Books by Gabor Maté Books by Holly Whitaker USEFUL RESOURCES: “From Junkie to Judge: One Woman’s Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction” ( CONNECT WITH JOHN Website -  Instagram -  Facebook -  Twitter -   LinkedIn -     YouTube -  EPISODE CREDITS Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz -

    34 min
  7. 9 AUG

    From Junkie to Judge with Mary Beth O'Connor (Part 1)

    John talks with Mary Beth O’Connor — retired Federal Administrative Law Judge, author of the book “From Junkie to Judge: One Woman’s Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction,” childhood trauma survivor, addiction overcomer (sober since 1994), board member of the SHE RECOVERS Foundation, trainer, speaker, and wife. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Intro [02:06] - Mary Beth’s bio [04:01] - How childhood abuse led Mary Beth to use drugs at 12 [06:05] - Escalation of her addiction during her teenage years [07:11] - Negative consequences she experienced [08:33] - Affording drugs in high school [09:55] - Deciding to enter rehab at 32 [11:06] - The process of recovery [13:47] - How anxiety and PTSD impacted her addiction and recovery [15:54] - Impact of anxiety on while in school [17:17] - Mary Beth’s recovery journey from the trauma [18:36] - Societal expectations of instant success [23:03] - Mary Beth’s recovery plan [26:05] - Completing college while also pursuing recovery [26:53] - Going to law school at 39 [28:49] - Her husband’s commitment to their relationship [31:06] - Mary Beth’s experience at a law firm [32:48] - What is a Federal Administrative Judge? [34:15] - Outro NOTABLE QUOTES: “The life of having a meth use disorder—it’s not a happy life. It’s pretty miserable. But I knew that I had to deal with my trauma because if I didn’t, I was never going to really be happy.” “Don’t think about what it’s going to take for you to get out of the building today. Think about what it’s going to take you to get out of this room, and then once you get out of this room, into the hall, and so on.” “It’s helpful to listen to what worked for other people. It’s helpful to read other ideas because they’re sources of information that may help you. It’s just that you’re the decision-maker.” “It took a long time and a lot of work for me... It was a lot harder and took much longer for me to recover from the trauma than from my substance use disorder.” “One of the dangers of our society right now is that everywhere we turn, there are promises of instant success or instant changing of a problem into something that’s great. That’s not reality. If you spend a lifetime tying knots in your rope, you can’t expect to have them all untied just because you took a pill or you went to an hour with some shrink.” USEFUL RESOURCES: “From Junkie to Judge: One Woman’s Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction” ( CONNECT WITH JOHN Website -  Instagram - Facebook -  Twitter -   LinkedIn -     YouTube -  EPISODE CREDITS Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz -

    35 min
  8. 3 AUG

    Leveraging AI for Business Success with Diana Lammerts

    John talks with Diana Lammerts – TV host, journalist, business strategist, entrepreneur, content creator, head of DL Media, and Global Director of Communications for the Global AI Council. Diana has also worked in radio and TV production. As Global Director of Communications for the Global AI Council, Diana helps businesses integrate AI into their operations to drive growth and efficiency. Listen to this episode to learn more: [00:00] - Intro [02:07] - AI in daily life [05:50] - How AI is impacting education and the job market [09:03] - Diana’s backstory [11:28] - Combining creativity and business [12:28] - The importance of partnerships and collaboration across different industries [15:21] - Diana’s experience traveling and working remotely [17:28] - Kate Hancock: Creator of the Global AI Council [19:12] - Becoming an entrepreneur [20:35] - Effective leadership strategies for dealing with different types of employees [26:06] - Empowering employees to make decisions and prioritize client needs [28:06] - Improving the ability to communicate effectively on camera [32:33] - Ways for subject matter experts to appear more confident on camera [35:32] - Creating video content consistently for your business and personal brand [39:39] - How Diana improves her relationships [42:38] - Diana’s definition of success [45:02] - Top daily habit [46:01] - Traits of a great leader [46:46] - How Diana invests in her growth [49:12] - Contact information for Diana [52:25] - Wrap-up NOTABLE QUOTES: “AI is very helpful. I understand it can be scary, but so was the internet.” “The impact AI is making in the marketplace. Imagine people who have different abilities or, some say, are disabled. They have the opportunity to do things they haven’t been able to do now.” “Always be working yourself out of a job.” “You have to own your real estate, which means you have to own your emails, phone numbers, etc. Because when you’re on a platform like Facebook, Instagram, etc., and you are one of the big companies, get the emails because if they shut you down, you lose everything, including your revenue.” “You are allowed to feel what you feel. But you’re in control of how you react. So your feelings are valid, but it’s how you react that makes a difference.” “Whatever makes you happy. That is success for you.” “Record yourself. And the best thing is, it’s you can even use it for social media. It’s not even just to practice; you can actually hit two birds with one stone.” “The first one you do will always be the worst, it’s always going to be the worst one. But when you go back and look at it, six months, a year later, you’ll be able to see the progress that you’ve made.” BOOK MENTIONED: Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller ( USEFUL RESOURCES:  CONNECT WITH JOHN Website -  Instagram -  Facebook -  Twitter -   LinkedIn -     YouTube -  EPISODE CREDITS Intro and Outro music provided by Jeff Scheetz -

    54 min


Life is all about relationships and great leaders heavily invest in those relationships. On the Relationships and Revenue Podcast, we talk about how to improve our most significant relationships at home so we can be better in our business relationships. We talk with experts from all over the world representing many disciplines about the best tips and strategies to become amazing people and amazing leaders. Welcome to the show!

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