Starcalled is a science-fiction, action-adventure audio drama. Set in the galactic frontier, Starcalled follows the dangerous lives of Lieutenant Saranus Kron and Dr. Elona Zoren, two young officers in the 443rd Colonial Fleet Infantry, as they race to uncover a conspiracy under the ever looming specter of war. This narrative fiction podcast features a full cast, an original cinematic score, and immersive sound design. Intended for a mature audience. Listener discretion is advised.
Love this!
Wish there were more chapters and seasons, please
OKAY ARE YOU GONNA MAKE MORE!!!!!??? Seriously I’m dying to know what happens next and it’s been WAY TO LONG since the last episodes were made. Come on, I want to know what happens next. I NEED TO KNOW 😳😳😳😳😳😭😭😭😩😩😩😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
So Good!!
Just started listening, and love how well this is crafted - you can close your eyes, let the sounds wash over you and envision the world very clearly. Story is also very well crafted and thoroughly enjoyed it!!
Hoping for book 2
I like it, only downfall is I had to listen to it a few times so I could figure out who everyone was
- CreatorGabriel Alvarez
- Episodes9
- Seasons1
- RatingClean
- Show Website
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