I SHIFTED TO THIS REALITY FROM A PARALLEL REALITY! PARALLEL REALITY SHIFTING EXPLAINED . #parallelrealities #lawofattraction #shifting. Hey everyone! In this video, I'm sharing with you how exactly I shifted to this reality from a different parallel reality & by the time this video ends, you are going to have a powerful understanding about how parallel reality shifting actually works & you are going to be able to apply this knowledge & information in your own life experience easily. You will know exactly how to shift to your desired reality as well. You see in every single moment we are shifting into a parallel reality. Right now you are shifting, right now you are shifting, right now! This is because we live in a vibrational universe. The law of attraction & the laws of the universe in general are consistent. Look at it like the strip of a film. The film is really a bunch of separate frames, but it looks like it's all happening at the same time. This is how parallel realities work as well. Right now in the present moment there are infinite realities, this is what quantum physics & quantum mechanics is now proving & showing to us. The reality that YOU are experiencing RIGHT NOW is a direct reflection of your vibration, of your frequency. It's a direct reflection of your beliefs, or your thoughts, feelings, & actions. You see you are who you chose to be right now in the present moment & when you make a new choice about who it is that you are, ultimately you will shift realities or timelines, & the more that you resonate in this new energy the more life will be reflecting back to you things of similar resonance to your new vibration, & in this case, your desired reality. You see it's really a version of you that you are shifting into. Like the artist, they are seeing the reflection in their life experience saying that they are in fact an artist, because it's who they are BEING. You could call this identity shifting, because when you shift your identity you shift to a new reality as well. . . . # I SHIFTED TO THIS REALITY FROM A PARALLEL REALITY! PARALLEL REALITY SHIFTING EXPLAINED, I shifted from a parallel reality, I'm from a parallel reality, shifting, shifting from a parallel reality, parallel realities, parallel universe, parallel reality shifting, how to parallel reality shift, shifting to your desired reality, shift to your dream reality, I shifted here from a parallel reality, parallel reality shifting, parallel reality shifting explained, how to parallel reality shift, meditation with christopher, meditation with christopher shift, aaron doughty parallel reality, identity shifting, identity shift, be as if, being as if, law of attraction, law of attraction and manifestation, manifestation, manifest your desired reality, manifest from a parallel reality, manifest your reality, shifting tik tok, tik tok shifting realities, tik tok, meditation with chris tik tok,