Meditation With Christopher

Christopher Douglas Morrison
Meditation With Christopher

Become a Paid Subscriber: On this channel you will find tons of content on spirituality, becoming your greatest version, & leveraging the laws of the Universe to your advantage such as the powerful Law of Attraction. Most of the content was transferred from my YouTube channel, Meditation With Christopher, so keep in mind they we're originally videos! Will be making new podcasts as well. Stay tuned! Note that some YouTube content couldn't transfer & you won't find all of my content here.


  1. 10/11/2021

    How To Find The RECEIVING MODE! | Start Receiving EVERYTHING YOU WANT!

    How To Find The RECEIVING MODE! | Start Receiving EVERYTHING YOU WANT! . #receiving #lawofattraction #artofallowing. Hey what's up you guys?! In this video, I'm sharing with you How To Find The RECEIVING MODE! You are going to find out exactly what this is, & what it means. You are going to know how to use this "receiving mode" to your advantage to start allowing in more blessings & manifestations! The law of attraction states that like attracts like. So le me ask you this, what energetic state have you been in lately? Have you been feeling powerless, maybe angry, or fearful? Maybe you have felt on top of the world recently. Either way, these are two separate "modes" or states of being that you resonate in, & law of attraction continues to yield to you things of similar resonance to how you are thinking, feeling, & acting. (your vibration)  You got to look at it like a separate radio station, or a separate reality; because IT IS. Imagine the reality where you are getting everything that you want. You are lined up with the best version of you vibrationally (thoughts, feelings, actions) and everything is just going to perfect. Let's say that in order to experience this reality, you must be tuned to the station 98.1. Now we can look at the opposite end of the stick as well & say that your WORST reality is on 68.1. You might be feeling doubtful, or fearful ect. The point I am making here is that you can't be tuned to 2 different realities or frequencies at the same time!!! That's why it's important to understand exactly what the "receiving mode" is & once you can find & consistently tune to the receiving mode, you will be in a constant state of getting what you want, attracting blessings! . . . # How To Find The RECEIVING MODE! | Start Receiving EVERYTHING YOU WANT!, find the receiving mode, receiving mode law of attraction, receiving mode abraham hicks, abraham hicks, meditation with chris, meditation with christopher, how to get into the receiving mode, receive more of what you want, art of allowing, reality shifting, parallel realities, tune to the receiving mode, receiving mode tricks, get into the receiving mode, getting ready to be ready, law of attraction receive

    7 min
  2. 10/11/2021

    TRAIN Your Expectation For What YOU WANT! | You Always Get What You Expect & Believe...

    TRAIN Your Expectation For What YOU WANT! | You Always Get What You Expect & Believe... . #expectation #lawofattraction #beliefs. In this video, I will be sharing with you how to train your expectation for what you want, that way you can start deliberately being the creator of your reality that you came here to be! All that we are is a result of our thoughts, said Buddha. Everything that you are experiencing in your reality is a result of the thoughts you have been practicing, the beliefs you have been practicing, (usually happens subconsciously) and the way you have been feeling; your energy.  There is no such thing as assertion, in other words nothing is happening TO YOU, rather you are attracting every experience you have. You are doing this with your vibration! (thoughts feelings, actions) This video will help you to understand the true power that you hold within you. It will help you to understand further that YOU TRULY ARE the creator of your own reality, & will allow you to step more into your power & who you truly are to create the life experience that you truly prefer. You always get what you expect & believe... But you can deliberately train your expectation & beliefs to give you more of what you are wanting. Check it out! . . . # TRAIN Your Expectation For What YOU WANT! | You Always Get What You Expect & Believe..., train your beliefs & expectation, how to train your beliefs and expectation, how to expect what you want, expectation and the law of attraction, law of attraction, meditation with christopher, meditation with chris, abraham hicks expectation, expect what you want, beliefs and law of attraction, beliefs and expectation, train your mind to get what you want, believe in what you want, train your mind, LOA, shift, shifting, shifter, reality shifting

    2 min
  3. 10/11/2021

    RELAX Into THIS PROCESS & Watch The BLESSINGS That Follow | 3 Steps To Manifest What You Want

    RELAX Into THIS PROCESS & Watch The BLESSINGS That Follow | 3 Steps To Manifest What You Want . #manifestation #lawofattraction #3steps. Hey everyone! Have you ever wished or hoped that there was an exact, easy to follow & easy to understand process to getting or manifesting what you want? Well I'm here to share with you that THERE IS & that's exactly what I'm going to share with you in this video! There is no amount of action that can sum up to the amount of power that you hold vibrationally. Yes, action is necessary, but from which vibrational place are you taking the action? I know I was guilty of this along my early journey. Doing things to get somewhere else, because I could not accept where I already was. From this vibrational stance, you could never experience the realization of what you want, because you just simply can't get there from there! It's important to understand how your reality works so you can create the reality that you prefer! Your reality - your see it, smell it, taste it, touch it reality, is equal to your thoughts, feelings, & actions; your vibration. In other words, you feeling like everything is working out for you, & allowing it to be so, is going to be a separate reality from the one where you are practicing the thoughts, feelings, and actions about it not working. But you are such a powerful creator that you can reach for the story you prefer, and thus shift to that reality. The 3 steps in this video will allow you to find the vibrational place where everything you want flows to you with ease, effortlessly! . . . # RELAX Into THIS PROCESS & Watch The BLESSINGS That Follow | 3 Steps To Manifest What You Want, relax into this 3 step process, 3 step process to get what you want, 3 step process to get anything you want, 3 step process to manifest what you want, 3 steps to get anything you want law of attraction, law of attraction process, meditation with christopher, meditation with christopher shift, abraham hicks law of attraction, abraham hicks process, law of attraction process, allow your blessings, art of allowing

    9 min
  4. 10/11/2021

    Shift To DEMON SLAYER Guided Meditation 2 | Kimetsu No Yaiba Shifting 2 | All Aboard The Mugen Train

    Shift To DEMON SLAYER Guided Meditation 2 | Kimetsu No Yaiba Shifting 2 | All Aboard The Mugen Train . #shifting #guidedmeditation #demonslayer. Hey everyone! I'm very excited to release the "part 2" of the Shifting To Demon Slayer Guided Meditation series. This video takes off from exactly where you left off last in your adventure in the demon slayer (kimetsu no yaiba) reality.  Once again, you will be guided to a deep, meditative state of being where you will find the place of allowing yourself to shift with ease. The 432 Hz music in the background will allow your body, mind, & spirit to naturally relax & make it easier to shift for you. Your brain even will enter a Alpha brainwave state, allowing you to have intense, powerful, visualizations. Look at this meditation like your favorite book or video game, in other words how ever much you get involved with this experience is entirely up to you your mind, your imagaination! The power of the mind is limitless. Focus on having fun, feeling good, & enjoy this beautiufl experience in the demon slayer reality. Your adventure is waiting for you to continue! . . . # Shift To DEMON SLAYER Guided Meditation 2 | Kimetsu No Yaiba Shifting 2 | All Aboard The Mugen Train, demon slayer meditation, demon slayer shifting guided meditation, kimetsu no yaiba meditation, kimetsu no yaiba shifting meditation, kimetsu no yaiba shifting guided meditation, shift to demon slayer, shift to kimetsu no yaiba shift to demon slayer reality, shift to demon slayer reality shifting, reality shifting meditation, demon slayer, anime shifting meditation, anime shifting guidded meditation, anime shifting sub, anime shifting subliminal, demon slayer meditation, meditation with christopher, meditation with christopher shift, shifting, shift to desired reality, desired reality meditation, desired anime reality meditation, shift to desired anime reality

    34 min
  5. 10/11/2021


    REPROGRAM Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND To Shift To ANY REALITY | Parallel Reality Shifting | REPROGRAMMING . #subconsciousmind #parallelrealities #shifting. Join this channel to get access to perks: Hey everyone! Welcome to today's video where you are going to learn how you can reprogram your subconscious mind to shift to any reality that you desire. This is parallel reality shifting at it's finest, totally fine tuning our vibration to become a match to the reality we prefer. By the time this video ends, not only are you going to know exactly how to reprogram your subconscious mind to shift to any reality, but you are going to have a much deeper understanding of the Law of Attraction, manifestation, & overall how to create your reality as the one true deliberate creator of your reality that you have always intended to be. Parallel reality shifting is the concept which has now been proved by Quantum Physics, that right now in the present moment there are INFINITE realities. All of them are happening RIGHT NOW. The reality that YOU are experiencing is a direct reflection of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and actions. Right now you are shifting into a new reality as you read this, every SINGLE MOMENT you are shifting. The question is, how far are we in relationship to the version of us that's in their desired reality? How can we make a greater degree of change from this reality to the next? BY MAKING A NEW CHOICE about who you are. Reprogramming the subconscious mind is a powerful way to shift to any reality you wish, because you are getting what you think about in your reality! Taking a handle of the subconscious mind which governs about 90% of our actions, is going to allow you to get more of what you are desiring, because you won't be opposing your own desires with your own thoughts! Many of times we are offering our vibration (thoughts, feelings, actions) in response to WHAT - IS. But WHAT - IS is simply a temporary reflection of the energy that you have been embodying, or the thoughts you have been thinking.  Get out ahead of your manifestations, of your desired reality by reprogramming your subconscious mind to shift to any reality. . . . # REPROGRAM Your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND To Shift To ANY REALITY | Parallel Reality Shifting | REPROGRAMMING, reprogram your subconscious mind to shift, reprogram the subconscious mind to shift to any reality, reprogram your subconscious mind to believe in reality shifting, reprogram your subconscious mind to believe in shifting, shift to any reality, parallel reality shifting, reality shifting reprogramming, reprogram to shift, reprogram for shifting, reality shifting facts, shift, shifter, meditation with christopher, meditation with christopher shift, parallel reality, parallel realities, reality shifting, reprogram your thoughts for shifting, reprogram yourself to shift realities, reprogram the subconscious

    8 min
  6. 10/11/2021

    Law Of Attraction RAMPAGE Of Appreciation! | FINE TUNE YOUR VIBRATION!

    Law Of Attraction RAMPAGE Of Appreciation! | FINE TUNE YOUR VIBRATION! . #APPRECIATION #FINETUNING #LAWOFATTRACTION. Hey everyone! In this video, we are fine tuning our vibration to the place where we can begin to allow all of our dreams & desires to manifest into our life experience with ease. It truly is a vibrational, or an emotional journey. By the time this video ends, you will find yourself in a totally new vibration & frequency & as a result of this you are going to feel really good, & begin to allow your life experience to unfold exactly as it was meant to, as you become the version of you that you always knew you came here to be! Whatever you fous on grows in this universe & paying attention is the greatest form of energy exhange. It's important to remember that when you are focusing on a problem, your vibration is not a match to the solution. It's important to realize that when you are attacking something you hate, really it is becoming more & also you are becoming IT. This is why Law of Attraction rampages of appreciation I have found to be the most powerful thing for manifestation. Because when you tune into the energy that creates worlds, you allow all of your good to flow effortlessly. Finding this place of appreciation & knowing your good, your worthiness, Your health, your abundance, knowing this is all working our for you is a seperate reality than the one where you are doubting it. The more you tune into this video, the more you will rewire your vibration for success, I promise. . . . # Law Of Attraction RAMPAGE Of Appreciation! | FINE TUNE YOUR VIBRATION!, fine tuning your vibration, fine tune your vibration, vibrational tuning, tune your frequency, fine tuning your frequency, frrquency tuning, frequency calibration, rampage of appreciation, appreciation law of attraction, law of attraction rampage, law of attraction appreciation rampage, parallel reality shifting, shifting, shift, meditation, meditation with chris, meditation with christopher, meditation with christopher shift, meditation with christopher law of attraction, fine tune your vibration for success, appreciation rampage, appreciate, raise your vibration, law of attraction high vibration rampage, LOA, meditation law of attraction, powerful appreciation rampage

    8 min
  7. 10/11/2021


    I SHIFTED TO THIS REALITY FROM A PARALLEL REALITY! PARALLEL REALITY SHIFTING EXPLAINED . #parallelrealities #lawofattraction #shifting.  Hey everyone! In this video, I'm sharing with you how exactly I shifted to this reality from a different parallel reality & by the time this video ends, you are going to have a powerful understanding about how parallel reality shifting actually works & you are going to be able to apply this knowledge & information in your own life experience easily. You will know exactly how to shift to your desired reality as well. You see in every single moment we are shifting into a parallel reality. Right now you are shifting, right now you are shifting, right now! This is because we live in a vibrational universe. The law of attraction & the laws of the universe in general are consistent. Look at it like the strip of a film. The film is really a bunch of separate frames, but it looks like it's all happening at the same time. This is how parallel realities work as well. Right now in the present moment there are infinite realities, this is what quantum physics & quantum mechanics is now proving & showing to us. The reality that YOU are experiencing RIGHT NOW is a direct reflection of your vibration, of your frequency. It's a direct reflection of your beliefs, or your thoughts, feelings, & actions. You see you are who you chose to be right now in the present moment & when you make a new choice about who it is that you are, ultimately you will shift realities or timelines, & the more that you resonate in this new energy the more life will be reflecting back to you things of similar resonance to your new vibration, & in this case, your desired reality. You see it's really a version of you that you are shifting into. Like the artist, they are seeing the reflection in their life experience saying that they are in fact an artist, because it's who they are BEING. You could call this identity shifting, because when you shift your identity you shift to a new reality as well. . . .  # I SHIFTED TO THIS REALITY FROM A PARALLEL REALITY! PARALLEL REALITY SHIFTING EXPLAINED, I shifted from a parallel reality, I'm from a parallel reality, shifting, shifting from a parallel reality, parallel realities, parallel universe, parallel reality shifting, how to parallel reality shift, shifting to your desired reality, shift to your dream reality, I shifted here from a parallel reality, parallel reality shifting, parallel reality shifting explained, how to parallel reality shift, meditation with christopher, meditation with christopher shift, aaron doughty parallel reality, identity shifting, identity shift, be as if, being as if, law of attraction, law of attraction and manifestation, manifestation, manifest your desired reality, manifest from a parallel reality, manifest your reality, shifting tik tok, tik tok shifting realities, tik tok, meditation with chris tik tok,

    6 min
  8. 10/11/2021

    How To CALIBRATE Your Frequency To Give You A NEW REALITY | Parallel Reality Shifting

    Hey everyone! In this video, I'm sharing with you how you can calibrate your frequency to give you a new reality, any reality that you wish! It all already exists. All Realities already exist in the present moment, & the reason you aren't experiencing the reality that you prefer would be because you aren't a vibrational match to it (yet). Just like a radio station, if you want to perceive what is being broadcasted on the channel you must be a match to the channel. You must be tuning in. And within this lies one of the greatest law of attraction / parallel reality shifting secrets ever. Simply understanding the laws of the Universe & the power of your focus & attention.  Whatever you focus on grows in this Universe & paying attention is always an energy exchange, you become what you are tuning into. When we talk about calibration, we are talking about pre paving. We are talking about vibrationally getting out ahead of the game so that you are in the reality you prefer to be in. You see many people that are not experiencing their desired reality in real time is because they are calibrating to what already is; to what's already manifested. However what's already manifested, & what you attract into your personal life experience, is simply a reflection of the frequency & vibration that you are being. In other words, your thoughts, feelings, & actions. The purpose of this video is to show you how you can calibrate to the reality that you prefer by gaining a deeper understanding of how the law of attraction comes into the mix with creating your preferred reality. By the time this video ends, you are going to know exactly what to do to shift your frequency to become a match to your desired reality & you WILL see the reflection in your personal, physical experience.  . . . # How To CALIBRATE Your Frequency To Give You A NEW REALITY | Parallel Reality Shifting, calibrate your frequency to give you a new reality, how to calibrate your frequency, how to calibrate your vibration to give you a new reality, how to calibrate your vibration, how to adjust your frequency to give you a new reality, how to adjust your frequency, how to shift to a new reality, calibration law of attraction, law of attraction, meditation with christopher, how to become a match to your desired reality, how to shift your frequency and vibration, how to calibrate to any reality, how to calibrate abraham hicks, abraham hicks law of attraction, meditation with christopher shift, meditation with christopher law of attraction, frequency calibration, frequency adjustment, fine tune your vibration, how to fine tune your vibration to match your desired reality, match your desired reality, match your DR, fine tune your vibration to match a new reality, parallel reality, parallel reality shifting, calibrate to a parallel reality

    5 min
  9. 10/11/2021

    Here's What Negative Situations REALLY Mean! | Law Of Attraction

    Here's What Negative Situations REALLY Mean! | Law Of Attraction . #contrast #lawofattraction #balance. Hey everyone! In this video. I'm sharing with you a deeper perspective & truth about the contrasting or negative situations in your life. You see contrast is part of the eternalness of the Universe & nature itself. Without it, there would be no expansion. When you can begin to see the contrasting or "negative" situations for what they really are; as a catalyst to give birth to new, personal desires from what life has caused you to ask for, than that's really when you after going to become the true deliberate creator of your life experience tat you have always intended to be. You even knew this before you came to Earth. You knew that you would be thrown into an environment from which there would be great variety, & you knew that life would naturally cause you to ask for new things. This is how all expansion happens. By the time this video ends, you are going to have a deeper understanding of your perfectly contrased environment, & you will no longer let "negative" situations affect you like they used to. . . . # here's what negative situations really mean, here's what negativity really means, the reason for negative situations, the reason for negativity, the reason for contrast, the purpose of contrast, what negative situations really mean law of attraction, meditation with christopher, contrast law of attraction, contrasting situations law of attraction, contrast abraham hicks, abraham hicks

    5 min
  10. 10/11/2021

    Positive Energy Boosting Guided Meditation | Refresh & Build POWERFUL Momentum | HIGH VIBRATION

    Positive Energy Boosting Guided Meditation | Refresh & Build POWERFUL Momentum | HIGH VIBRATION . #positiveenergy #highvibration #guidedmeditation. Hey everyone! This video will allow you to refresh yourself & cleanse your energy or vibration, allowing you to establish a new point of attraction to which all positive things gravitate to you! This meditation will allow you to find your perfect place of non resistance, allowing your vibration to rise to whole new levels! This is the perfect meditation to raise your vibration, & change the direction of the momentum you have going in a positive direction, or even simply boost the positive energy you already have going! Whatever you focus on grows in this Universe, & paying attention is an energy exchange. You see what you place your attention on, you are actually directing your life force energy into. Especially with your thoughts! Thoughts literally turn into things. Everything we manifest or experience in our life is based off of the thoughts we have been thinking, wanted or not. And the only problem is that many times we have habits of thought that we have been practicing which might not be serving our highest good. When you hold a thought for just 17 seconds even, you attract more things of similar resonance into your experience. For example, many people are focusing on the lack of what they want, or simply something they don't want to experience or be a part of. Then we end up creating more of what we don't want! That's why this meditation is going to help you to redirect your thoughts, or more so your vibration. It will allow you to again release resistance, let go of all negative momentum, & find an entirely new point of attraction to which all your good will easily flow to you!! . . . # Positive Energy Boosting Guided Meditation | Refresh & Build POWERFUL Momentum | HIGH VIBRATION, refresh and build powerful momentum, high vibration guided meditation, positive energy boost, positive energy guided meditation, guided meditation for boosting positive energy, boost positivity, raise your vibration, raise your vibration guided meditation, positive energy, positive energy boost, positive energy boosting, positive energy boosting meditation, positive energy boosting guided meditation, guided meditation for boosting energy, guided meditation for boosting positive energy, meditation for boosting positive energy, guided meditation for positive energy, guided meditation for positive vibrations, guided meditation for high vibration, guided meditation for high vibrations, positive vibration boosting, positive vibration boosting guided meditation, meditation with christopher, positive energy boost frequency, positive energy frequency, positive energy frequency boosting

    15 min
  11. 10/11/2021

    Shift To PERSONA 5 Guided Meditation | Reunite With The PHANTOM THIEVES | A New Adventure Begins!

    Shift To PERSONA 5 Guided Meditation | Reunite With The PHANTOM THIEVES | A New Adventure Begins! . #Shifting #Guidedmeditation #Persona5. Welcome to the Persona 5 Shifting Guided Meditation! In this video you will be able to have the full on experience of reuniting with the phantom thieves as the one & only Joker. From your very own POV, you will experience yourself in the Persona 5 reality by using this Persona 5 shifting guided meditation. First, you will be guided to a relaxed, deep meditative state of being where you can easily shift your consciousness to the Persona 5 reality with ease. Allow this meditation to be fun, & easy by simply focusing on having fun! Treat this video like your favorite video game, or book, manga even. In other words, using your imagination; the power of the mind to help shape your experience is how all manifestation is done in ANY reality.  After being guided to a relaxed state of being with 432 Hz music, your brain will enter the Theta brainwave state giving you powerful, intense, visualizations. You will then be guided to a powerful, multidimensional portal where you will shift your consciousness to the Persona 5 reality. This guided meditation is intended to allow you to experience Persona 5 like never before, in real time, from your very own POV. You must dive in yourself to find out what will happen while you are there!  . . . # Shift To PERSONA 5 Guided Meditation | Reunite With The PHANTOM THIEVES | A New Adventure Begins!, shift to persona 5, shift to persona 5 royal, shift to persona 5 strikers, shift to persona 5 meditation, shift to persona 5 royal meditation, shift to persona 5 strikers meditation, shift to persona 5 guided meditation, shift to persona 5 royal guided meditation, shift to persona 5 strikers guided meditation, persona 5 shifting guided meditation, persona 5 royal shifting guided meditation, persona 5 subs, persona 5 shifting subs, shifting subs, shifting subliminals, shifting guided meditation, persona 5 subs, persona 5 shifting subs guided meditation, persona 5 shifting, persona 5 guided meditation, persona 5 shifting meditation subliminal, meditation with christopher, meditation with christopher shift, shifting guided meditation dream reality shifting, desired reality meditation

    39 min
  12. 10/12/2020

    Positive Affirmation Guided Sleep Meditation | Reprogram Your Mind For Manifestation

    Positive Affirmation Guided Sleep Meditation | Reprogram Your Mind For Manifestation  . #positiveaffirmations #sleepmeditation #subconsciousmind . Hey what's up you guys welcome back to another video, I'm very excited to share this guided sleep meditation I have created. This meditation is meant to positively impact your mind, body, and energy levels through affirmations and positive aspects about the Universe.  With the tone set with 528 hz music in the background, an ancient healing frequency, you are guaranteed to have raised your vibration to a whole new level, reprogrammed your mind in a positive way to attract miracles and manifest with the combination of that and the channeled work I put into the voice audio with love and nothing but wishing to send positive blessings and energy to all who listen.  528 hz relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase "MI-ra gestorum" in Latin meaning "miracle." Stunningly, this is the frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA - the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.  Music itself has also been proven to have not only a huge effect on our vibration, but our mind. Especially the subconscious mind. Like when you listen to a song just once that maybe a friend of yours had played, and then it's stuck in your head for the next day, that is the power of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind speaks in images mostly, which rains supreme during your dreams. Music will create patterns in the brain which then leads to thought which leads to more things for everyone.  That's another reason why this guided sleep meditation was designed to listen to while you go to sleep, it is the time where your brain enters a theta wave state allowing your subconscious mind to be more active and receptive. Listen to this meditation every night for a few weeks and what will happen is every time that you do, you will have repgroammed your subconscious mind a little more, and increasing your vibrational setpoint. Your outer reality which is a blank slate mirror reflecting your internal condition and energetic vibration, will begin to reflect back changes to you instantly but more and more as you reprogram / rewire. You will begin to build positive momentum around your new vibration & mindset, effortlessly. . . . Guided Meditations With Chris - . Raise Your Vibration Playlist - . Angel Numbers / Numerology Playlist - . 5D Reality Playlist - . The 7 Chakras Playlist - . Spiritual Awakening Series - . . . Instagram @ meditationwithchris . 1 on 1 guided meditation services over video chat and law of attraction coaching  . . . Affirmations, positive affirmations, affirmations while you sleep, sleep meditation with affirmations, positive aspects, appreciation affirmations, meditation, meditation while you sleep, sleep meditation, guided sleep meditation, guided meditation with affirmations, 528hz, 528hz frequency, 528hz frequency sleep meditation, 528hz frequency sleep meditation, 528hz sleep meditation, manifest while you sleep, manifest money, love and success music, manifestation music, attract love music, law of attraction, law of attraction music, law of attraction guided sleep meditation

    3h 33m

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Become a Paid Subscriber: On this channel you will find tons of content on spirituality, becoming your greatest version, & leveraging the laws of the Universe to your advantage such as the powerful Law of Attraction. Most of the content was transferred from my YouTube channel, Meditation With Christopher, so keep in mind they we're originally videos! Will be making new podcasts as well. Stay tuned! Note that some YouTube content couldn't transfer & you won't find all of my content here.

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