Bienvenue chez « Ask Stago », le Podcast fournissant des réponses d'expert à vos questions d'expert en hémostase. Dans l'épisode d'aujourd'hui, notre invitée Karine Carrière expliquera plus en détail ce qu'est l'agrégation plaquettaire, comment la mesurer et dans quelles indications elle est utilisée. Comme toujours, n’hésitez pas à nous poser vos questions à et nous serons heureux d’y répondre. Pour en savoir plus : Littérature : Born GVR. Aggregation of blood platelets by adenosine disphosphate and its reversal. Nature 1962; 194: 927 – 929. O’Brien JR. Platelet aggregation. II. Some results from a new method of study. J Clin Pathol 1962; 15: 452-458. Caen JP, Michel H. Platelet shape change and aggregation. Nature 1972; 240 (5377): 148-149. Holmsen H. Platelet metabolism and activation Semin Hematol. 1985; 22 (3): 2 19-40. Kinlough-Rathbone RL, Packham MA, Mustard JF. Platelet aggregation in Methods in Hematology, Churchill Livingstone, New-York 1983; 8: 64-91. Zhou L, Schmaier AH. Platelet aggregation testing in platelet-rich plasma: description of procedures with the aim to develop standards in the field. Am J Clin Pathol 2005; 123 (2): 172-183. Hvas AM, Favaloro EJ. Platelet function analyzed by light transmission aggregometry. Methods Mol Biol 2017; 1646: 321-331. Christie DJ, Avari T, Carrington LR, Cohen E, DeBiase BA, Harrison P, Kickler TS, Kottke-Marchant K, Ledford-Kraemer M, Rand ML, Schmaier AH, McCabe White M. Platelet function testing by aggregometry: approved guidelines, H58-A. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Wayne, PA, USA 2008; 28 (31): 1-45. Frontroth, J.P.; Favaloro, E.J. Ristocetin-Induced Platelet Aggregation (RIPA) and RIPA Mixing Studies. Methods Mol. Biol. 2017, 1646, 473–494. Hayward CPM, Pai M, Liu Y, Moffat KA, Seecharan J, Weber KE, Cook RJ, Heddle NM. Diagnostic utility of light transmission platelet aggregometry: results from a prospective study of individuals referred for bleeding disorders assessments. J Throm Haemost 2009; 7 (4): 676-684 Cattaneo M., Hayward CP, Moffat KA, Pugliano MT, Liu Y, Michelson AD. Results of a worldwide survey on the assessment of platelet function by light transmission aggregometry: a report from the platelet physiology subcommittee of the SSCC of the ISTH. J. Thromb Haemost 2009; 7: 1029 Hayward CPM, Moffat KA, Raby A, Israels S, Plumhoff E, Flynn G, Zehnder J.L. Development of North American consensus guidelines for medical laboratories that perform and interpret platelet function testing using light transmission aggregometry. Am J Clin Pathol 2010; 134: 955-963. Harrison P, Mackie I, Mumford A, Briggs C, Liesner R, Winter M, Machin S. British Committee for Standards in Haematology. Guidelines for the laboratory investigation of heritable disorders of platelet function. Br J Haematol 2011; 155: 30-44 Dawood BB, Lowe GC, Lordkipanidze M, Bem D, Daly ME, Makris M, Mumford A, Wilde JT, Watson SP. Evaluation of participants with suspected heritable platelet function disorder including recommendation and validation of a streamlined agonist panel. Blood 2012; 120 (25): 5041-5049. Cattaneo M, Cerletti C, Harrison P, Hayward CPM, Kenny D, Nugent D, Nurden P, Rao KA, Schmaier AH, Watson SP, Lussana F, Pugliano MT. Recommendations for the standardization of light transmission aggregometry: a consensus of the working party from the platelet physiology subcommittee of SSC/ISTH. J Throm Haemost 2013; 11: 1183-1189. Rao AK. Inherited platelet function disorders: overview and disorders of granules, secretion, and signal transduction. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 2013; 27 (3): 585-611. Nurden AT, Nurden P. Inherited disorders of platelet function: selected updates. J Thromb Haemost 2015; 13 (Suppl 1): 2-9. Frelinger AL 3rd, Gachet C, Mumford AD, Noris P, Mezzano D, Harrison P, Gresele P. Laboratory monitoring P2Y12 inhibitors communication from the SSC of the ISTH. J Throm Haemost 2018; 16 (11): 2341-2346 Podda G, Scavone M, Femia EA, Cattaneo M. Aggregometry in the settings of thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis and antiplatelet therapy. Platelets 2018; 29 (7): 644-649. Hayward CPM, Moffat KA, Brunet J, Carlino SA, Plumhoff E, Meijer P, Zehnder JL. Update on diagnostic testing for platelet function disorders: What is pratical and useful? Int J Lab Hematol 2019; 41 (Suppl 1): 26-32 Gresele P, Orsini S, Noris P, Falcinelli E, Alleci MC, Bury L, Borhany M, Santoro C, Glembotsky AC, Cid AR, Tosetto A, De Candia E, Fontan P, Guglielmini G, Pecci A, BAT-VAL study investigators (57). Validation of the ISTH/SSC bleeding assessment tool for inherited platelet disorders: A communication from the Platelet Physiology SSC. J Thromb Haemost 2020; 18 (3): 732:739. Rabbolini D, Connor D, Morel-Kopp MC, Donikian D, Kondo M, Chen W, Alessi MC, Stevenson W, Chen V, Joseph J, Brighton C, Ward C, Sydney Platelet Group. An integrated approach to inherited platelet disorders: results from a research collaborative, the Sydney Platelet Group. Pathology 2020; 52 (2): 243-255. Le contenu est de nature scientifique et technique. Il se veut un outil pédagogique pour les professionnels de laboratoire et les sujets abordés ne sont pas destinés à être des recommandations ou des commentaires sur la pratique clinique appropriée.