
Jordan Youkilis

Exploring the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. entangledpodcast.substack.com

  1. 1D AGO

    84 - Brad Yates: Tapping, Stress Relief, Wrath & Love

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. I’m your host, Jordan Youkilis, and in this episode, I’m joined by Brad Yates, founder of Tap with Brad. In this conversation, Brad describes his journey from actor to hypnotherapist to coaching with the healing modality of tapping. Brad explains how tapping helped cure his chocolate cravings, and the relationship between tapping, acupuncture, and energy meridians. Next, we discuss Emotional Freedom Techniques and how tapping serves to release stress. We then talk about the reluctance of Western medicine to incorporate Eastern energy healing, and proceed with a live demonstration of tapping, which Brad considers a form of energy hygiene. We experiment with tapping as a means of breaking addiction. We consider the importance of loving yourself, and of integrating your spiritual and physical bodies. Brad highlights how self-sabotage is simply a misguided form of self-love. We then discuss the release of trauma at subluxated points in the nervous system, with a specific focus on the connection between my right foot and feelings of wrath. We consider how we humans have a tendency to push people away from us as a defense mechanism. We end the discussion on God, love and worthiness. This outro is titled: “Tapping: Emotional Freedom Techniques”. Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, X, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: TEO – “Tarantella Napoletana”. Outro: “Tapping: Emotional Freedom Techniques”. Recorded: 6/26/24. Published: 3/25/25. Check out the resources referenced: * Tap With Brad: https://www.tapwithbrad.com/ * The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk: https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    1h 46m
  2. FEB 26

    83 - Is Consciousness the Unified Field? Evidence for a New Paradigm of Reality

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. I’m your host, Jordan Youkilis, and in this episode, I share my capstone paper. I wrote this essay to complete my Master of Arts in Consciousness & Human Potential at Maharishi International University last month. This paper is titled “Is Consciousness the Unified Field? Evidence for a New Paradigm of Reality”. The capstone prompt was “The Application of Maharishi Vedic Science to Solve a Problem in Society.” The final research paper explores practical outcomes of Maharishi Vedic Science — how the principles brought out by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi can practically address current problems, such as education, government, school violence, PTSD, striving from full human development, need for creativity, etc. In “Is Consciousness the Unified Field?”, I propose that the Vedic concept of the field of pure consciousness and the self-interacting field of modern string theory are one and the same. I first describe the history of our current paradigm of reality, one defined by materialism, reductionism, and determinism. I then highlight anomalous phenomena which do not fit the materialist paradigm, including the hard problem of consciousness, the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement, the mystical experience, and higher states of consciousness. I then argue that consciousness is fundamental, and that matter is the illusion. Next, I explain how these anomalous phenomenon can be explained by a consciousness-based paradigm of reality as proposed by Maharishi Vedic Science. I conclude with thoughts on what this paradigm shift in our understanding of ultimate reality could mean for the future of humanity. If you enjoy this essay and are interested in learning more about Maharishi Vedic Science, check out the rest of the miniseries in Entangled episodes 47-53 and 82. Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, X, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. To the faculty and staff of MIU, thank you for the education of a lifetime. To the 2025 MIU graduates, congratulations! You watered the root, time to enjoy the fruit. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: Kick Lee – “New Heights”. Published: 2/25/25. Check out the resources referenced: * Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein: https://www.ibiblio.org/ebooks/Einstein/Einstein_Relativity.pdf * Galileo’s Error by Philip Goff: https://www.amazon.com/Galileos-Error-Foundations-Science-Consciousness/dp/1524747963 * “Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences having substantial and sustained personal meaning and spiritual significance”: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-006-0457-5 * “Is Consciousness the Unified Field? A Field Theorist’s Perspective” by Dr. John Hagelin: https://www.miu.edu/pdf_msvs/v01/hagelin.pdf * Spontaneous Evolution by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman: https://www.amazon.com/Spontaneous-Evolution-Positive-Future-There/dp/1401926312 * Maharishi Vedic University by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: https://miupress.org/product/introduction-to-maharishi-vedic-university/ * Science of Being and Art of Living by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: https://miupress.org/product/science-of-being-and-art-of-living/ * Consciousness Is All There Is by Dr. Tony Nader: https://miupress.org/product/consciousness-is-all-there-is/ * Consciousness and the Quantum by Robert Oates, Jr.: https://miupress.org/product/consciousness-and-the-quantum-1/ * The Supreme Awakening by Craig Pearson: https://miupress.org/product/consciousness-and-the-quantum-1/ * The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbott: https://www.amazon.com/Holographic-Universe-Revolutionary-Theory-Reality/dp/0062014102 * Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas: https://www.amazon.com/Cosmos-Psyche-Intimations-World-View/dp/0452288592 * Your Brain is a River, Not a Rock by Dr. Fred Travis: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Brain-River-Not-Rock/dp/B0BQNQWRP9 * “Transcendental experiences during meditation practice” by Dr. Fred Travis: https://doi.org/10.1111/nyas.1231 * “Relation between Psychedelic and Transcendental Experiences” by Dr. Fred Travis: https://doi.org/10.5539/ijps.v14n4p31 This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    41 min
  3. FEB 17

    82 - Dr. Sue Brown, Ph.D.: Bhagavad Gita, the Song of the Lord

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. I’m your host, Jordan Youkilis, and in this episode, I interview my professor, Dr. Sue Brown, on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. This episode serves as part of the Maharishi Vedic Science miniseries, so if you enjoy this discussion, check out the rest of the series in episodes 47-53. In this conversation, Dr. Brown and I discuss the Bhagavad Gita’s setting on a battlefield, the ultimate location of conflict and extreme differences. We discuss how the battlefield is symbolic of the challenges people face in the world. Dr. Brown describes how to go inward to the field of unity in order to transcend these conflicts. Next, we consider this act of transcending as the essence of the Bhagavad Gita, and the practice of Transcendental Meditation as a pathway for avoiding war. Sue describes Chapter 2, Verses 45 and 48 as master keys to unlocking the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita. We discuss the events of the Gita in the broader context of the Mahabharata in which they take place. From there, Dr. Brown explains how Maharishi’s commentary differs from those of other sages throughout the ages. We consider the universal field of consciousness, which our individual brains reflect. We discuss how Krishna helps Arjuna navigate the conflict between his heart and mind, between the collective consciousness demands for him to defend his people while also having compassion for the family members on the opposing force whom he must kill. Dr. Brown and I discuss how the human dilemmas captured in the Bhagavad Gita are universal issues, encountered throughout the ages. Next, we consider Samkhya (theoretical) and Yoga (practical) knowledge contained in the Gita. We discuss how Arjuna reconciles the sin of murder and war with the transcendental forces of collective consciousness. We consider the time period of the Bhagavad Gita, and the similarities with our current Kali Yuga – an age of stress. We discuss the opportunity we currently have to usher in Satya Yuga, a time of construction and creativity. From there, we dive into Chapter 3 and ideas of Yagya, Dharma, Karma Yoga, the path of action, and Gyana Yoga, the path of knowledge. We discuss why the danger of following another’s dharma is more dangerous than death. We then discuss Chapter 4 and how action and renunciation of action are two sides of the same coin. We consider misinterpretations of the Gita, including those who view renunciation/detachment as a necessary state of life, rather than as a state of consciousness. We consider the rise and fall of knowledge throughout time. Dr. Brown explains why Maharishi chose to emphasize his teachings on the practical effect of enlightenment, not just the theoretical knowledge. We discuss the four pillars of Yoga – Raja, Karma, Bhakti and Gyana Yoga, and the concept of Moksha, or liberation. We consider how action in accordance with natural law leads to spontaneous right action, and how the path of enlightenment is one of effortlessness and bliss. We then discuss Krishna’s final words to Arjuna in Chapter 6, his guidance: “Therefore, be a Yogi.”. We end the conversation discussing the state of unity consciousness and how Brahmin consciousness refers to regaining memory of totality. Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, X, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: Suraj Nepal featuring Rohit Manandhar – “Rhythm of the Soul”. Outro: “The Soul of the Bhagavad Gita” (starts at 1:31:52). Recorded: 10/1/24. Published: 2/17/25. Check out the resources referenced: * Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: https://miupress.org/product/maharishi-mahesh-yogi-on-the-bhagavad-gita-a-new-translation-and-commentary-chapters-1-6-hardcover/ * Consciousness is All There Is by Dr. Tony Nader: https://miupress.org/product/consciousness-is-all-there-is/ This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    2h 6m
  4. FEB 3

    81 - How Did the Egyptians Know Consciousness?

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. I’m your host, Jordan Youkilis, and this episode - how did the Egyptians know consciousness - continues episode 80, my interview with Chance Gardner. We start with a overview of Schwaller de Lubicz groundbreaking work on symbolist Egypt called The Temple of Man, and how it inspired the life’s work of John Anthony West. Next, we dive into consciousness and the correspondence cipher – focusing on the research conducted by Chance and a team of researchers to explore the knowledge of consciousness embedded in the art and architecture of ancient Egypt. We then discuss cycles of consciousness, the golden scission, and snakes. From there, we consider alchemy as the holy of holies in the temple of consciousness. We end this episode discussing the exalted star Regulus and the age of Aquarius. If you’re listening to this episode audio only, I recommend you pull up the text & image version on entangledpodcast.substack.com as a companion, as the images are critical to understanding this episode. Alternatively, the video version of this podcast is available on Substack as well as X (@entangledpod). Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: Alon Peretz – “Cairo Fever”. Published: 2/3/25. Check out the resources referenced: * Magical Egypt: https://www.magicalegypt.com/ * The Temple of Man by R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Temple-of-Man/R-A-Schwaller-de-Lubicz/9780892815708 * Serpent in the Sky by John Anthony West: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/910226.Serpent_in_the_Sky * The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/183683.The_Secret_Teachings_of_All_Ages This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    1h 42m
  5. 12/26/2024

    80 – Chance Gardner: Magical Egypt, Symbols, Heka, Temple of Set, & Sacred Art

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. Today I’m joined by Chance Gardner, artist and producer of the Magical Egypt series. In this conversation, we discuss pioneer of ancient Egypt research, John Anthony West, and how his book Serpent in the Sky influenced Chance’s interest in Egypt. We consider the two models of ancient Egypt, and the importance of icons and symbols. We discuss Eastern philosophy as top down and Western as bottoms up. Next, we discuss the principle of “As above, so below”, and the significance of organic geometry. From there, we discuss the neters of Egyptian mythology as “principles”, not “gods”. We talk about Edgar Mitchell’s kundalini experience returning from the moon, and the concept of different planes of self. Chance considers cities as people farms, predicated on us not knowing our true nature. We consider the 128 sidhis known to the ancient Egyptians, serving as deeper organs of perception. Chance describes Angkor Wat as the stairway to heaven, and how it contains the secrets of kundalini. We discuss devas and asuras, and what they tell us about the history of humanity. We then discuss esoteric art and the recurrence of the third eye in Eastern spiritual traditions. From there, we talk about white and black magic and differentials in power. We discuss how the meaning of myth has been inverted, and consider evil as an interruption to the organizational pattern. We then discuss fraternal orders and ceremonial magic. Chance and I consider where humanity is within the yuga cycle, and reference the Three Body Problem. Chance discusses mandalas and their impact on brain coherence, and how hieroglyphics serve as a lesson in syncretism. Next, Chance explains how he first met John Anthony West and get involved in Magical Egypt. We talk about the age of the Sphinx, and theorize about its missing partner. We discuss the moon voyages and whether the public footage of those events has been edited and censored. Chance describes the hypnogogic realms and how the mind unfurls in higher dimensions. We consider the intersection of Egyptology, intelligence agencies, and the phallus of Osiris. Chance describes anamnesis as the recognition of fundamental truth. We then discuss how Heka differs from our traditional understanding of magic, and discuss hierarchies of consciousness. Chance describes how ceremonial magic attracts more nefarious individuals like Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set. We discuss Disneyland and Club 33, and the tradition of human sacrifice. Next, we talk about the relationship between Egypt and Atlantis. Chance describes how the ancient Egyptians used sacred art to record the structure and functioning of consciousness. We end this conversation discussing how the brain is built to work in symbols. This Outro is titled “How Did the Egyptians Know Consciousness?” and begins at episode 81. Outros are available for this and all episodes at entangledpodcast.substack.com. Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. This one is a wild ride, even for my crazy ass show. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro/Outro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: The Children Of Music Project Choir – “Amazing Grace”. Recorded: 04/03/24. Published: 12/25/24. Outro: “How Did the Egyptians Know Consciousness?” starts at episode 81. Check out the resources mentioned: * Magical Egypt: https://www.magicalegypt.com/#magical-egypt-season-4-starring-john-anthony-west-heka * Heka: https://www.magicalegypt.org/watchheka * In the Dark Places of Wisdom by Peter Kingsley: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/826512.In_the_Dark_Places_of_Wisdom * The Master and His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6968772-the-master-and-his-emissary This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    2h 47m
  6. 12/12/2024

    79 - 2024 Election Reactions (John D & Tolon Lijoi)

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. Today I’m joined by my friends Tolon Lijoi and John D, as we react to the 2024 election results. Tolon explains why he is more optimistic than he’s ever been about politics, despite his qualms with Trump’s first administration. John highlights the issues around which Republicans coalesced, including illegal immigration. We discuss the lack of substance in the Democrat’s policy platform, and the widening gap within the American electorate since the COVID pandemic. We consider the hypocrisy of the Russiagate collusion narrative relative to the corruption of Biden’s family in Ukraine, including the suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Next, we consider the failure of the Afghanistan withdraw and the disastrous handling of the Ukraine War. We question what happened to the anti-war left, and why the “my body, my choice” advocates were silent to the coercion used during the mRNA vaccine rollout. We consider the role played by blackmail in this election cycle, and whether there is significant overlap in the Diddy/Epstein lists relative to the elites who endorsed Kamala Harris. Next, we discuss the craziness of the mid-summer election period. Over two weeks, Donald Trump narrowly avoided assassination. Shortly thereafter, his opponent, Joe Biden, was replaced by a candidate, Kamala Harris, in an effective coup led by Democrat party elites & their donors. We then consider the information gap for the election between those on X versus those who get their news from the legacy media. From there, we discuss the development of wokism, victim mentality, and statism. We discuss declining birth rates, the attack on the nuclear family, inflation and the income tax. We get into pardons for Russ Ulbricht, Julian Assange & Edward Snowden and the impact of tariffs. We consider Bitcoin, whether the USD could be strengthened by holding crypto reserves in treasury, and the dangers of CBDCs. Next, we discuss climate change, the control of energy, and the strengths of nuclear power. We talk about the shift in the youth vote to the right, and how this was impacted by the Free Palestine protests on college campuses. We consider how the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) will play out, and the dangerous behaviors exhibited by certain individuals during the pandemic. From there, we discuss the role Libertarians played in the election, how their influence can be seen in the modern Republican party’s platform, and whether the landscape is opening for a third political party. We talk about the issues of corporate consolidation, oligopoly and regulatory capture and discuss how we can fix our food supply. We consider the impact of gentrification and the rise in housing prices. We end the conversation on overcoming “black pilling”, concerns we’d had about civil unrest related to the election, and an optimistic outlook for the future of America. This Outro is titled “DJT for the Win! The People’s Champion and the Political Comeback of the Century”. Outros are available for this and all episodes at entangledpodcast.substack.com. Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro/Outro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: Ziv Moran – “Freedom Mile”. Recorded: 11/13/24. Published: 12/12/24. Outro: “DJT for the Win! The People’s Champion and the Political Comeback of the Century” starts at 2:30:45. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    2h 58m
  7. 11/19/2024

    78 – Michael McPadden: Genesis to Revelation

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. Today I’m joined by Michael McPadden, author of Genesis to Revelation: Abraham's Promise Finding Christ and Seeing God.  In this conversation, Michael describes his journey from Navy pilot to airline captain, and ultimately to researcher of mythology. Michael discusses various translations of ancient scripture, and we discuss the first three chapters of Genesis. Michael explains “Bereshit bara Elohim”, or when the Gods began to create, and that the name of God reads I am, I become. Michael relates how the 1st chapter of Genesis explains the creation of reality in the same manner as quantum physics, and how several verses describe wave-particle duality. Chapter two continues with “The Myth of the Man and His Life”, or the development of the human psyche. In chapter 3, Michael explains the myth of the serpent and the woman, with the serpent a representation of our unconscious brain. Next, we consider the heroes journey as an outline for the human soul, and how the Bible contains 100s of heroes’ journeys. Next, we consider the journey of Abraham from Sumer to Canaan, the tree of knowledge and the tree of life. Michael then considers the physical manifestation of Christ as the key to unlocking our spiritual selves, escaping the trap of the ego. The New Testament starts with the call to adventure. That call is answered by the early Christians through proelpizo, or an early expectation of Christ. Michael and I discuss how belief is what creates our reality. From there, Michael describes the Book of Revelation as the journey of the human soul. He relates the four horsemen of the Apocalypse as the lust of flesh, lust of eye, and pride of life, in pursuit of the white rider. Next, we discuss the historical life of Christ and the structure of the New Testament. We talk about how to “be like children, how to pray without ceasing” and discuss the two-step process into temptation. We discuss the meaning of life as to be conformed to the state of Christ and to become the men and women we’re meant to be. We conclude the conversation discussing Moses, the Burning Bush, and the events of Exodus. This Outro is titled “Cosmogony: How Existence Comes to Be”. Outros are available for this and all episodes at entangledpodcast.substack.com. Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro/Outro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: Romeo – “End of an Era”. Recorded: 03/12/2024. Published: 11/19/2024. Outro: “Cosmogony: How Existence Comes to Be” starts at 1:16:30. Check out the Resources Mentioned: * Genesis to Revelation: Abraham's Promise Finding Christ and Seeing God by Michael McPadden: https://www.amazon.com/Genesis-Revelation-Abrahams-Promise-Finding-ebook/dp/B0CJ731LGW?ref_=ast_author_dp * GenesistoRev (Twitter): https://x.com/genesistorev * Michael’s Amazon Website: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Michael-Gerard-McPadden/author/B0CJ8CDFWZ?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    1h 27m
  8. 11/04/2024

    77 – Trump 2024: MAGA, or How I Recovered from TDS (Pt. 2)

    Hello, and welcome to Entangled! The podcast where we explore the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. This is Trump 2024: MAGA, or How I Recovered from TDS (Part 2). In part one, I discussed how I recovered from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). We then considered a January 2017 interview between Rachel Maddow and Chuck Schumer, in which Schumer threatens, “the intelligence community has six ways from Sunday at getting back” at Donald Trump. We explored specific examples of those six ways, including: * Framing Collusion with Russia in 2016 * Impeachment for Investigating Biden’s Corruption in Ukraine * Colluding to Rig the 2020 Election In part two, we continue with: * Framing Insurrection on January 6, 2021 * Weaponizing the Department of Justice in the 2024 Election * Assassination We then ask, how did the Deep State get so deep? I share final thoughts on Donald J. Trump: the once & future president. The essay concludes with a book of apocalyptic scripture, The Nature of the Rulers, or The Hypostasis of the Archons. Essays available for this and all episodes at entangledpodcast.substack.com. Music from the show is available on the Spotify playlist “Entangled – The Vibes”. If you like the show, please drop a 5-star review and subscribe on Substack, Spotify, Apple or wherever you listen to podcasts. Please enjoy the episode! Music: Intro/Outro: Ben Fox - "The Vibe". End Credits: Roie Shpigler – “Playing with Light”. Published: 11/04/24. This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit entangledpodcast.substack.com

    3 hr

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Exploring the science of consciousness, the true nature of reality, and what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. entangledpodcast.substack.com

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