The Joyful Health Show: A Non-Diet Wellness Podcast for Christians

Kasey Shuler
The Joyful Health Show: A Non-Diet Wellness Podcast for Christians

Cut through the weeds of wellness rules and learn to trust God's good design for your body. Discover joyful health by grace: intuitive eating, joyful movement, embodiment and mental well-being for Christians. If you feel distracted by all the wellness advice out there, drained from trying to do it all, and discouraged when you feel further from health than where you started, we see you. As a non-diet personal trainer and author with over 10 years of experience, I get it—I've been there myself. Now, I'm on a mission to help you cultivate rhythms for your health that are no longer stressful, but joyful. Each episode I'll interview intuitive health professionals and Christian leaders to answer your biggest questions about joyful health. We'll talk research and practical application while exposing the lies you might be believing and pointing you back to Jesus. This podcast will help you learn to rest in God's grace as you follow the Joy of the Lord for your health. Welcome, we're so happy you're here. Learn -> Connect -> Community -> Instagram -> @joyfulhealthco If you're ready to discover joyful health by grace, start here: Step 1: Ditch the diet mindset with our weekly devotions: Step 2: Level-up your Christian non-diet education with our membership: Step 3: Work 1:1 with a registered dietitian from our team:

  1. 3 DAYS AGO

    Episode 90: Can I Be Free From Disordered Eating But Still Fighting? With Tracy Brown, Rd

    In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey and registered dietitian Tracy Brown discuss the question so many of us ask, “can I be free from disordered eating and still be fighting it?” If you’re in the midst of, or even at the end of your pursuit of a healthy relationship with food and body and you find yourself being tempted back into the pressures of weight loss, body ideals and perfect health practices, you may feel discouraged. In those moments of temptation we often wonder whether we can ever be free from the grips of disordered eating, whether we really will be able to stand strong amidst all of society’s pressure to focus on thinness and perfect eating. Tracy Brown is a  trauma informed nutrition therapist/eating disorder dietitian, stress recovery coach and nutrition counseling skills teacher, and she brings so much hope to us on this topic!  In This Episode We Discuss: The nuances of freedom with food and body The realities of ongoing trial and spiritual battles during the sanctification process Practical steps we can take to keep moving forward in our freedom We pray this episode encourages you to keep fighting the good fight of faith in your journey with food and body, and in all areas of your life! As we say in the Non-Diet Christian Academy, free and fighting, saved and sanctifying!   👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.🙋‍♀️ Get Christian intuitive eating coaching and education with our monthly membership. Start your free 14-day trial here.✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here.Learn more at joyfulhealth.coConnect with us on Social Media Instagram: @joyfulhealthcoFacebook Community: Joyful Health CoYoutube: @joyfulhealthco

    44 min
  2. FEB 4

    Episode 89: Does God Care about What I Eat? with Kristin Williams, RD

    In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey interviews Kristin Williams, RD and eating disorder specialist in Dallas, Texas. Kristin shares how she helps her clients pursue health as a way to honor God instead of making wellness an idol in her life.  In This Episode We Discuss: The deeper question to consider for our food choices If God doesn't have rules for food, can we eat whatever we want? What is God's will for us around food?  Kristin encourages us to prayerfully meditate on 2 Kings 6:16-17 and allow God to open our eyes to see the spiritual warfare that battles for our hearts and God's sure victory: "'Do not be afraid,' Elisha answered, 'for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.' Then Elisha prayed, 'O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see.'" If you are wondering what God wants for your relationship with food, may this verse lead you forward in the Lord.   ☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.🙋‍♀️ Get Christian intuitive eating coaching and education with our monthly membership. Start your free 14-day trial here.✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here.Learn more at joyfulhealth.coConnect with us on Social MediaInstagram: @joyfulhealthcoFacebook Community: Joyful Health CoYoutube: @joyfulhealthco

    40 min
  3. JAN 21

    Episode 88: 4 Steps to Overcome Autoimmunity for Christian Women with Alexandra Yu

    In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey interviews Alexandra Yu, registered nurse and the voice behind the Her Holistic Healing podcast. Alexandra shares her personal testimony of learning to lean on God for her health and shares tips for those struggling with autoimmune conditions. In This Episode We Discuss: What autoimmunity is and how it affects us physically and spiritually 4 steps Christian women with autoimmunity can take to come to a solution with the Lord The importance of being obedient while trusting the outcome to God In Matthew 11:28 Jesus encourages us “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” We pray this episode helps you experience the true rest of Christ in your health journey.    👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.🙋‍♀️ Get Christian intuitive eating coaching and education with our monthly membership. Start your free 14-day trial here.✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here.Learn more at joyfulhealth.coConnect with us on Social Media Instagram: @joyfulhealthcoFacebook Community: Joyful Health CoYoutube: @joyfulhealthco

    35 min
  4. 12/31/2024

    Episode 86: Lessons From 2024 Wellness Trends: What Worked and What Didn't

    For this last episode of 2024, Kasey unpacks the top wellness trends we saw this year. She explores what worked, what didn’t, and what we can learn from each trend. She discusses  the common wellness traps to look out for in 2025 trends, and points us to gospel as our guide post for what is and isn’t profitable. In This Episode We Discuss: The top wellness trends of 2024 across the board including mental health, nutrition, fitness, and technology advancements. What worked and what didn’t work How to keep the main thing (Jesus)  the main thing and grow wiser for the future We pray this episode helps you grow in wisdom and grace, and sets your feet on a firmer foundation for 2025.  We hope it aids in the work we’re all called to in Romans 12:2 to “not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” 👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.🙋‍♀️ Get Christian intuitive eating coaching and education with our monthly membership. Start your free 14-day trial here.✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here.Learn more at joyfulhealth.coConnect with us on Social Media Instagram: @joyfulhealthcoFacebook Community: Joyful Health CoYoutube: @joyfulhealthco

    36 min
  5. 12/10/2024

    Episode 85: Taking Care of Yourself as a Busy Mom Without Feeling Selfish With Laura Lindahl

    In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey interviews pre and postnatal fitness coach Laura Lindahl about her body neutral approach for Christian moms. In addition to discussing Laura’s journey with body neutral training Kasey and Laura dive into mom guilt, how it affects our health habits, and where it’s rooted, and how to view it in light of the gospel.  In This Episode We Discuss: Why moms often feel guilty for taking care of themselves The difference between spiritual conviction and false guilt / shame and how to determine which one we’re dealing with when it comes to mom guilt. Pursuing health and wellness God’s way. Whether you’re a mom yourself or know a mom, we hope this podcast blesses and equips you to spread the hope of God’s grace and love in the area of fitness.  👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.🙋‍♀️ Get Christian intuitive eating coaching and education with our monthly membership. Start your free 14-day trial here.✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here. Learn more at joyfulhealth.coConnect with us on Social Media Instagram: @joyfulhealthcoFacebook Community: Joyful Health CoYoutube: @joyfulhealthco

    46 min
  6. 11/26/2024

    Episode 84: 3 Things to Focus on for a Non-Diet Holiday Season

    It's almost impossible to avoid the rules and stress of diet and wellness culture during the holiday season, so how can we lean into the grace of God when we are with family and everyone's differing opinions on food? In this mini-episode of the Joyful Health Show, I'll break down three key areas to focus on during the holiday season to reduce stress and enhance joy so God can be glorified during our time together. You can remember these 3 key areas by the letter C: 1. Christ: Worship and prayer does wonders to awaken your spirit to the joy around you, immediately diminishing stress and worry 2. Community: Notice and appreciate those who are around you this holiday season, even as you might be grieving the loss of others. 3. Common grace: No matter what's on the table or in the conversation, we can all give thanks for how God blesses each of us without needing to earn His love. Listen in for the 3 things to not focus on this holiday season so you can let more go and let peace reign! May you rest in His grace and find joy in the season. 00:00 Welcome to the Joyful Health Show 00:51 Focusing on Christ During the Holidays 03:15 The Importance of Community 05:41 Embracing Common Grace 07:47 Letting Go of Calorie Counting 09:53 Handling Comments with Grace 15:08 Managing Expectations 19:10 Resources and Final Thoughts 👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.🙋‍♀️ Get Christian intuitive eating coaching and education with our monthly membership. Start your free 14-day trial here.✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here.Learn more at joyfulhealth.coConnect with us on Social MediaInstagram: @joyfulhealthcoFacebook Community: Joyful Health CoYoutube: @joyfulhealthco

    27 min
  7. 11/12/2024

    Episode 83: Is Functional Lab Testing for Christians Worth the Hype? with Megan Becker and Aubrey Golbek

    In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey interviews dietitians Megan Becker and Aubrey Golbek about functional lab testing and what to consider as a Christian woman pursuing a more grace filled view of health. Specifically this episode explores hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), what it is, who it’s for and how it can help on your health journey. In This Episode We Discuss: HTMA (hair mineral testing), what it is, how it differs from other functional labs, and when to consider it. The potential pitfalls of functional lab testing for Christian women Questions to ask yourself when considering functional lab testing We pray this episode equips you with a better understanding of functional lab testing, specifically hair mineral testing and helps you to make informed, spirit-led decisions for your own health journey! 👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.🙋‍♀️ Get Christian intuitive eating coaching and education with our monthly membership. Start your free 14-day trial here.✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here.Learn more at joyfulhealth.coConnect with us on Social Media Instagram: @joyfulhealthcoFacebook Community: Joyful Health CoYoutube: @joyfulhealthco

    1h 2m
out of 5
67 Ratings


Cut through the weeds of wellness rules and learn to trust God's good design for your body. Discover joyful health by grace: intuitive eating, joyful movement, embodiment and mental well-being for Christians. If you feel distracted by all the wellness advice out there, drained from trying to do it all, and discouraged when you feel further from health than where you started, we see you. As a non-diet personal trainer and author with over 10 years of experience, I get it—I've been there myself. Now, I'm on a mission to help you cultivate rhythms for your health that are no longer stressful, but joyful. Each episode I'll interview intuitive health professionals and Christian leaders to answer your biggest questions about joyful health. We'll talk research and practical application while exposing the lies you might be believing and pointing you back to Jesus. This podcast will help you learn to rest in God's grace as you follow the Joy of the Lord for your health. Welcome, we're so happy you're here. Learn -> Connect -> Community -> Instagram -> @joyfulhealthco If you're ready to discover joyful health by grace, start here: Step 1: Ditch the diet mindset with our weekly devotions: Step 2: Level-up your Christian non-diet education with our membership: Step 3: Work 1:1 with a registered dietitian from our team:

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