Awesome Marriage Podcast

Dr. Kim Kimberling
Awesome Marriage Podcast

Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for over 50 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40+ years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20+ years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.

  1. 1D AGO

    Confronting the Destructive Impact of Porn with Nick Stumbo of Pure Desire | Ep. 667

    Porn is doing real damage to too many Christians today. This issue is affecting a huge percentage of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and the shame that often prevents us from talking about it leads to secrecy and hinders healing.  We’re thankful that Nick Stumbo is on the podcast today. Nick is a pastor and the director of Pure Desire Ministries. Along with Barna, Pure Desire recently conducted a study on the impact porn is currently having on the Church in America. Their findings demonstrate how crucial it is to open the conversation about porn among Christians to help them find healing from its destructive impact.     We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  What the stats tell us about how many Christians are viewing porn regularly Why talking openly is ESSENTIAL for healing  Exposing the progressive nature of porn addiction  How to make church a place where openness is possible  What to do if your church is not a safe place to confess  How to prepare your kids to handle porn exposure safely  *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Couples Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: The enemy would love for you to stay stuck in secrecy and shame. Jesus wants to bring freedom and healing. Take a step toward freedom today.  Questions to Discuss:  Do you have a safe friend you can be honest with? Are you practicing confession and accountability in your life? What can you do to help cultivate an honest, godly friendship today?  What is God prompting you need to take responsibility for so that you can grow closer to Him and your spouse today?    QUOTES  “Most people won’t be surprised to know that the numbers are continuing to grow.” - Nick Stumbo  “To my knowledge, it’s the first time in history that the majority of practicing Christians say they are doing pornography.” - Nick Stumbo  “84% of people said there is NO ONE helping them avoid pornography.” - Nick Stumbo  “If shame and secrecy are the sickness, then openness, community and love are what healing is all about.” - Nick Stumbo  “By the time it blows up a marriage, the help was needed 5-10 years ago.” - Nick Stumbo “You’re not alone. There is help and hope for you. - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “True accountability is about me learning to be responsible for my own actions and behaviors.” - Nick Stumbo  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Pure Desire offers healing groups and great resources to help you find freedom from porn. Check them out here.  Get the stats: Read the research by Barna and Pure Desire HERE  If porn has impacted your marriage, take Dr. Kim’s 5 Steps to Healing After Porn Betrayal webinar to kickstart your marriage healing. We recommend the book Good Pictures / Bad Pictures to help equip your kids against porn exposure.

    1 hr
  2. MAR 18

    Decoding 'Needy' Wives: How to Love & Support Her Well | Ep. 668

    Husbands, have you ever felt like your wife expects too much from you? Wives, have you checked whether your expectations are realistic?  Expectations in marriage can be a difficult topic, and they’re a very common source of marriage tension. Which is why today, we want to help break down misunderstandings around spouse expectations today, so that you can experience better connection and more joy in your marriage.   We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Wives may struggle to articulate their needs clearly. Non-sexual affection enhances sexual intimacy. Emotional connection is crucial for a healthy marriage. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  Couples Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: Expectations don't have to be a source of conflict. There's a way to communicate and connect the different wants and needs you have in marriage. Questions to Discuss:  Are there any expectations that you feel are “too much”? Husbands, do you need more clarity from your wife about her expectations? How would you rate how well you actively listen and engage with your spouse? What would make you a more intentional listener? (time of day, location of conversation, free of distractions, etc.) When was the last time you checked in with your spouse about the overall health of your marriage relationship. What are the priorities in your marriage? Do you know your spouse’s priorities? How do they compare? QUOTES   Wives want to be part of the decision making and feel like it’s a true partnership. The better the non sexual connection and intimacy is, the better the physical connection and intimacy will be.  Most men weren’t raised to be emotionally expressive. You don’t have to solve everything.  When I stopped trying to fix it, I heard her better. A wife wants to feel prioritized. Learning to say things in a way your spouse can hear takes practice. You have to accept that God made us different as husband and wife. The small consistent things you do matter more than perfection.   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:     Unlock True Intimacy: Become a couple who prays together.  Weekly Check in Guide We have several other AWESOME Resources on our website. Check those out HERE.   Check out our Bible Reading plans on YouVersion and make sure you’re following us there to keep current on all our newest plans!

    41 min
  3. MAR 11

    Understanding 'Needy' Husbands: What Do They Truly Want? | Ep. 667

    Wives, have you felt that your husband expects too much from you? Husbands, have you checked whether your expectations are realistic?  Expectations of our spouse can be a difficult topic, and they are a really frequent source of marriage tension. That’s why today, we want to help break down misunderstandings around spouse expectations today, so that you can experience better connection and more joy in your marriage. Don’t let expectations trip your marriage up. Listen today and learn to deal with the wants and needs in your marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage. Episode highlights include:  Unvoiced expectations in marriage can lead to tension. Communication is key to understanding each other's needs. Wives should express their feelings of being drained. Finding time for connection is essential for couples. Respect and appreciation are crucial for husbands. Physical affection is important beyond sexual intimacy. Teamwork in parenting strengthens the marriage bond. Articulating needs can help avoid misunderstandings. Navigating challenges together fosters a stronger partnership. It's crucial to express needs and expectations in marriage. Vulnerability can be challenging, especially for men. Regular communication opportunities can help clarify needs. Listening without trying to “fix it” is essential in relationships. Understanding each other's perspectives fosters compassion. Setting boundaries can enhance emotional support. Counseling can provide valuable tools for communication. Feeling overwhelmed is a signal for change, not failure. Asking good questions can open up important conversations. Investing in support can rejuvenate a marriage. *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Couples Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: You can experience better connection and intimacy by learning how to navigate the misunderstandings around expectations. Questions to Discuss:  Dr. Kim talked about the importance of framing your spouse in a positive way, are there places where you are negatively framing your spouse's wants or needs? What boundary could you set today so that you could better meet a need for your spouse? Are you a safe place for your spouse to voice the expectations that have for your marriage?   QUOTES  God didn’t give your husband maternal instinct and that’s ok. He’s a man and that’s actually a good thing for your children to experience. Being overwhelmed as a woman doesn't make you a bad spouse. It’s a signal that something needs to change. If you’re going to frame your spouse as the problem it’s not going to go well. If you frame your spouse as your teammate then you can work together and that’s really important. Love and respect are something that husbands and men are designed to need.  If you’re stretching yourself way beyond your capacity then that’s where the negative things start to happen. Wives, you don’t want your husband going to someone else for emotional support. You want him to go to you.    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:    Unlock True Intimacy: Become a couple who prays together.  Team You and Me:  A Guide to Approaching Your Marriage as a Team

    41 min
  4. MAR 4

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Prayer in Marriage | Ep. 664

    Are you experiencing the power of prayer in your marriage? Prayer is an incredibly powerful habit for your marriages. In fact, research shows that 99% of couples who pray together stay together.   Prayer can be so simple, but the reality is that most couples do not make prayer a regular part of their marriage. Today we’re talking about how to practically overcome the obstacles that keep you from praying together so you can make prayer a regular part of your marriage.  We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.   Episode highlights include:  The #1 marriage-building habit - and why most couples don’t do it What makes prayer so powerful for marriage  The sneaky prayer pitfalls to avoid  How to overcome the common obstacles that keep couples from praying together  The do-able DOs to make prayer part of your marriage    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Couples Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: Prayer is so powerful that the enemy will try anything to keep you from making it part of your marriage. Don’t let that happen.    Questions to Discuss:  What’s the primary obstacle that prevents you from praying regularly with your spouse?  What would help the two of you to make prayer a regular part of your day together?    QUOTES  “When you’re praying together, you’re putting God first. That’s where he wants to be.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “It’s probably one of the main things that the enemy doesn’t want couples to do.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “When I can get a couple to pray together, the counseling process goes faster, and the marriage gets better.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Don’t force praying together in a certain way.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:     We have several other AWESOME Prayer Resources on our website. Check those out HERE.  Check out our Bible Reading plans on YouVersion and make sure you’re following us there to keep current on all our newest plans!

    31 min
  5. FEB 25

    How Hard Conversations Bring Deeper Intimacy with Chad & Adaeze Brinkman | Ep. 663

    When Chad & Adaeze Brinkman met while serving together on the worship team at church, they didn’t expect that they would one day get married. They also didn’t expect what it would be like to navigate a new marriage while facing cultural pressures as an interracial couple. But learning to have the hard conversations about their differences ultimately led to deeper intimacy. Today, we’re delighted to have Chad and Adaeze on the podcast to share their story, and equip you with practical ways to value different perspectives as a reflection of God’s design. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Why listening to real stories of different experiences matters  How to become aware of your habitual assumptions  Realistic first steps to grow your perspective Why addressing our perspective on race is essential for the church  The relationship-building process of navigating tough conversations  How to repair the relationship after you’ve hurt your spouse    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Couples Conversation Guide:  Main takeaway: Not every couple is in an interracial marriage, but every couple deals with differences. We get a bigger picture of God’s design when we stop fighting our differences and learn to value them.    Questions to Discuss:  What have you learned by listening to the diverse perspectives of others in your life?  Are there places in your life where you encounter differing life stories and experiences among fellow Christian believers?  How can you make room in your life for diversity that reflects the vision of God’s kingdom?    QUOTES  “We will never know everything there is to know about the Lord, but the beauty is in the pursuit, the relationship and the discovery.” - Adaeze Brinkman “It’s a very humbling lesson to let your spouse have their own perspective, and give room for that to be different than yours.” - Adaeze Brinkman “Everyone does what they do for a reason. They think what they think for a reason.” - Chad Brinkman When we dig in we realize how much we have in common.” - Chad Brinkman “When Jesus returns, it’s not going to be a ‘White Heaven’ or a ‘Black Heaven.’ It’s a diverse Heaven.” - Chad Brinkman “Listening is the most important thing.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Are you growing? A beautiful way to do that is to rub shoulders with people that are different from you.”  - Adaeze Brinkman “The enemy knows there’s so much power in unity and diversity.”   - Adaeze Brinkman   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   We loved Chad and Adaeze’s book, White Boy / Black Girl: What Our Differences Can Teach Us. Grab a copy to read their story! It’s Spice things up in the bedroom with our limited-time ‘Break the Bedroom Rut’ Sexy BUNDLE! Don’t let negative assumptions tear you apart. Use our Free Printable 15 Better Assumptions to Make About Your Spouse to nurture a healthy mindset  Get Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email for practical weekly marriage tips!

    56 min
  6. FEB 18

    Reviving Desire: Tips for Husbands with Low Sex Drive | Ep. 662

    Guys, have you lost the spark in your sex drive? If that’s you, you are not alone! Libido is a complex issue. There are so many reasons that male libido can falter, from stress and physical factors, to relational issues in your marriage. But for every factor, there are also solutions.  Learn the steps to uncover what’s driving your lack of drive so you can revive the desire. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.  Episode highlights include:  The physical, mental and emotional health factors that affect sex drive  Tips to unpack the issue together in healthy ways  Is there a place for medical advice in understanding libido? Challenging the cultural myths about aging and sex drive  Steps to starting a helpful conversation about improving libido    Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email for quick weekly marriage tips!   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Couples Conversation Guide  Main takeaway: Husbands, have you lost the passion? Physical, mental and emotional factors all impact your sex drive but you can reignite the spark and enjoy God’s gift of sex in marriage.  Questions to Discuss:  Dr. Kim said that things like depression, anxiety, financial stress, relational tension or past trauma can reduce libido. Are any of those affecting your sexual relationship today? What would you like to experience more of together in your sexual relationship?  What can you do together to make that happen?    QUOTES  “If you’ve got problems from the past that affect you in the present, you need someone to help you work through that.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “When the assumptions got on the table, we realized they were wrong. That made such a huge difference.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling “Low libido doesn’t indicate cheating or porn addiction, it’s usually more complex than that.” - Dr. Kim Kimberling The longer you let it go, the worse it’s going to get. - Dr. Kim Kimberling   MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Congrats to our Awesome Marriage of the Year - Brett and Megan Hamilton! To learn more about National Marriage week, visit their website HERE.  Spice things up in the bedroom with our limited-time ‘Break the Bedroom Rut’ Sexy BUNDLE! Don’t let negative assumptions tear you apart. Use our Free Printable 15 Better Assumptions to Make About Your Spouse to nurture a healthy mindset  Get Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email for practical weekly marriage tips!

    40 min
  7. FEB 11

    Bring Back the Passion: Help For Wives with Low Libido | Ep. 661

    Wives, do you seem to be less interested in sex? It’s a common issue, and so many factors affect female libido, from hormonal changes, and emotional disconnection to just plain busyness. Whether stemming from physical health or the health of your marriage, there are many ways you and your spouse can work together to bring back the passion and renew your sex drive.    Today, we’re troubleshooting the issue with tips for wives with low libido, so you can bring back the passion in your marriage. We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:  Tips on healthy communication about sex drive issues  Understanding the effects of stress on a wife’s sex drive  How to work together to share the mental load Is lack of sex drive a sign of infidelity?  Building empathy to help reconnect and rekindle her passion    Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email for quick weekly marriage tips!   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    Couples Conversation Guide  Main takeaway: Ladies, don’t let your sex life struggle! Learn to unpack the factors that impact your sex drive, so you can troubleshoot and get things back on track.    Questions to Discuss:  Are there any factors that you know are affecting your libido in this season? (Stress, exhaustion, depression, peri menopause, postpartum, etc.) Are there any relationship factors affecting your interest in sex right now?  What would help you to mitigate the effects of those things today?      QUOTES  “For guys, it’s about how do I meet her where she is right now?” - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “If there’s not full trust, it’s going to be very hard to be interested in sex.” - Lindsay Few  “It’s ok to talk about sex.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  “There are so many things that typically the wife does by default. Look at what is weighing on you that keeps you from even having time to be interested in sex.” - Lindsay Few  “The really good marriages I see are the ones committed to working through things. It doesn’t come easy, but they’re committed to work through it.”  - Dr. Kim Kimberling  MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Spice things up in the bedroom with our limited-time ‘Break the Bedroom Rut’ Sexy Bundle! Some of our past episodes on Trust in Marriage:  Types of Trust Every Marriage Needs | Ep. 614 How to Heal and Rebuild After Trust is Broken | Ep. 616 Grab the free 15 Better Assumptions printable to start healing your perspective  Get Dr. Kim’s Marriage Multiplier email for practical weekly marriage tips!

    51 min
  8. FEB 7

    Healthy Tech Habits That You & Your Marriage Need with Arlene Pellicane | Ep. 636

    Is technology bringing you closer together, or leading to disconnection?   Tech is hitting marriages hard today. Yet research shows that marriage can provide a huge boost to personal happiness. Today’s guest, Arlene Pellicane, has written several books on how technology is impacting relationships, and today she shares tech habits that will help you and your marriage to thrive.     We pray this episode is helpful for you and your marriage.    Episode highlights include:   The 1 habit that guarantees marriage success 99% of the Time Easy ways to declutter your digital life for deeper connection How modern technology is changing the way we love. Are married people happier? Research tells the truth…  Break the tech spell: Tips for parenting in a digital age   *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    QUOTES  “If we seek God and His guidance, He’s always going to have an answer.” Dr. Kim Kimberling  “Is technology bringing you closer together? Or causing you to grow farther apart.”  - Arlene Pellicane  “We're missing all these little times to connect. That’s why you feel disconnected.”  - Arlene Pellicane  “You have to prepare to be unpopular, because as a parent, it’s your job to protect your child.”  - Arlene Pellicane    MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Grab Arlene’s new book, Making Marriage Easier, as well as her helpful books on healthy tech habits  Find all of the National Marriage Week resources, including tomorrow's live panel with Dr. Kim, on the WEB, FACEBOOK, X (TWITTER) or INSTAGRAM  Spice things up in the bedroom with our limited-time ‘Break the Bedroom Rut’ Sexy Bundle! Learn more about what boundaries can do for your marriage in Dr. Kim’s free Building Healthy Boundaries Webinar. Learn more here!  Don’t let screens come between you: Use our free 17 Questions Every Couple Should Ask About Tech printable to get on the same page!

    56 min



Far too many couples are just surviving their marriage when it was meant to thrive. This is the place for practical tips on how to build an awesome marriage. Our passion is to help you strengthen your marriage. Dr. Kim Kimberling hosts the show. Dr. Kim is the President of Awesome Marriage, has been married for over 50 years, and has been a professional counselor for 40+ years. He is the author of 7 Secrets to An Awesome Marriage and 14 Keys To Lasting Love. Dr. Kim is joined by co-host Lindsay Few, Content Director for Awesome Marriage. She has been married for 20+ years. Her husband is a church planter, and they love ministering to married couples together. Tune in each week to hear practical ways on how to have an awesome marriage! This podcast is brought to you by the ministry of Awesome Marriage.

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