Welcome to Unlapped, a weekly Formula One show from ESPN. Join Katie George, Nate Saunders and Laurence Edmondson as they geek out about F1 and the personalities behind it. Each Unlapped episode will serve both the new F1 fan and the seasoned motorhead. We’ve got nerdy race analysis, driver interviews, special guests, and heated debates. Unlapped is your one stop shop for all things F1.
Love this breakdown!
Great listen, highly recommended
Audio quality poor!!!
Do you guys not talk into your microphones? You’d think ESPN would know how microphone technology works. I’ve listened to every single episode from the very first one and gave you some grace cause I figured that you’d get your audio problems fixed but I have way too many other podcasts to listen to instead of wasting my time with a podcast with ridiculously poor audio quality. A podcast that you can’t hear is worthless. Unsubscribed.
Be consistent
Love the content and the flow of the show. As others have said the audio needs help, commercials are WAY too loud and even Katie’s mic seems louder than Nate and Lawrence’s. My main gripe though is the inconsistency of when episodes come out when the races come to the states. Especially for LV. I woke up this morning with the episode name revealing who qualified for pole. Please don’t do this! I’m only looking for a podcast during the week when I’m driving to and from work. I don’t listen to episodes during the weekend.
Crazy audio issues
Level out your audio. I get my ears blown off whenever a commercial comes in, it’s super annoying.