It All Comes Back to Superman Series Two

Michael Bailey
It All Comes Back to Superman Series Two

Michael Bailey likes Superman. A lot. So much so that From Crisis to Crisis, the other Superman show he co-hosts with his friend, was not enough to contain his fandom for the Man of Steel. This erratic reaffirmation of Michael's Kryptonian faith covers everything about Superman that Michael loves about the character. Comics. Animation. Live action. Prose. Everything is on the table because no matter what it all comes back to Superman.


  1. Episode 6 - Unscripted Thoughts on Superman (2025)


    Episode 6 - Unscripted Thoughts on Superman (2025)

    This time out I am unscripted and off the cuff! Anything can happen! Damn the man! Save The Empire! Or something like that. In all seriousness, this time out I present an episode where I just sit in front of the microphone and go over all of my thoughts about the Superman film that is coming out next July. With the release of the teaser trailer I thought it was time to finally collect my thoughts about everything we've seen from the film thus far and get them out in a mostly coherent fashion. I start with the first images we were shown and then go forward from there. Topics include but are not limited to the first costume reveal, the set photos, and then (finally) I get to the trailer itself. I don't do a full frame by frame break down but I do go through the moments that stood out to me. I also talk about what I think the plot is going to be, why comparing this teaser trailers to the ones from the past is both valid and not fair, the thing about this film that separates it from past feature film versions, and more. Oh, and I talk about the music. BECAUSE I LOVED THE MUSIC! Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series 2 can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible.  The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Time: I'm not sure. I have a few different ideas for an episode before I start a series that I'll be revealing just after the first of the year. Stay tuned and all that.

    1h 24m
  2. Episode 5 - The Definitive History Tapes Part 2: A Conversation with Bob Greenberger


    Episode 5 - The Definitive History Tapes Part 2: A Conversation with Bob Greenberger

    This time out I finish up my two part series talking to the authors of Superman: The Definitive History by having a great chat with Bob Greenberger. Bob is no stranger to working on a book about Superman as he was one of the co-authors of The Essential Superman Encyclopedia and I talk to him about that, The Definitive History, his time working on Comics Scene for Starlog, how he came to work for DC Comics, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Who's Who, and so much more. We also touch on the history of comic book fandom and Bob tells us what it was like collecting comics in the sixties and seventies. Once again, I'd like to thank Bob for sitting down with me to record this. It was a lot of fun. To order Superman: The Definitive History by Ed Gross and Bob Greenberger click on this link. To order The Essential Superman Encyclopedia by Bob Greenberger and Martin Pasko click on this link. To check out the other books Bob has written or been a part of click on this link. To check out Crazy 8 Press click on this link. Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series 2 can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible. The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Time: A mostly off the cuff episode about my feelings on the recently released Superman trailer and my thoughts, thus far, on the movie in general.

    1h 11m
  3. 08/28/2024

    Episode 3 - Zero Hour with Dan Jurgens

    Welcome to the third episode of It All Comes Back to Superman Series 2, the very irregular reaffirmation of my Kryptonian faith. This time out I'm hopping into the Time Bubble and heading back to 1994 to look at the DC Comics event Zero Hour: Crisis in Time. And I am not alone. Joining me to talk about the series is none other than the writer/penciller on that series Dan Jurgens! Dan was nice enough to spend about an hour with me to talk about how Zero Hour came about, what it was like writing and drawing five issues that were coming out weekly while also juggling all of the characters and books that were connected to the event. Dan also tells me why some of the promotional artwork and the artwork created for the distributors that existed at the time isn't reprinted in the collected editions that have been published in the last few years, why the Justice Society was taken off the table during the story, his favorite parts of the story, and how much he got paid to draw the cover to the zero issue. After that we discuss the Zero Month issues of the Superman books and where Kenny Braverman came from. Finally, Dan talks a bit about the Zero Hour 30th Anniversary Special that is coming out on the day this episode is dropping! I wanted to thank Dan for spending some time with me and being so forthcoming and open with his answers. ALSO...BE SURE TO CHECK OUT THE FORTRESS OF BAILEYTUDE PODCASTING 2.0 FEED FOR AN INTERVIEW WITH RON MARZ ABOUT THE 30th ANNIVERSARY OF THE KYLE RAYNER GREEN LANTERN! Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series 2 can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible. The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Time: If everything works out I'll have the audio from a panel I am moderating at DragonCon this weekend. It should be fun.

    1h 12m



    Welcome to the third episode of It All Comes Back to Superman Presents…Reuse, Recycle, Re-Release, a sub-series of It All Comes Back to Superman Series II where I will occasionally re-present an episode of one of my other shows (either the first iteration of It All Comes Back to Superman or one of the Superman centric episode of Views From The Longbox) and represent them here for…no real reason other than it sounded like a good idea to get all of my non-From Crisis to Crisis Superman podcasting in one place…eventually. These episodes are presented in their entirety with original opening and closing themes, ads, commentary that may not mean anything anymore, and humor that may not have aged well. This time out I am bringing Views From The Longbox Episode 157 out of the vault, which was originally released on March 26, 2013. This was the second of a two-part episode where I had my good friend and Overlooked Dark Knight co-host Andrew Leyland on to talk about the Silver and Bronze Age origins of Superman. In this installment, which was part of the Superman at 75: The Celebration of a Legend series I did in 2013, Andy and I talk about Action Comics #500, which is one of my favorite Superman comics ever and one of the best re-tellings of the Pre-Crisis origin ever as well. Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series Presents…Reuse, Recycle, Re-Release can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible. The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Episode – The next time I roll out one of these I'll have a conversation with Steve Glosson from 2013 all about Smallville.

    1h 53m



    Welcome to the second episode of It All Comes Back to Superman Presents…Reuse, Recycle, Re-Release, a sub-series of It All Comes Back to Superman Series II where I will occasionally re-present an episode of one of my other shows (either the first iteration of It All Comes Back to Superman or one of the Superman centric episode of Views From The Longbox) and represent them here for…no real reason other than it sounded like a good idea to get all of my non-From Crisis to Crisis Superman podcasting in one place…eventually. These episodes are presented in their entirety with original opening and closing themes, ads, commentary that may not mean anything anymore, and humor that may not have aged well. This time out I am bringing Views From The Longbox Episode 156 out of the vault, which was originally released on March 19, 2013. This was the first of a two-part episode where I had my good friend and Overlooked Dark Knight co-host Andrew Leyland on to talk about the Silver and Bronze Age origins of Superman. In this installment, which was part of the Superman at 75: The Celebration of a Legend series I did in 2013, Andy and I talk about how Superman's origin evolved from his first appearance up to the 1970's. What was added to the origin? When did we, as the audience, first see the full out origin in the comics? How irresponsible is Jonathan Kent with firearms? Listen and find out. Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series Presents…Reuse, Recycle, Re-Release can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible. The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Episode – The second part of a two part episode where Andrew Leyland and I discuss Superman’s Silver and Bronze Age origins that was part of Superman at 75: The Celebration of a Legend.

    1h 51m



    Welcome to the first episode of It All Comes Back to Superman Presents...Reuse, Recycle, Re-Release, a sub-series of It All Comes Back to Superman Series II where I will occasionally re-present an episode of one of my other shows (either the first iteration of It All Comes Back to Superman or one of the Superman centric episode of Views From The Longbox) and represent them here real reason other than it sounded like a good idea to get all of my non-From Crisis to Crisis Superman podcasting in one place...eventually. These episodes are presented in their entirety with original opening and closing themes, ads, commentary that may not mean anything anymore, and humor that may not have aged well. For this first episode I'm going back to Views From The Longbox Episode 15, originally released on January 1, 2013. That episode kicked off my Superman at 75: The Celebration of a Legend series that was centered on celebrating Superman's...75th birthday. It's right there in the title. In the first installment, titled 7 Ways Mike Defends Superman, I recorded an hour long reply to a cracked article titled 7 Ways Batman is Objectively Better Than Superman. That article got under my skin a little over a decade ago and I felt that I needed to respond. Did I really need to do that? Not really, but it made for a solid way to beging a podcast series. Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series Presents...Reuse, Recycle, Re-Release can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible. The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Episode - The first part of a two part episode where Andrew Leyland and I discuss Superman's Silver and Bronze Age origins that was part of Superman at 75: The Celebration of a Legend.

    1h 9m
  7. Episode 2: Happy Anniversary, Superman Part 2 - Anniversaries Past and Present


    Episode 2: Happy Anniversary, Superman Part 2 - Anniversaries Past and Present

    Welcome to the second episode of It All Comes Back to Superman Series Two, the pretty much the same, not really all that new reaffirmation of my Kryptonian faith. I am your host, Michael Bailey, and this time out I am finishing my two part series celebrating Superman’s 85th anniversary because…I really want to. It’s just that simple. In this installment I look at how Superman's birthday has been celebrated over the decades and how big and small those celebrations have been. The bulk of this section is spent on the 50th anniversary, but that's because his 50th was probably the biggest birthday the character has had judging by the sheer amount of...stuff that happened in and around 1988. I also talk about the barebones celebration from 1968, the almost non-existant celebration from 1998 and how the anniversaries ramped up for 2013 and 2018. After that I talk about the Superman comics and television series that came out in 2023 and what I thought of them. (Note, during the first segment I state that the Lex Luthor and Brainiac makeovers went down in Action Comics #543. This is wrong. It was Action Comics #544. I totally kept blowing that one over and over again. My bad.) Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series Two can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible. The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The opening and closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Time: Taking a short break for personal reasons but new episodes will return (hopefully) in mid-2024!

    1h 37m
  8. Episode 1: Happy Anniversary, Superman! Part 1 - 45/40/35/30/10


    Episode 1: Happy Anniversary, Superman! Part 1 - 45/40/35/30/10

    Welcome to the first episode of It All Comes Back to Superman Series Two, the pretty much the same, not really all that new reaffirmation of my Kryptonian faith. I am your host, Michael Bailey, and this time out I am starting a two part series celebrating Superman's 85th anniversary because...I really want to. It's just that simple. For this first installment I do an off the cuff solo episode where I talk about six of the sub-anniversaries happening during Superman's 85th. Superman The Movie, Superman III, the Ruby Spear Superman animated series, the live action Superboy series, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, and Man of Steel all have big anniversaries this year and I thought it would be fun to go through them all in one shot instead of devoting specific episodes to them for...reasons. Various reasons. Reasons I go through during the episode itself. I mentioned during the episode that I had done a commentary for Superman The Movie back in 2013. That was on episode 153 of Views From The Longbox, which I don't have a handy link to...sadly...because the post with the show notes for that episode no longer exists. Views is readily available on just about all podcatching services, so it should be easy to find. For those interested, episode 155 of Views was a commentary for Superman II and episode 162 was the commentary for Superman IV that I did with Scott Gardner. Not to be outdone, if you search for episode 135 of the Palace of Glittering Delights where Andy Leyland had me on to yak over the "coherence cut" of Superman IV. Feedback for It All Comes Back To Superman Series Two can be sent to You can subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes or stream it through Spotify and Audible. The Fortress of Baileytude Podcasting Network is on Patreon. It’s mostly a tip jar as I have no time at the moment to produce exlcusive content, but if you like the content I do produce please consider contributing a dollar a month. The opening and closing theme to the show is titled Journey and was composed by Pontus Rufelt. It is licensed from Shockwave-Sound. Next Time: The second part of Happy Anniversary, Superman!

    1h 52m
out of 5
6 Ratings


Michael Bailey likes Superman. A lot. So much so that From Crisis to Crisis, the other Superman show he co-hosts with his friend, was not enough to contain his fandom for the Man of Steel. This erratic reaffirmation of Michael's Kryptonian faith covers everything about Superman that Michael loves about the character. Comics. Animation. Live action. Prose. Everything is on the table because no matter what it all comes back to Superman.

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