Today’s guest is the most special EVER to be heard on this podcast or frankly any podcast on the planet, although you may consider me biased. As we approach the launch date of my book, Finding KIND, I thought you might want to hear directly from the inspiration, the main character, the hero of the book, my son, Brady Baker. Brady is a handsome, smart, funny, creative 13-year-old in 8th grade, and he is also the author of the foreword to Finding KIND. When Brady was three, he was diagnosed with autism. Later we added ADHD and some other acronyms to his neurological soup. So, his brain works a little differently than typically developing kids. He receives and processes information in a unique way and reacts and responds accordingly. When we first received the diagnosis of autism, I will be honest, I was devastated. I didn’t know anything about autism, I didn’t know anyone with autism. I couldn’t even fathom what life would look like a decade later. Maybe some of you listening are in the same boat, or you love someone who is. I wrote Finding KIND for you. I want you know you are not alone, and I want to help you move out of your grief into a place of acceptance and joy. I hope my conversation with Brady gives you the hope of what can be for your child and for you! Never underestimate them, never give up on them, never stop fighting for them, and never doubt that your child was made on purpose, for a purpose and God doesn’t make mistakes. Brady’s neurodiversity does not define him, but it is woven into his very being. He has passions, dreams, skills, talents, and personality galore which you can’t miss when you hear him speak. AND he wrote the foreword to my new book, Finding KIND – how cool is that? Speaking of the book, have you picked up a copy yet? Finding KIND: Discovering Hope and Purpose While Loving Kids with Invisible Neurological Differences is available on October 22nd! Visit Finding KIND to get your hardback copy today, or, if you prefer ebooks, head over to Amazon and purchase HERE! Want a free preview of the book before you buy? Click HERE and I will send you a pdf of the foreword, (written by my amazing son, Brady!), the introduction and the first chapter. Connect with Kari on Instagram @kariabaker Connect with Kari on Facebook @kariabaker Connect with Kari on LinkedIn @kariabaker Visit and for more content! Subscribe HERE!