Mission Implausible

As former high-level CIA operatives, John Sipher and Jerry O'Shea would create fake conspiracies around the world. Now, with the help of experts, they execute their own fun and fearless investigation into conspiracy theories past and present to assess what's real. And how. And why. - Executive Producers: Adam Davidson, John Sipher, Jerry O'Shea & Jonathan Stern - Associate Producer: Rachel Harner - A production of Honorable Mention and Abominable Pictures
Feb 4
Love it! Conspiracy-busting with logic and intelligence. I normally listen to podcasts while falling asleep. This one is like listening to a bunch of guys reminiscing over coffee with interesting stories, characters and tidbits. Brings the stories right down to a human level. Unfortunately this keeps me awake 😃
4d ago
LOVE this podcast and the hosts. I’ve learned so much and it’s great to hear truth and professional experience. To all the MAGA trumpers complaining about them in the review comments, maybe they wouldn’t have to defend democracy or debunk the endless amounts of conspiracies surrounding the Republican Party if ya’ll didn’t break the law all the time, align yourselves with conspiracy theories, push rhetoric, or weren’t actively trying to overthrow our democracy all in the name of a Russian asset.
Dial back the ads
Mar 2
This would be a five star pod for me, I love the topics and the hosts. The amount of ads I have to skip through makes it unlistenable
What happened?
Feb 27
I used to really like this show, but it went from debunking conspiracies to political rhetoric. Why does the show have to be one sided liberal rhetoric when the mission to the show is debunking conspiracies? Cut out the political rhetoric and get back to debunking conspiracies.
- Channel
- CreatoriHeartPodcasts
- Years Active2024 - 2025
- Episodes66
- RatingClean
- Copyright2025 iHeartMedia, Inc. © Any use of this intellectual property for text and data mining or computational analysis including as training material for artificial intelligence systems is strictly prohibited without express written consent from iHeartMedia
- Show Website
- ProvideriHeartMedia + Entertainment, Inc
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