

由英語主播Ethan創立的新聞英文頻道,透過單集15分鐘的分享,帶您輕鬆聽懂英語新聞,並應用在日常表達當中。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

  1. MAR 19

    S3E3: 哈佛大學免費讀!年收三百萬以下家庭學雜費全免

    哈佛大學一直是全世界與美國本土優秀學子夢寐以求的校園,但跨入這道窄門的條件,除了得有高超學識能力、特殊技能之外,還必須能承擔那驚人的高昂學雜費,這一點往往讓不少人就此打退堂鼓。但現在校方宣佈,家庭年收入10萬美元以下的學子,將享有學雜費全免的待遇。 One of the biggest barriers for getting into Harvard University for students who make the cut is falling by the wayside. 對於符合資格的學生來說,進入哈佛大學的最大障礙之一正在逐漸消失。 The prestigious IVY League school announced plans Monday to make tuition free for any student whose family makes $200,000 or less per year. The changes will go into effect at the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year. 這所常春藤名校於週一宣布,計劃讓家庭年收入在 20 萬美元以下的學生免學費。這項變革將於 2025-2026 學年開始生效。 Students whose families make $100,000 or less not pay anything to attend, including for food, housing, health insurance and travel costs. 此外,家庭年收入在 10 萬美元以下的學生,不僅學費全免,還包含食宿、健康保險及旅費等費用。 “Putting Harvard within financial reach for more individuals widens the array of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that all of our students encounter, fostering their intellectual and personal growth,” said Harvard University President Alan M. Garber in a statement. 「讓更多人能夠負擔得起哈佛的學費,有助於擴大學生所接觸到的不同背景、經驗與觀點,進而促進他們的智識與個人成長。」哈佛大學校長艾倫·M·加伯在聲明中表示。 適合學習的單字: barrier /ˈbæriər/ (n. 障礙、阻礙) prestigious /preˈstɪdʒəs/ (adj. 享有盛譽的) announce /əˈnaʊns/ (v. 宣布) tuition /tuˈɪʃən/ (n. 學費) effect /ɪˈfɛkt/ (n. 影響、效果) attend /əˈtɛnd/ (v. 參加、就讀) insurance /ɪnˈʃʊrəns/ (n. 保險) perspective /pərˈspɛktɪv/ (n. 觀點、視角) encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntər/ (v. 遇見、遭遇) foster /ˈfɑːstər/ (v. 培養、促進) individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ (n. 個人;adj. 個別的) array /əˈreɪ/ (n. 一系列、大量) background /ˈbækˌɡraʊnd/ (n. 背景) "Make the cut" 的意思是 成功達到標準、通過篩選或入選某個精英群體,通常用於競賽、考試、選拔或錄取的情境。例如: ✅ Only the best athletes make the cut for the Olympic team. (只有最優秀的運動員才能入選奧運隊。) ✅ She applied for the scholarship, but unfortunately, she didn’t make the cut. (她申請了獎學金,但不幸未能通過篩選。) -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    16 min
  2. MAR 17

    S3E2:金秀賢身陷交往未成年醜聞風暴 演藝事業面臨崩解

    金秀賢因被爆和當年還是未成年的金賽綸交往引爆爭議,而女方更選在金秀賢的生日結束自我,更讓金秀賢陷入醜聞風暴,演藝事業面臨終結。 Korean A-lister Kim Soo-hyun's career imploded in scandal  韓國一線演員金秀賢深陷醜聞,演藝生涯崩毀 South Korea's biggest star Kim Soo-hyun is in the midst of a career-ending scandal after being linked to late actress Kim Sae-ron, who tragically killed herself last month. 韓國頂級明星金秀賢正陷入一場可能終結其職業生涯的醜聞,事件與已故女演員金賽綸有關——她於上個月不幸自殺身亡。 Soo-hyun, 37, was forced to deny that he'd dated Sae-ron while she was underage, following allegations made by popular gossip channel HoverLab on YouTube. 現年 37 歲的金秀賢,被迫否認自己曾在金賽綸未成年時與她交往,此前,知名八卦頻道 HoverLab 在 YouTube 上爆料了這一指控。 Soo-hyun initially denied that he'd ever dated the young star, but later admitted that they had been in a relationship for one year after a flurry of photos of the pair together, along with alleged text messages, were leaked online. 金秀賢最初堅決否認與這位年輕女星有過戀情,但在一連串兩人合照及疑似簡訊內容外流後,他改口承認兩人曾交往一年。 十個值得學習的英文單字: A-lister (n.) 一線明星 implode (v.) 崩潰、瓦解(比喻性用法) scandal (n.) 醜聞 career-ending (adj.) 斷送職業生涯的 tragically (adv.) 悲劇性地、不幸地 allegation (n.) 指控、指責 deny (v.) 否認 flurry (n.) 一連串(突然發生的事物) leak (v.) 洩露(資訊) text message (n.) 簡訊 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    20 min
  3. FEB 13

    S3E1 : 李安在美獲終身成就獎 致詞第一句讓全場笑翻

    台灣導演李安獲頒美國導演工會獎(DGA Awards)最高榮譽「終身成就獎」,是該組織88年來第36位獲得殊榮的導演,更是臺灣第一人。亞洲臉孔能在白人至上的美國電影圈佔有一席之地,真的非常不容易,真的替他開心! Acclaimed Taiwanese filmmaker Ang Lee (李安), who has won two Oscars and other awards over the past few years, received the Directors Guild of America's (DGA) 2025 Lifetime Achievement Award at a ceremony held at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California on Saturday. 在過去幾年贏得兩項奧斯卡獎和其他獎項的台灣著名電影製片人李安,星期六在加州比佛利山莊比佛利希爾頓酒店舉行的典禮上,榮獲美國導演協會 (DGA) 2025 終身成就獎 "Born and raised in Taiwan, it feels like a realization of the American dream to be here on this stage. I am a dreamer at my core. My dreams are not just an individual experience, there is a link through the collective consciousness and unconsciousness," Lee said at the ceremony after receiving his award from Oscar-winning actress Michelle Yeoh. 「在台灣出生長大,能夠站在這個舞台上,感覺就像是實現了美國夢。我的核心是個夢想家。我的夢想不只是個人的經驗,而是透過集體意識和無意識連結在一起,"李導演從奧斯卡影后楊紫瓊手中接過獎項後在典禮上說 When Lee was about to read his acceptance speech, he put on his reading glasses and joked that this means it's time for the Lifetime Achievement Award. 當李導演準備宣讀他的獲獎感言時,他戴上了老花眼鏡,並開玩笑說這意味著終身成就獎的時間到了 單字: acclaimed 備受讚譽的 例句:The movie was critically acclaimed but performed poorly at the box office. 這部電影叫好不叫座。 guild 工會 (比較:union 工會) achievement 成就 realization 實現 core 核心 collective 共同的、全體的 consciousness 意識 ceremony 典禮 acceptance 接受、獲獎 reading glasses. 老花眼鏡 joke 開玩笑 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    16 min
  4. 12/17/2024

    S2E10 滑手機到世界末日六親不認?【大腦腐敗】成2024代表字

    滑手機不止浪費時間,甚至可能讓腦部機制產生質變?! 牛津大學出版社選出『 腦腐 brain rot』作為 2024代表字,指的是「一個人的心理或智力狀態出現惡化徵兆,尤其是在過量吸收瑣碎、缺乏挑戰性內容後,所引發的現象」,福斯新聞網訪問腦部神經科學家,也提出類似的看法。 Oxford University Press has chosen "brain rot" as its word of the year. Some experts believe that constant, endless scrolling of social media and other online content is doing exactly that – rotting our brains. A certain part of the brain, called the habenula, is responsible for getting stuck in endless scrolling. This is how social media addictions can form as this part of the brain can make it "very painful" to stop scrolling. This can result in a "dangerous" loss of motivation, a neuroscientist warned. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for avoiding brain rot. The key is learning what works best for the individual, which involves "tweaking and tinkering and adjusting as you go." 重要單字: rot 腐敗 scroll 捲動 habenula 疆核 addiction 癮 motivation 動機 neuroscientist 神經科學家 one-size-fits-all 通用的、一體適用的 tweaking and tinkering 微調修補 原文網址: https://www.foxnews.com/health/brain-rot-science-behind-too-much-scrolling-does-brains -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    21 min
  5. 11/28/2024

    S2E8 台灣棒球站上世界巔峰 韓媒也盛讚12強賽戰果

    太興奮啦!看比賽看到老淚縱橫,第一隻全壘打還聽到鄰居歡聲雷動😊學英文就是趁這個時候,看看國際媒體怎麼報導台灣的表現。這次奪冠,韓媒也盛讚台灣棒球『站上12強巔峰』! Taiwan stood at the top of the 2024 WBSC Premier 12. It was an outcome that no one -- perhaps not even the team's own manager -- would have predicted. In the gold medal contest between Chinese Taipei and the seemingly unstoppable Samurai Japan, who had won 27 consecutive games dating back to 2019, it was Chinese Taipei who emerged victorious. It was the first major international tournament victory for Chinese Taipei, whose previous best finish was a silver medal at the 1992 Olympics. "This event made history, and this is a meaningful moment for us all," manager Hao-Jiu Tseng said. "The game against Team United States, against Team Japan. We made it through to be here. What we accomplished was so big." D-backs No. 7 prospect Yu-Min Lin shut down the Japanese hitters, giving up just one hit in four innings, before the team broke through with four runs on two homers in the fifth. That was all it took to defeat the world's No. 1 ranked baseball team. 這是一個沒有人 - 甚至是球隊自己的經理 - 會預測到的結果。在中華台北隊和看似不可阻擋的日本武士隊之間的金牌爭奪中,中華台北隊獲得了勝利。這是中華台北首次在大型國際賽事中獲得勝利,此前的最好成績是在 1992 年奧運會上獲得銀牌。 「這項賽事創造了歷史,這對我們所有人來說都是有意義的時刻,」總教練曾豪駒說。「對美國隊的比賽,對日本隊的比賽。我們熬過了難關,來到這裡。我們的成就是如此重大。」 響尾蛇隊7號新秀林昱珉封鎖了日本打者,在四局中只被打出一支安打,然後在第五局靠著兩支全壘打攻下四分。就這樣擊敗世界排名第一的棒球隊。 stand at the top 站上巔峰 premier 主要的,首相 outcome 結局 predict 預測 consecutive 連續的 emerge 浮現 victory 勝利 / victorious 勝利的 accomplish 達成 prospect 前景、新秀(有可能打進大聯盟的選手) inning (棒球)局 homer 全壘打 run (棒球)分 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

    19 min

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    由英語主播Ethan創立的新聞英文頻道,透過單集15分鐘的分享,帶您輕鬆聽懂英語新聞,並應用在日常表達當中。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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