YA Cast

Joshua Chaulk
YA Cast Podcast

Antioch Young Adults are a group of people who meet a few times a month to do life grow in our walks with God and do life together. This podcast is a collection of some of the messages and conversations that happen at our Young Adult meetings. We hope by listening to these messages, you will feel more equipped to live a great life for God.


  1. 10/02/2020

    Living in Rest: Step into the Yoke

    Pslam 91:1 "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty." It's really easy to fill a life. This world has a lot to offer us, both good and bad. We can fill our lives with productivity, work, education, family, friends, entertainment, and much more, which can all be good things and I do believe everything I mentioned is good to have in your life. But with so many things going on in life, one thing we often forget to do is rest. And I'm finding that "Rest" is not always the same thing as relaxing. I've been hearing the word Rest come up a lot these past few years and I've always been telling myself "oh I don't have a problem there. I probably spend too much time on 'rest'". I tend to watch a lot of entertainment. Not a whole lot of TV, but I do watch a lot of youtube every day. And then I'll usually play a few hours of video games in the week too. And although I would consider that relaxing and my time to "wind down". I'm starting to wonder if that actually isn't the rest that the Bible talks about so much There are several uses of the word rest in the bible and sometimes I do think they mean to "relax". But there is another type of rest that is much more than that. Matthew 11:28-29 "Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." The Word rest here is the Greek Word "anapauo" which means: To cause or permit one to cease from any movement or labour in order to recover and collect his strength To keep quiet, of calm and patient expectation I've had many weeks where I have been weary or heavy burdened. And chilling on the couch doesn't help me recover from those feelings, it just helps me forget about them and push them down to deal with later. In Matthew Jesus is talking about coming to him to receive rest. To come and have a calm and patient expectation, that He will carry the weight of what we're going through. And by taking the time to learn from him, walk with him, be with Him, we will begin to collect our strength and recover. He invites us to take His Yoke upon ourselves. Now what's a Yoke? A yoke is an old piece of work equipment that farmers used to attach two oxen together to work the farm. Instead of one Oxen carrying the full load on their own, they should now combine their strength to pull the weight. What's really cool is it didn't matter as much if one oxen was much weaker than the other. The weight would always be pulled by the combined strength of both oxen when you used a yoke. So when Jesus invites us to take on his yoke, he's asking you to work with him in order to carry the weight of life's burdens. Jesus's Yoke is easy, he'll do the heavy lifting, we don't have to strive to pull the weight ourselves. Taking a yoke on does mean walking with Him though. We just have to take the steps and learn from him as we regen our own strength by doing so. But what I think Jesus is really talking about here, is that He wants us to Keep Him next to us. Keep Jesus as our main priority. Walking with Jesus in this Yoke is what our life should be. We're going to watch a quick video in a second that really explains this well, but Living a Life of rest requires our walk with Jesus to be the main priority. If walking with Jesus is the most important thing, it becomes prett easy to add on everything else we care about in life on top of that. ?But If we try to focus on our career, our friends, our family, our hobbies first and then try to shove Jesus in all the cracks, that's a really hard way to live. ?Life is full of much more rest and fulfillment when we add those things on top of our journey with God, because when we do that, He's now yoked with us, and now He can help us pull the weight that all those good things bring. Play Video So what does this practic

    37 min
  2. 27/01/2020

    How to Have Faith

    When I was in my late teens I didn't understood how to connect to God. I remember so many times, when I'd try to pray, I always tried to find the right frequency to speak to him so he'd hear me. I used so much mental power, and I'd scream internally whenever I'd go to the altar to try and speak in my mind in a way that He would know I meant what I was saying. I'd tell God to "have His way" and I'd tell Him that "I wanted to live my life for Him", or I'd pray for things to happen in my life, but I was worried that I wasn't tuned in to the right level of Faith for Him to hear me. I would try to "muster up" faith in Him like Goku trying to go Super Sian. The Truth is, God always listens and we don't have to do anything special to speak to Him. He's just always there. Faith is not a force we have to work up in ourselves. Faith is believing. Don’t be like Goku trying to conjure up the faith to move the mountain. If you had to work hard to have faith then you’d be doing it out of your strength. But it’s God who is moving the mountain, not you. You just need to believe that He hears you and that He will move. Matthew 17:19-21 "Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, “Why couldn’t we cast out that demon?” “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." The bible says all you need is Faith the Size of a mustard seed to do great things. You know why? Because when it comes to Faith in God, He's the one who is actually doing everything. He just needs you to come onto the side of Faith in him even as far as a mustard seed and He can move mountains through you. Having Great Faith in something is amazing, and we should all try to grow to that level. Having more confidence that God will do things will bring us more piece. But God can still work with your mustard size faith. Faith is letting go of your reality and Letting God's reality intervene. Clip of Yoda telling Luke that his negativity is part of the problem Negativity is the enemy of Faith. If you're trying to have Faith for God to do something but you're also telling yourself it won't happen, then it likely won't happen. You can't say you have faith in something in one breath and then complain about it not happening in the next. *“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford * Testimony: I had been having daily pain in my jaw for about 7 weeks, sometimes it would be so bad I couldn't think strait and other days I couldn't even chew my food properly because I couldn't close my mouth all the way. Well a week two weeks ago on Sunday I had a few people from the alter ministry team pray for me after church that I'd be healed. The pain was still there the next day, and every day after but I was believing that I was healed even though I felt pain. It's hard to have faith for something that is not there. But that's why it's called Faith. It's the hope for things that are not there yet. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." This week on Monday I woke up with no pain in my jaw and I can wiggle it around and fully close it pain free! I'm healed! I had to have Faith every day that I would be healed until, it happened. I contended for my healing and I chose to have Faith in God's word. And some days my faith was being tested hard. I would not say I had great Faith in those moments, but I did chose to have some. I knew God could heal me, but I wasn't fully sure He would. But even with that thought I continued to tell myself I was healed and that the pain I felt was just the enemy trying to convince me to live lower than I have access to. If I would have complained the whole time that I was in pain and that God hasn't healed me yet, I would have been g

    26 min


Antioch Young Adults are a group of people who meet a few times a month to do life grow in our walks with God and do life together. This podcast is a collection of some of the messages and conversations that happen at our Young Adult meetings. We hope by listening to these messages, you will feel more equipped to live a great life for God.

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