八炸PTE 和我跟读

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从小认真执行英语课文的跟读,是长大后的我最想感谢自己的事情。跟读(不是自个儿瞎读)让我有意识地去模仿正确的发音、停顿、语音语调,从而养成了肌肉记忆,也就是英语的“感觉”,那种“我也说不清为啥跟to 但搭配for就是感觉不对"的那种feel。没有口音的英语也让我表达起来更自信,在澳洲学习工作零障碍。 专辑给大家分享一些我独家的英语学习的方法技巧,剖析我是如何无师自通, UP口语力的。并提供了标准PTE备考型例句方便大家read aloud,文本可在声音简介中找到。

  1. 17.12.2020

    WFT听写练习20句 |12月最新预测

    请在句子播放一遍后自行暂停,在1分钟内听写下来(多写不扣分)并核对以下答案: 1. The project is divided into four main sections. 2. A National Center of Excellence is currently being built. 3. Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing. 4. Daily practice can build confidence and improve skills. 5. Participants are initially selected from a range of foundation subjects. 6. They were struggling last year to make their service pay. 7. Students will develop confidence in their ability to think critically. 8. A very basic feature of computing is counting and calculating. 9. The celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy. 10. A good architectural structure should be usable, durable, and beautiful. 11. It was hard to anticipate how all the different characters would react. 12. The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure compositional style. 13. Financial help for undergraduate study is available on application. 14. Economic problems caused a big rise in unemployment. 15. The massive accumulation of data was converted to a communicable argument. 16. The same issue featured both explanations of the problem. 17. A bar chart can provide useful information in data comparison. 18. That means they have so many struggling overlaps.  19. The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide. 20. Coastal communities are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels.

    4 мин.
  2. 25.11.2020

    Repeat Sentence复述练习|11月下RS最新预测

    可在句子播放一遍后按暂停,复述出听到的内容,并核对以下答案。建议再次播放跟读,确保发音标准。 21 The history of economics is a tricky subject to study. 22 Sea levels are expected to rise during next century. 23 There won’t be any space for me in the car. 24 Read the fitness center instructions before attempting to use the equipment. 25 The books are filled with drawings of machines invented when he was a student. 26 It is necessary to solve the equation to determine the unknown variable. 27 The book is informative but it could be accused of political bias. 28 The burning of fossil fuels leads to pollution and global warming. 29 My siblings and I were waiting for my mother to come back from the hospital. 30 I am wondering if cell phones are actually just as dangerous as cigarettes. 31 For human beings breathing is a symbol of life. 32 Some young people seem to be addicted to their cell phones. 33 Humans have the ability to mentally say over 700 words a minute. 34 The trip for professional training will start soon, so pack the items before we leave. 35 Professor Gordon just called me a few minutes ago. 36 His objection to including scientific evidence has brought a lot of criticism to him. 37 The country’s economy is primarily based on tourism. 38 Students who wish to apply for an extension should approach their tutors. 39 We want to attract the very best students regardless of their financial circumstances. 40 We will need to make sure the school principal knows about the changes.

    3 мин.

Об этом подкасте

从小认真执行英语课文的跟读,是长大后的我最想感谢自己的事情。跟读(不是自个儿瞎读)让我有意识地去模仿正确的发音、停顿、语音语调,从而养成了肌肉记忆,也就是英语的“感觉”,那种“我也说不清为啥跟to 但搭配for就是感觉不对"的那种feel。没有口音的英语也让我表达起来更自信,在澳洲学习工作零障碍。 专辑给大家分享一些我独家的英语学习的方法技巧,剖析我是如何无师自通, UP口语力的。并提供了标准PTE备考型例句方便大家read aloud,文本可在声音简介中找到。

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