107: The Power of Nootropics for Cognitive Function in Menopause

Подкаст «The Menopause Coach»

Do you need a boost in your cognitive functions? Do you know where to get it from? Nootropics might be your answer!

In this episode, Adele discusses the benefits of nootropics during menopause.

Download Adele's Journey Journal here : https://adelejohnstoncoaching.com/my-journey-journal/

Enquire about 121 coaching here : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfw6vrmKPE7A1eYDKQJiR9No7ZDdpfq-grBdKYjZSR-vl0Qag/viewform

For extra support: Support@adelejohnstoncoaching.com


From your host : Adele Johnston

I’m Adele Johnston, a certified nutritionist and positive psychology coach, passionate about helping women improve their menopause health and reclaim who you are without menopause taking over.

This is a time in your life where you get to feel vibrant, sexy and reclaim you again!

I’m proud to work with women like you and have created a very successful proven Reclaiming You 3 STEP PROCESS to help you take back control of your body during your menopause.

For more details : https://adelejohnstoncoaching.com/

To get Adele's FREE 3-step Menopause Weight Loss Guide: https://adelejohnstoncoaching.com/menopause-weight-loss-guide/

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