
Jennifer Pleitgen
Подкаст «180FIT»

Podcast name -180FIT Host Jen Pleitgen with occasional special guest What it is about: For those tired of this weight loss game- straight talk from fitness and empowerment coach, Jen founder of GoJen and The 180FIT Body-Mind Method. Find answers and inspiration to all your health and wellness questions. The 180FIT body - mind method Changing bodies, changing minds GoJen Let’s Shine “Be Kind, be brave, live authentically and always shine” New Schedule The Daily 5 - Real Talk answering your questions in 5 min Monday-mindset motivation Wednesday - worthwhile workouts Friday-FIT Forever Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/180fit/support

  1. 04.12.2020

    #129 Women's Weight Loss: 5 Ways To Take It Off And Keep It Off For Good

    Free CBT emotional and binge eaters foodlog 180fitbodymind.com/free portion size containers https://gojen180fit.com/PC ************************* Losing weight is a huge accomplishment. For many permanent and long lasting weight loss is eluding. Many women spend a large amount of effort trying to lose weight only to have all of that hard work vanish over the next year. What happened? Why is it that women seem to yo-yo diet so frequently? Why is that we cannot as society maintain a healthy weight, as obesity rates continue to skyrocket out of control. There are key strategies that you can incorporate to keep take your weight off and keep it off for good. Let's take a look. ************************************************************ GoJen 180FIT” for my live workout schedule, master classes nutrition courses one and one coaching, swag, and everything GoJen 180fit related! on Apple http://gojen180fit.com/App on google play http://gojen180fit.com/Gapp Find me on Facebook https://tinyurl.com/Gojenfit Find me on Instagram GoJen 180FIT Subscribe to my podcast 180FIT on all major platforms Subscribe to my YouTube Channel “GoJen 180FIT” YouTube.com/c/gojen180fit Reach out to me any time 180fit@gojenfitness.com Jen Pleitgen Redefining “FIT” as a lifestyle #dietrebel movement  Your Holistic Life Empowerment and transformational Coach It takes a 180 in life to move from a place of “stuck to authentic thriving” There is hope for you, my friend. Reach out today and let’s begin a journey that is stainable, doable, lasting, and realistic --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/180fit/support

    7 мин.
  2. 17.11.2020

    #127 10 best foods for heart health

    10 Best Foods for Heart Health.  More than 1 in 10 Americans have been diagnosed with heart disease and it’s the leading cause of death in the world. Almost 50 percent of deaths in one year caused by heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes in a large group of Americans were linked with a poor diet.  Wow! This reinforces the fact that eating right lowers your risks of heart disease, stroke, and metabolic disorders. Let’s review the ten best foods for heart health.  ************************************************************** GoJen 180FIT” for my live workout schedule, master classes nutrition courses one and one coaching, swag, and everything GoJen 180fit related! on Apple http://gojen180fit.com/App on google play http://gojen180fit.com/Gapp Find me on Facebook https://tinyurl.com/Gojenfit Find me on Instagram GoJen 180FIT Subscribe to my podcast 180FIT on all major platforms Subscribe to my YouTube Channel “GoJen 180FIT” YouTube.com/c/gojen180fit Reach out to me any time 180fit@gojenfitness.com Jen Pleitgen Redefining “FIT” as a lifestyle #dietrebel movement  Your Holistic Life Empowerment and transformational Coach It takes a 180 in life to move from a place of “stuck to authentic thriving” There is hope for you, my friend. Reach out today and let’s begin a journey that is stainable, doable, lasting, and realistic --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/180fit/support

    7 мин.
  3. 16.11.2020

    #126 The Effects of Joy on Your Body Happiness is a Sense of Purpose and Well-being. 

    The Effects of Joy on Your Body Happiness is a Sense of Purpose and Well-being.  When people think of happiness and joy, they don’t tend to think of those as affecting health. But  Happiness and Joy can translate into a variety of effects on a person’s physical and mental health. A person’s positivity, optimism, and vitality are crucial to an individual's health. Happiness and joy tend to lower the risk for cardiovascular disease, improves blood pressure, promote better sleep, and reduces stress. Below is a deeper look it’s how joy affects the body. GoJen 180FIT” for my live workout schedule, master classes nutrition courses one and one coaching, swag, and everything GoJen 180fit related! on Apple http://gojen180fit.com/App on google play http://gojen180fit.com/Gapp Find me on Facebook https://tinyurl.com/Gojenfit Find me on Instagram GoJen 180FIT Subscribe to my podcast 180FIT on all major platforms Subscribe to my YouTube Channel “GoJen 180FIT” YouTube.com/c/gojen180fit Reach out to me any time 180fit@gojenfitness.com Jen Pleitgen Redefining “FIT” as a lifestyle #dietrebel movement  Your Holistic Life Empowerment and transformational Coach It takes a 180 in life to move from a place of “stuck to authentic thriving” There is hope for you, my friend. Reach out today and let’s begin a journey that is stainable, doable, lasting, and realistic --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/180fit/support

    5 мин.
  4. 12.11.2020

    #125 Home Based training how to set up an effective home-based work out without spending thousands

    Committing to a regular exercise regimen is often easier said than done. It takes discipline, focus and time – and if you’re planning to join a gym, it can cost you an arm and a leg every single month. But does it have to? The truth is, you don’t have to spend a fortune on gym memberships or fitness classes. With the tips and strategies featured inside of this special report, you’ll be able to achieve the exact same results at home at a low-to-no cost! Regular exercise, particularly as you get older, is an important component to living your best, most active and healthiest life. Beginners Tips to Working Out At Home: >> https://www.runtastic.com/blog/en/how-to-start-working- out/ How to Create a Gym At Home: >> https://www.self.com/story/exactly-how-to-start-workout- program-without-joining-gym 100 Home Based Workout Ideas: >> https://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/home. Jen’s top home workout favs! Running Belt: http://gojen180fit.com/rbelt Agility Ladder: http://gojen180fit.com/aldder Agility Markers: http://gojen180fit.com/markers. Amazon Band kit; https://tinyurl.com/180Fitbands Yoga and Barre Socks:http://gojen180fit.com/ybsocks Daily Motivation Cards: http://gojen180fit.com/mcards B-LINES Resistance Band: http://gojen180fit.com/rbandsl B-LINES Resistance Band Kit: http://gojen180fit.com/rbkit B-LINES Resistance Band Upgrade Kit: http://gojen180fit.com/rbukit Balance Ball: http://gojen180fit.com/bball Buddy Ball:http://gojen180fit.com/bbball Squishy Ball: http://gojen180fit.com/sqball Beachbody Step: http://gojen180fit.com/step BOD Rope: http://gojen180fit.com/rope Body Fat Tester: http://gojen180fit.com/bftest Chin Up Bar: http://gojen180fit.com/chinup Chin Up Max: http://gojen180fit.com/chinupmax Core Comfort Mat: http://gojen180fit.com/cmat Door Attachment Kit: http://gojen180fit.com/doorkit Foam Roller: http://gojen180fit.com/froller Hanging Ab Straps:http://gojen180fit.com/hastraps Jump Mat: http://gojen180fit.com/jumpmat Medicine Ball:http://gojen180fit.com/mball Premium Stability Ball: http://gojen180fit.com/sball PT Sandbag: http://gojen180fit.com/Sandbag Resistance Band Soft Handles: http://gojen180fit.com/rbsh Resistance Loops: http://gojen180fit.com/Resistanceloops Sculpting Band:http://gojen180fit.com/sculptingband Speed Rope: http://gojen180fit.com/speedrope Strength Band:http://gojen180fit.com/strengthband Weighted Gloves:http://gojen180fit.com/weightedgloves Yoga Mat: http://gojen180fit.com/yogamat --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/180fit/support

    25 мин.
  5. 02.11.2020

    #124 Your mind -cbt unlocking -Weight loss goals

    Your mind -cbt unlocking -Weight loss goals we must accept that life will be tough but in doing so, we can prepare for that toughness, we can come up with solutions and we can be fortified against any hardship that comes our way. In CBT or ‘Cognitive Behavioral Therapy’ – a more modern approach to psychology – the objective is to look at negative thoughts and beliefs and then challenge them and remove them. Let’s take a look at that ‘debt’ situation again shall we. Sure, it’s not ideal. But the worst case scenario is that you would lose your savings and go bankrupt. You might be forced to sell your house. But would you be homeless? No: you’d be on benefits. What if for whatever reason you weren’t provided with housing? Then you’d probably move in with your Mum, or with a friend. What if you couldn’t find work again? Well then, you could always work for a friend – or you could start a business. The point is: there is always a way. And yes life can be tough but that’s just part of its charm. It’s like a test and if you have a plan and you’re willing to put in the work, then you’ll be fine. Once you know this, you can tap into reservoirs of power and strength you never knew you had. And if you do the reverse: if you use visualization to picture the reason you’re doing what you’re doing and to see the tangible reward at the end of the road, then you can dip into an incredible well of motivation, creativity, power and determination. This is how you unlock the true potential of the brain and how you can achieve flow states and untapped power. In the full guides, we delve into all this in much more detail, so check it out and start using your brain to its fullest potential. Please like, subscribe and follow and share this with someone who is trying to live the FIT life! Download my App “GoJen 180FIT” for my live workout schedule, master classes nutrition courses one and one coaching, swag, and everything GoJen 180fit related! on Apple http://gojen180fit.com/App on google play http://gojen180fit.com/Gapp Find me on Facebook https://tinyurl.com/Gojenfit Find me on Instagram GoJen 180FIT Subscribe to my podcast 180FIT on all major platforms Subscribe to my YouTube Channel “GoJen 180FIT” YouTube.com/c/gojen180fit Reach out to me any time 180fit@gojenfitness.com Jen Pleitgen Redefining “FIT” as a lifestyle #dietrebel movement  Your Holistic Life Empowerment and transformational Coach It takes a 180 in life to move from a place of “stuck to authentic thriving” There is hope for you, my friend. Reach out today and let’s begin a journey that is stainable, doable, lasting, and realistic --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/180fit/support

    37 мин.

Об этом подкасте

Podcast name -180FIT Host Jen Pleitgen with occasional special guest What it is about: For those tired of this weight loss game- straight talk from fitness and empowerment coach, Jen founder of GoJen and The 180FIT Body-Mind Method. Find answers and inspiration to all your health and wellness questions. The 180FIT body - mind method Changing bodies, changing minds GoJen Let’s Shine “Be Kind, be brave, live authentically and always shine” New Schedule The Daily 5 - Real Talk answering your questions in 5 min Monday-mindset motivation Wednesday - worthwhile workouts Friday-FIT Forever Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/180fit/support

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