A4G Brand: God Gets The Glory

Mike Stevenson
Подкаст «A4G Brand: God Gets The Glory»

Welcome to the A4G Brand: God Gets The Glory Podcast. My name is Michael Stevenson. I am a ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer, and former collegiate student-athlete and coach. In this podcast, I will discuss business, health & wellness, and social topics to help you find the fire you’ve been looking for in life! We search for answers to find our God-willed passions and what it is that we truly love to do. While we discuss various topics and share stories, I’m here to tell you that “God Gets The Glory”! As we find our lost desires and get our lives moving back toward a positive direction!

Об этом подкасте

Welcome to the A4G Brand: God Gets The Glory Podcast. My name is Michael Stevenson. I am a ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer, and former collegiate student-athlete and coach. In this podcast, I will discuss business, health & wellness, and social topics to help you find the fire you’ve been looking for in life! We search for answers to find our God-willed passions and what it is that we truly love to do. While we discuss various topics and share stories, I’m here to tell you that “God Gets The Glory”! As we find our lost desires and get our lives moving back toward a positive direction!

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