All Else Equal

Jason and Forrest
Подкаст «All Else Equal»

Questions abound in this time of great uncertainty. This podcast's goal is to bridge the gap between student inquiry and the world class expertise available from Notre Dame's economics and business faculty in real time. Each podcast episode will focus on a student submitted question. Using students' questions as the vehicle for inquiry, we will find ND's leading experts on the subjects and have concise discussions with them regarding current issues.

  1. 09.04.2021

    Episode 24: GameStop, order flow, and Bernie Madoff w/ Robert Battalio

    Robert Battalio is currently a professor of Finance at the University of Notre Dame. Robert has also served on the faculty of Georgia State University, as a visiting academic at the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, and as the first NASD visiting academic fellow. Robert has consulted for Fidelity, the New York Stock Exchange, LaBranche, Goldman Sachs, NYFIX, NASDR, the Nasdaq Intermarket, Archipelago, Susquehanna, and Knight Securities. His primary area of interest involves the relationship between financial market design and trading costs. He is currently studying whether the post-earnings announcement drift survives transactions costs, who trades on accruals information, trading costs in the equity option market, and price discovery in option markets. Robert’s work has appeared in the Journal of Finance, the Journal of Financial Economics, and the Review of Financial Studies, among others. Robert has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, the Dallas Morning News, the Newark Star Ledger, Inc Magazine, Business Week On-Line, the New York Times, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Letter, Christian Science Monitor, CNNfn, USA Today, Barrons, and Securities Week. GameStop's Shift to Dark Trading Jim Angel's paper Gamestonk: What happened and what to do about it Netflix's Challenger and the very awesome academic paper discussing the Challenger explosion and market efficiency Music sampled from Saweetie - Tap In

    30 мин.

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Questions abound in this time of great uncertainty. This podcast's goal is to bridge the gap between student inquiry and the world class expertise available from Notre Dame's economics and business faculty in real time. Each podcast episode will focus on a student submitted question. Using students' questions as the vehicle for inquiry, we will find ND's leading experts on the subjects and have concise discussions with them regarding current issues.

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