Black & Gold Blueprint: A Pittsburgh Steelers Podcast

Roy Countryman
Подкаст «Black & Gold Blueprint: A Pittsburgh Steelers Podcast»

"Black & Gold Blueprint" is your go-to podcast for all things Pittsburgh Steelers decision making. Listen to Roy Countryman as he brings you in-depth analysis of free agency, coupled with an insider's look at the scouting process and how they identify players that fit the Steelers standard. From the NFL Draft to building a winning team, Roy will dissect every decision that shapes the future of the black and gold.

Об этом подкасте

"Black & Gold Blueprint" is your go-to podcast for all things Pittsburgh Steelers decision making. Listen to Roy Countryman as he brings you in-depth analysis of free agency, coupled with an insider's look at the scouting process and how they identify players that fit the Steelers standard. From the NFL Draft to building a winning team, Roy will dissect every decision that shapes the future of the black and gold.

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