Bullaki Science Podcast

Подкаст «Bullaki Science Podcast»

Thought provoking science podcast with the world's sharpest minds and leading scientists hosted by physicist Dr Samuele Lilliu. For guests and collaborations visit www.bullaki.com or contact podcast@bullaki.com. The video version of our podcast is available on: *** https://vimeo.com/showcase/9207544 *** https://odysee.com/@bullaki:0- -*** https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-lupVtBYdaPit2t5eHexGG-owKIFGcRJ ********** www.bullaki.com ***** www.scivpro.com ***** https://vimeo.com/ ***** bullaki ***** https://www.youtube.com/bullaki

Об этом подкасте

Thought provoking science podcast with the world's sharpest minds and leading scientists hosted by physicist Dr Samuele Lilliu. For guests and collaborations visit www.bullaki.com or contact podcast@bullaki.com. The video version of our podcast is available on: *** https://vimeo.com/showcase/9207544 *** https://odysee.com/@bullaki:0- -*** https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-lupVtBYdaPit2t5eHexGG-owKIFGcRJ ********** www.bullaki.com ***** www.scivpro.com ***** https://vimeo.com/ ***** bullaki ***** https://www.youtube.com/bullaki

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