Centre for Youth and International Studies (CYIS) - Podcasts

CYIS Podcasts
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Founded in 2020 in Brussels, the Centre for Youth and International Studies is a voluntary, youth-oriented and non-partisan think-tank with a strong in-house research capacity of exceptional young professionals. We are working to provide content that covers the following topics: humanitarian, politics, environment and economics.


  1. Afghan Peace Talks Series - Ep. 3: Interview with Ms. Metra Mehran


    Afghan Peace Talks Series - Ep. 3: Interview with Ms. Metra Mehran

    Metra Mehran is a young social entrepreneur with a particular interest in women’s empowerment and education. She is a Fulbright scholar, currently working with Women Scholarship Endowment Program- provides scholarships for women to pursues their education in STEM majors. She is also a fellow with the National Center for Dialogue and Peace, where she is focused on encouraging intergenerational exchange and uniting different points of view (urban and rural, young and old) for sustainable peace. She co-founded the Feminine Perspectives Movement ahead of Intra-Afghan peace negotiations. The aim is to provide a platform for women across Afghanistan to raise their voice for the protection of their fundamental rights and to ensure women’s perspectives are reflected in peace negotiation processes. A leading voice in education and women empowerment, she writes opinion pieces for local and international outlets and delivers speeches. Her op-eds have been published in international outlets such as Foreign Policy and The Diplomat. She has talked at Oxford University, Rice University, Arkansas University, United Nations headquarter in New York, and has been the keynote speaker along with people like Michelle Obama. Before this, she was working with UNDP, World Bank, and DFID. As a program manager at DFID Afghanistan, she managed grants for nonprofits that primarily focused on women empowerment, human rights, justice, media, and political accountability, the same areas she wants to promote. Aurore Saccagi and Morane Verhoeven, two research analysts from the Centre for Youth and International Studies’ (CYIS) Humanitarian Dimension, interview this wonderful and inspiring woman as part of a podcast series on the Afghan Peace talks. This podcast was recorded in February 2021 and is the third and last episode of the Series.

    26 мин.

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Founded in 2020 in Brussels, the Centre for Youth and International Studies is a voluntary, youth-oriented and non-partisan think-tank with a strong in-house research capacity of exceptional young professionals. We are working to provide content that covers the following topics: humanitarian, politics, environment and economics.

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