Cyber Safety Project - DigiKnow Kids Series

Cyber Safety Project
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When it comes to raising a safe, confident and independent digital citizens, conversations are crucial! Throughout the Cyber Safety Project DigiKnow Series, co-founders, educators, best friends and all-round legends, Sam and Trent, facilitate open, honest and real conversations about staying secure, safe and well online. Tune in on the drive to school, sports training, dance rehearsal, coding club or music lessons, let's get the whole family talking.


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When it comes to raising a safe, confident and independent digital citizens, conversations are crucial! Throughout the Cyber Safety Project DigiKnow Series, co-founders, educators, best friends and all-round legends, Sam and Trent, facilitate open, honest and real conversations about staying secure, safe and well online. Tune in on the drive to school, sports training, dance rehearsal, coding club or music lessons, let's get the whole family talking.

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