Dr. Jeffrey Kronson: Veins Be Gone

Подкаст «Beauty Now»
Dr. Jeffrey Kronson tells Beauty Now listeners all they need to know about varicose and spider veins. This affects not only women but men too. Be honest, you have noticed veins on people wearing shorts. Worse, have you noticed your own veins and thought well maybe I could do something? Well you can and now you will also know the warning signs of a more serious vein problem.. Download this episdode today, get a pencil because you will need it to understand what type of vein problem you may have. This episode is filled with no nonsense advice and can actually save your life with these direct helpful tips, warning signs and treatments. Do not hide your legs one day longer. Take good care of you with the many tips that Dr. Kronson shares with us. Go on and flaunt those legs after you get the help you need. Start here. Beauty Now on I tunes. Dr. Kronson is a board certified general and vascular surgeon. Veins be gone.

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