Eastbourne.online podcast shows

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At Eastbourne dot online we want to get to the heart of the community, to find out what charities are up to, fundraising events, community projects, good causes and also what individual people are achieving. So maybe you write poetry or have published a book. Perhaps you sing or play in a band and you want more exposure and a shout out when you are playing a gig. It doesn’t matter what it is, we want to showcase all that is great in Eastbourne! Our aim at Eastbourne.online is to get to the heart of the community by working with the community, local government, charities, businesses and individuals. We have live streamed a few events including Eastbourne full Council Meetings and Planning Committee meetings. We love social media and so if you want your message shared we can do that along with adding information to our website. Embrace digital media by working with us at Eastbourne.Online to build your business through unique, creative, authentic and inspiring digital marketing.


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At Eastbourne dot online we want to get to the heart of the community, to find out what charities are up to, fundraising events, community projects, good causes and also what individual people are achieving. So maybe you write poetry or have published a book. Perhaps you sing or play in a band and you want more exposure and a shout out when you are playing a gig. It doesn’t matter what it is, we want to showcase all that is great in Eastbourne! Our aim at Eastbourne.online is to get to the heart of the community by working with the community, local government, charities, businesses and individuals. We have live streamed a few events including Eastbourne full Council Meetings and Planning Committee meetings. We love social media and so if you want your message shared we can do that along with adding information to our website. Embrace digital media by working with us at Eastbourne.Online to build your business through unique, creative, authentic and inspiring digital marketing.

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