Eat Real, Eat Kind

Kristen Berry
Подкаст «Eat Real, Eat Kind»

Life, love and the pursuit of ending factory farming in America. Eating real and eating kind are the springboards to living a healthy and fit life in which you respect yourself and others. America needs an overhaul in the way we treat each other as well as the way we eat, and how we treat farm animals. The circle of life shouldn't include factory farming where hundreds of thousands of animals live in sadness and misery, only to die in unimaginable ways.. If you want to get fit for REAL, it has to encompass every facet of your life and that includes purposful respect for animals. Begin here!

Об этом подкасте

Life, love and the pursuit of ending factory farming in America. Eating real and eating kind are the springboards to living a healthy and fit life in which you respect yourself and others. America needs an overhaul in the way we treat each other as well as the way we eat, and how we treat farm animals. The circle of life shouldn't include factory farming where hundreds of thousands of animals live in sadness and misery, only to die in unimaginable ways.. If you want to get fit for REAL, it has to encompass every facet of your life and that includes purposful respect for animals. Begin here!

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