Ep 113 How to Get Back on Track without Dieting or Restricting

Подкаст «More Than What You Eat»

Post-holiday is often a time where many resolve to “get back on track” with their eating habits. However, what happens when the intention of getting back on track is rooted in restriction and food rule?

In this episode I talk about how you can truly get back on track and realign yourself with your body’s needs to live a sustainable healthy life, without food rules or obsession – so you can be the expert of your body and feel confident with food, for life!

If you’re desiring personalized and nuanced support to end the food chaos and body shame effectively so you can confidently nourish yourself without rules, my IntuEATive Living Group Coaching program is now open for presale enrollment [aka save $300!] until May 6th. Click HERE to apply and I’ll be in touch!  Please hyperlink to : 

Rachel’s Resources:

  • Follow Rachel on Instagram 

  • RD Entrepreneurs: Get my FREE Set Up for Success Bundle Guide to set up your biz with ease. Click HERE to get immediate access.

  • For the  Intuitive Eating Professional seeking to boost her counseling skills & coach clients with confidence using the Intuitive Eating approach: Get immediate access to the FREE video training, 3 Steps to Boost Your Coaching Confidence 

Want to share your thoughts or feedback on this episode? Contact Rachel at  rachel@rachelgoodnutrition.com

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