
Подкаст «GovLab»

GovLab is the innovation brand of Deloitte Public Sector. Together with Governmental and Healthcare organisations and their partners, GovLab aims to solve society's most wicked problems through innovation. In this podcast series we talk with public sector innovators that try to make society a bit better place to live in. What drives them? What are there ambitions? How did they organize innovation? What has been their biggest success and failure? And what can we learn from this all?

Об этом подкасте

GovLab is the innovation brand of Deloitte Public Sector. Together with Governmental and Healthcare organisations and their partners, GovLab aims to solve society's most wicked problems through innovation. In this podcast series we talk with public sector innovators that try to make society a bit better place to live in. What drives them? What are there ambitions? How did they organize innovation? What has been their biggest success and failure? And what can we learn from this all?

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