Hang with Hoda| Find your inner light through darkness

Hoda Attia
Подкаст «Hang with Hoda| Find your inner light through darkness»

Often times when life knocks us down, we stay down, and enter in this cycle of self destruction and self doubt. Join me in learning ways to handle the toughest moments of your life, how to become resilient, grow, and find parts of yourself you never knew existed. If we try, we often find our authentic voice through trauma, and I want to help you unleash your authenticity and love yourself.

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Often times when life knocks us down, we stay down, and enter in this cycle of self destruction and self doubt. Join me in learning ways to handle the toughest moments of your life, how to become resilient, grow, and find parts of yourself you never knew existed. If we try, we often find our authentic voice through trauma, and I want to help you unleash your authenticity and love yourself.

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