Healing in grace

Sorida Brown
Подкаст «Healing in grace»

This pod cast will focus mainly on emotional and mental support for all walks of life. In especially catering overwhelmed single moms. This is the time where we need someone to relate to and talk it out or even take the pain from us for just a moment. Lets begin to be the best versions of ourselves together. About the host: Sorida was always a strong willed, loving, caring person. Born and raised in NY she has the wit of a Yankee gal and the spirit of her ancestors. Raising three children she managed to move about the states in search of a place where she belonged. Listen to her story.

Об этом подкасте

This pod cast will focus mainly on emotional and mental support for all walks of life. In especially catering overwhelmed single moms. This is the time where we need someone to relate to and talk it out or even take the pain from us for just a moment. Lets begin to be the best versions of ourselves together. About the host: Sorida was always a strong willed, loving, caring person. Born and raised in NY she has the wit of a Yankee gal and the spirit of her ancestors. Raising three children she managed to move about the states in search of a place where she belonged. Listen to her story.

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