Healing Ninjas Podcast

Healing Ninjas
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A podcast dedicated to highlighting the healing journeys of everyday people.

  1. 08.04.2021

    Therapists Are People Too

    In this episode, we hear from Liliana Doyon, a first-generation Mexican-American and licensed marriage and family therapist from New York City.  Liliana reflects on her own childhood experiences and how they led to her becoming a therapist. She talks about having experienced emotional neglect, physical abuse, and witnessing violence and rage growing up. Liliana unpacks how when she was young she would struggle with saying “I don’t know” out of fear, and how progressively this led to a huge motivation to want to know more by reading and connecting to people. She talks about being 16 years old and taking on so much which led to her first panic attack. Liliana shares how she went through several panic attacks until being introduced to both medication and therapy at a young age, thus providing some tools and language to understand her experiences. She later describes how she, at some point, engaged in her practice not only as a means to help others but also to avoid some of her own internal feelings.  Liliana also gets vulnerable and dives into what it was like to experience a divorce following a 7-year marriage. She talks about how important it was for her to reconnect with herself to be able to heal from that experience and keep going. Liliana recommends journaling as a way to sit with and reflect on our lives. Be sure to connect with Lilliana on:  Website: http://www.relationshipcounselingct.com/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilianadoyon/?hl=en  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liliana-doyon-a0a63b86/

    44 мин.
  2. 02.03.2021

    Overthinking and Embracing the Process

    In this episode, we hear from Katherin Quezada, a young Mexican woman from New York City.  Katherin talks about trying to get out of her comfort zone and growing up being told what was expected of her as a woman. She reflects on what it was like to be raised in an environment where communication was lacking and how this inevitably led her to keep to herself a lot and being very shy. Katherin also talks about recognizing repetitive harmful relationship patterns in her family and trying to break these generational patterns in her own life. She discusses what it has been like to set boundaries in her life, based on things that she doesn’t want to repeat. Katherine speaks about learning how to sit with her emotions and identifying what she is feeling, along with being able to accept that it is okay to feel.  Katherin dives into how she has struggled with overthinking, and how it has often come up from having been the person that everyone would lean on for advice and support. She describes how her past reflects a lot on her present and overthinking about things that she has experienced in her childhood and not wanting to go through the same things as a grown woman. Katherin talks about learning to love herself and looking to the next day as another opportunity to be better/different. Katherin recommends finding loving positive people, listening to music, going for walks, and reading books by r.h. Sin if you are looking for resources in your healing journey. Katherin hopes to one day take her experiences and potentially be intentional support for others, particularly a therapist.  Be sure to follow Katherin on:  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_katherinnq_/

    33 мин.
  3. 24.02.2021

    After a Traumatic Pregnancy a Business Leader is Born

    In this episode, we hear from Taishma Owens-Council, a 25-year-old Black woman, military spouse, mother, and owner of Virtual Goal Assistant Agency (VGAA). Taishma dives into her motherhood journey. She reflects on being raised to think that women only had two options: motherhood or a career; but not both at the same time. She shares with us having the kind of awareness, during high school, that led her to know that she did not want to become a statistic and opted for birth control. Years later, after college, Tai and her husband found themselves trying for a child for three years to no avail. She shares how she sought help from a reproductive clinic and finally becoming pregnant, only to later develop gestational diabetes and be diagnosed with preeclampsia: a pregnancy complication for which the mortality rate is twice as high for black women. She talks us through the final stages of her pregnancy, and how the complication ultimately led to her staying in the hospital for 2 weeks and being away from her newborn son, Adonis, during her period of recovery. Tai talks about how she later sought out therapy, was diagnosed with post-partum depression, and what it was like to unpack all of this trauma when healing was never part of the conversation growing up. Tai shares how she healed from this experience and how she decided to start her own business by turning her hobby into a full-time job. Tai describes how she learned to juggle being a mother, wife, and business owner all at the same time. Tai suggests that people learn to set boundaries so that they can protect their mental health, family, and happiness.  Be sure to connect with Tai on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vgaallc/  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/taishma.council9 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/towens-council/  VGAA Website: https://www.vgaallc.com/

    33 мин.

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A podcast dedicated to highlighting the healing journeys of everyday people.

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