HSP Wellness Warriors

Tonya Rothe and Daphnie Leigh
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Welcome to the podcast where Tonya and Daphnie, two Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), are on a mission to spark a sensitivity revolution and empower fellow Highly Sensitive Warriors to thrive. Join them as they dive deep into the world of wellness, sharing insights, tips, and stories that celebrate the unique traits of HSPs and inspire a new approach to living a mindful, fulfilling life. Tune in to discover how embracing your sensitivity can lead to greater self-awareness, resilience, and well-being. New episodes released every other Wednesday.

Об этом подкасте

Welcome to the podcast where Tonya and Daphnie, two Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), are on a mission to spark a sensitivity revolution and empower fellow Highly Sensitive Warriors to thrive. Join them as they dive deep into the world of wellness, sharing insights, tips, and stories that celebrate the unique traits of HSPs and inspire a new approach to living a mindful, fulfilling life. Tune in to discover how embracing your sensitivity can lead to greater self-awareness, resilience, and well-being. New episodes released every other Wednesday.

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