How to Find the Gift in Every Situation

Подкаст «"Life Changers... the podcast"»

A fascinating conversation with Shannon O'Flaherty where we discuss; how to find the gift in every situation, the power of 'paying it forward' and why letting go of our attachment helps us achieve our goals and aspirations in life.

Shannon is a spiritual coach, shamanic practitioner, therapist and teacher. She has twenty years private practice working one to one, with individuals, couples and extensively in the corporate world. 

Almost 3 years ago she took her business online and would welcome you to her private Facebook Group ‘The Spiritually Conscious Traveller’ a beautiful community with free live trainings and thought provoking messages.  

Shannon also teaches an online life transformational 12 week healing course called ‘From Fear Into Love’ with weekly coaching calls.  She also offers ‘Healing Bundles’ working one to one over Zoom.  

 She takes small groups to Peru on shamanic spiritual healing retreats.  (When not bound by pandemics) 

Shannon has produced two e-books...

  • Breakthrough Your Abundance Blockers'
  • 7 Sacred Oaths and How to Clear Them'

Shannon also has...

  • A mini course called ‘How to Make A Despacho & Have A Fire Ceremony’

And a 

  • 4 week fully automated course called ‘Clarity & Abundance’

Shannon offers distant quantum shamanic clearings, mentoring and later this year will be offering an advanced energy medicine class called ‘Transformational Happiness’ and an online business development class for spiritually evolved “wanna be entrepreneurs” called ‘Business Power Suit Angel School’

For More Information visit...

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