Infection Control Matters

Brett Mitchell
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In this podcast series, we discuss new research and issues on the topic of infection prevention and control. We talk to doctors, nurses, clinicians, academics and administrators. Professor Brett Mitchell (from Avondale University, Australia), Visiting Professor Martin Kiernan (University of West London and Avondale University) and Professor Philip Russo (Monash University) have considerable experience in infection prevention and control. In this series, we discuss topical issues, speak to authors of papers that catch our eye and occasionally produce special editions from conferences that we attend. We welcome feedback from listeners.

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In this podcast series, we discuss new research and issues on the topic of infection prevention and control. We talk to doctors, nurses, clinicians, academics and administrators. Professor Brett Mitchell (from Avondale University, Australia), Visiting Professor Martin Kiernan (University of West London and Avondale University) and Professor Philip Russo (Monash University) have considerable experience in infection prevention and control. In this series, we discuss topical issues, speak to authors of papers that catch our eye and occasionally produce special editions from conferences that we attend. We welcome feedback from listeners.

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