Innovation Ecosystems Unpacked

Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship
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Recently, there has been a great deal of attention surrounding the importance of building a supportive innovation ecosystem for startups and scaleups. The latter is known in to lead to better innovation capabilities and to the creation of jobs and ventures, which in turn contribute to economic growth and resilience. But what exactly are “innovation ecosystems”? And how do you make sure you address the right needs when building your local ecosystem? Find out in our podcast series, featuring a diverse group of innovation ecosystem experts and entrepreneurs. 


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Recently, there has been a great deal of attention surrounding the importance of building a supportive innovation ecosystem for startups and scaleups. The latter is known in to lead to better innovation capabilities and to the creation of jobs and ventures, which in turn contribute to economic growth and resilience. But what exactly are “innovation ecosystems”? And how do you make sure you address the right needs when building your local ecosystem? Find out in our podcast series, featuring a diverse group of innovation ecosystem experts and entrepreneurs. 

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