Выпусков: 46

Come on a journey…into yoga, where we explore and demystify yoga and its many postures. Beginning with a clear and concise explanation of the pose du jour, the show then guides you through a different posture each week. If you have 10 minutes you have enough time for this user friendly auditory practice. If you have always been curious about this thing called yoga, join us for a low time commitment yet high return show - the only thing you have to lose is stress.
The show is hosted by Avery Rich, an Advanced Certified yoga instructor who received her certification from the Yoga Centre Winnipeg. A former lawyer, Avery continues to help people problem solve, only now her methods are on the yoga mat. Teaching into her second decade, Avery resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
Artwork: Asher Rich

Journey Into Yoga Avery Rich

    • Здоровье и фитнес

Come on a journey…into yoga, where we explore and demystify yoga and its many postures. Beginning with a clear and concise explanation of the pose du jour, the show then guides you through a different posture each week. If you have 10 minutes you have enough time for this user friendly auditory practice. If you have always been curious about this thing called yoga, join us for a low time commitment yet high return show - the only thing you have to lose is stress.
The show is hosted by Avery Rich, an Advanced Certified yoga instructor who received her certification from the Yoga Centre Winnipeg. A former lawyer, Avery continues to help people problem solve, only now her methods are on the yoga mat. Teaching into her second decade, Avery resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. 
Artwork: Asher Rich

    There's a Whole Lot Going On in Revolved Triangle Pose!

    There's a Whole Lot Going On in Revolved Triangle Pose!

    Revolved triangle pose - aaahhh, sometimes when I just hear this posture as the next one coming up in class I feel a slight twinge, knowing that this posture is one that I find quite challenging

    • 6 мин.
    Uppavista K?

    Uppavista K?

    Uppavista Konasana or wide angle seated forward bend, is in the family of seated yoga poses and also includes a forward folding element to it.

    • 5 мин.
    A Bridge Pose Too Far

    A Bridge Pose Too Far

    Breaking down a supported and unsupported version of Bridge Pose

    • 5 мин.
    Extend That Side Angle

    Extend That Side Angle

    This is a powerful pose, and as I have mentioned with other similar standing poses, it can bring power and strength into not only the body but also the mind.

    • 8 мин.
    When your back into a wall is a good thing!

    When your back into a wall is a good thing!

    I often tell my students if you want to get an idea of what is going on in your body, sit on the floor. You cant hide from what shows up from simply sitting on the ground - it’s not easy or simple.

    • 7 мин.
    Quads - Four times the fun!

    Quads - Four times the fun!

    For sure there are many different ways to stretch, open and attend to the quads, and today we will explore my personal favourite - I have named this episode the “simple quad stretch” because sometimes, simple is best.

    • 6 мин.

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