KB1 Real Music

Paul Swann
Подкаст «KB1 Real Music»

A very cool guy talking about very cool music. Tune in for KB1 aka Kevin Brown w/the host Paul Swann. We tried to find an umbrella to put this podcast under but when it came down to it there just wasn’t an umbrella big enough. We aren’t going to just talk about R&B from the 70’s and 80’s but it’ll be a lot of that. It won’t just be about the great jazz musicians on this planet, but it will sometimes lean in that direction. It will discuss the legendary pop artists of our time. Just get in here and hang on.  We think you’ll enjoy it


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A very cool guy talking about very cool music. Tune in for KB1 aka Kevin Brown w/the host Paul Swann. We tried to find an umbrella to put this podcast under but when it came down to it there just wasn’t an umbrella big enough. We aren’t going to just talk about R&B from the 70’s and 80’s but it’ll be a lot of that. It won’t just be about the great jazz musicians on this planet, but it will sometimes lean in that direction. It will discuss the legendary pop artists of our time. Just get in here and hang on.  We think you’ll enjoy it

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