Labors of Life: Thrive and Flourish no Matter What with Brandi Sellerz-Jackson Harvesting Happiness Podcasts

    • Здоровье и фитнес

The path to joy is often obstructed with obstacles, setbacks, and grief. From expectant mothers who are just one intense push away from delivering a new lifeforce to adult children caring for their aging parents, many times the pain we endure is the seed that blossoms into the flower of happiness.

To find out more about cultivating the labors of life into personal fulfillment, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, doula, and co-founder of Moms in Color, Brandi Sellerz-Jackson about her toolkit for thriving.

Brandi reveals that sometimes the best times in life are when the shadows of darkness recede. In her book, On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life's Great Labors, she imparts the benefits of kindness, how to move beyond surviving and into thriving, and the nuances of co-regulation and codependency.

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WANT MORE SOUND IDEAS FOR DEEPER THINKING? Check out More Mental Fitness by Harvesting Happiness bonus content available exclusively on Substack and Medium.

The path to joy is often obstructed with obstacles, setbacks, and grief. From expectant mothers who are just one intense push away from delivering a new lifeforce to adult children caring for their aging parents, many times the pain we endure is the seed that blossoms into the flower of happiness.

To find out more about cultivating the labors of life into personal fulfillment, Harvesting Happiness Podcast Host Lisa Cypers Kamen speaks with author, doula, and co-founder of Moms in Color, Brandi Sellerz-Jackson about her toolkit for thriving.

Brandi reveals that sometimes the best times in life are when the shadows of darkness recede. In her book, On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life's Great Labors, she imparts the benefits of kindness, how to move beyond surviving and into thriving, and the nuances of co-regulation and codependency.

Like what you’re hearing?

WANT MORE SOUND IDEAS FOR DEEPER THINKING? Check out More Mental Fitness by Harvesting Happiness bonus content available exclusively on Substack and Medium.

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