Life Enthusiast

Martin Pytela
Подкаст «Life Enthusiast»

Life Enthusiast with Martin Pytela and guests is an educational program focusing on health and wellness from the holistic perspective - discovering the root causes and blocking factors of optimal health.


  1. 18 СЕНТ.

    Podcast 487: Master Peace Clinical Study (Part 1)

    Podcast 487: Master Peace Clinical Study (Part 1) Martin Pytela sits down with Matt Hazen from Human Consciousness Support to explore groundbreaking discoveries in the battle against environmental toxins. Matt shares insights from a recent study of 24 participants, investigating the effects of “forever chemicals” like lead, mercury, and graphene oxide have on our health. Together, they reveal the alarming rise in industrial toxins and introduce Master Peace, a natural solution aimed at helping the body detoxify and regain balance. Join us for an in-depth discussion on how we can reclaim our health in a polluted world, and don’t miss part two, where the study results will be revealed. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST 🎉 Big News! We’re now on Rumble!   MARTIN: Hi, everyone. This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast and with me today, Matt Hazen of Human Consciousness Support. We get the Master Peace product from Matt. And I am so grateful for this association. Welcome, Matt. MATT: Hi, Martin. Always good to talk to you. MARTIN: Yeah, Matt, I am just so impressed with you for, never mind all the anecdotal stories that we are getting from the field. I mean, my own included, people getting better, people having positive experiences. But you are really stepping it up, putting out real clinical, scientific, measurable data, right? MATT: Absolutely. Yeah. What we need to do, as an entire population, is learn how to be critical thinkers again. We’ve been programmed to believe the authority figures are the doctors a lot of times and what not, instead of looking for the data and evidence and analysis, which are ironclad facts. And so we’re real excited. And today we’re actually going to get a chance to show people what is our baseline, our beginning results to a study with 24 people. It’s really important that people see with their eyes and get to take this information in so they can understand the world that they live in and how best to maintain and thrive and have their best health in today’s unique times. MARTIN: Okay. This totally makes sense. I have been talking about the tragedy of the Industrial Revolution. On one hand, we are getting all these wonderful conveniences. We have products that are really helping us live lives that are more comfortable, but at the same time, we are polluting the planet in a way that’s just. Well, I think we are hitting what I would call the inflection point, the critical mass, the toxic point, where all of a sudden things are going to get out of hand. MATT: I agree. Yeah, we’re at a tipping point. We can look at not just human health and how the human race is in a worldwide health epidemic, but you can look at our woods, you can look at our ecosystem. Everything is showing trouble. And especially now that we’re looking at tested levels, we’re really going to see why. Well, it looks bad, but we’re going to really see why it’s looking that bad. MARTIN: Yeah, I actually wanted to introduce this concept. I don’t know if,

  2. 30 АВГ.

    Podcast 486: Fitness with Brian Keane

    Podcast 486: Fitness with Brian Keane We are thrilled to welcome Brian Keane on the podcast today. Brian’s remarkable journey began with serious health challenges and the use of alcohol as a coping mechanism, evolving into his role as a renowned global fitness coach and extreme endurance athlete. He opens up about how he conquered chronic headaches, gut issues, and emotional struggles by taking charge of his nutrition and fitness. Brian’s story underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health, one that integrates physical fitness with mental resilience, nutrition, and self-awareness. Today, he is dedicated to empowering others to enhance their energy, vitality, and body composition through online personalized fitness and nutrition coaching. Dive into more details on his website: Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST 🎉 Big News! We’re now on Rumble!     MARTIN: Hello, everyone. Martin Pytela here for Life Enthusiast podcast. And with me today, I have Brian Keane. The business is known as Brian Keane Fitness. And just look at him. He looks fit, Brian. BRIAN: Martin, absolute pleasure to be on, and I’m really looking forward to chatting. MARTIN: Yeah, Brian, I want to try and pick you as one of the representatives of healthy maleness, the boy who grows to be a healthy man and expresses himself joyfully and is able to know why that is, how that is, and how to share it with others. What do you think? BRIAN: Yeah, let’s do it. Let’s dive into the story and try and serve in any way we can. MARTIN: Well, how did we get here? BRIAN: It’s interesting because we were speaking on my podcast when you were on, about your mercury fillings when you were 25 and how that kind of set you up on your journey. And mine is slightly different, but not completely away from what happened with you. I had a lot of health issues when I was a teenager, so I missed nearly a year of school because I would get these chronic headaches. And it was something that I went to every Western doctor. I was getting MRIs on the monthly, I was getting blood tests done regularly, and nobody could figure out what was going on. I just had these chronic headaches and migraines. And I ended up going to university the next year and started drinking a lot of alcohol, which, very weirdly, got rid of my headaches and became a coping mechanism. I know, a temporary solution, a band-aid on a bloody wound, but a temporary solution. BRIAN: And over the next few years, I used alcohol as a coping mechanism. And I moved to the states and I was working with Berkeley University. I was teaching soccer with Berkeley University. I have a sports background, and I ended up being hospitalized out there. I started spitting up blood and had to be hospitalized. And at the time, they said it was a bleeding ulcer or an ulcer that was bleeding, and that I had gallbladder problems. And they gave me a mouthful and handful of medications and were like: “Alright on your way, away you go.” And of course as you know,

  3. 22 АВГ.

    Podcast 485: Decluttering Trauma

    Podcast 485: Decluttering Trauma In this episode, Martin Pytela interviews Valerie Huard, a trauma and decluttering coach. Valerie’s research shows that there is a profound connection between trauma and material clutter. Valerie reveals how trauma can impair the brain’s ability to maintain order, leading to clutter that exacerbates stress and isolation. She shares her personal journey of healing from childhood trauma and outlines her holistic approach to decluttering, which addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of clutter. By helping clients process their emotions and foster a supportive community, Valerie guides them toward lasting transformation in their living spaces and overall well-being. If you would like to know more about how Valerie can help you, please visit her website: Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST 🎉 Big News! We’re now on Rumble!   MARTIN: Hello, this is Martin Pytela. Life Enthusiast health coach for Life Enthusiast podcast. With me today, Valerie Huard. VALERIE: Hi, Martin. MARTIN: Hello. Pleasure. Let me try and introduce you to our audience. Valerie, like myself, lives in Canada and like myself, has a pretty deep experience with trauma, both in her own life and helping others. And I think the aspect that we’re going to explore today is valuable. Many of our audience are going through what Valerie is helping people to deal with. Let’s dive in. Welcome. VALERIE: Awesome. Thank you. I’m really glad to be here. MARTIN: Yeah. Valerie, I think it would be very helpful to just hear what it is that you focus on in helping people to solve in their life. VALERIE: Yeah, I help people that have faced, unfortunately, some traumatic event. And because of that, eventually in life they started accumulating clutter. And now they are in a position where not only the trauma is blocking them, but the clutter is isolating them from inviting people at home or from doing some activity or finding some of their objects. MARTIN: Right? So sometimes it happens because you’re just too tired and too sick to keep up, right? And it just starts accumulating all around you. VALERIE: Yes. But it’s also because when someone had a trauma, the executive functions are affected after that. Yeah. Basically what happened is due to the fight or flight response. I think your audience already knows about the fight or flight response. After a trauma, the body needs to produce more cortisol. That’s the stress hormone in the brain. And for that the stress hormone raise, raise, raise and then slow down the frontal lobe. There is the executive function. This is where they are. So we’re talking about planning, organizing, sorting, working memory and focus. So all things that are really important to maintain a home tidy. MARTIN: Yeah I can relate to it in a minor way. I call it my travel brain, where on the travel day I can no longer think clearly. I have to be working off of a list because the executive function,

  4. 8 АВГ.

    Podcast 484: Lung Repairs with Alvectin

    Podcast 484:  Lung Repairs with Alvectin On today’s podcast, Spencer Feldman from Remedy Link joins Martin to explore the crucial subject of lung health. Discover how environmental pollutants, microplastics, and toxins impact your lungs. Learn about Alvectin, a cutting-edge product designed to detox the lungs and support lung surfactant proteins to enhance respiratory function. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST 🎉 Big News! We’re now on Rumble!   MARTIN: Hello there everyone! Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast with me today, Spencer Feldman. Spencer is relentless. He has come up with more inventions. And today we’re going to talk about your lungs. Spencer Feldman from RemedyLink. Welcome. SPENCER: Hey, how’s it going, Martin? MARTIN: Oh, it’s going all right for me. SPENCER: Okay, so let’s talk about lungs. I’ve been researching the human body now for about 30 years. And one of the things that I find when I do analyses of people’s bodies and try to figure out what was going on for them is, by and large, almost everybody had lung damage. It was to the point where I almost started ignoring it because it was everybody. Every time I looked at someone’s free radical load, the lungs are the ones are the most damaged.  MARTIN: I have a thought on that. Industrial revolution. Burning of coal. Burning of wood. Forest fires. Cars. Industrial pollution. SPENCER: Yeah. I mean, most humans live in cities and by highways. And if you ever are in the country driving towards a city, you’ll see a brown dome over the city. So, if you live in a city or near a highway, it’s like smoking a couple packs of cigarettes a day. There are some parts of the world where it’s like smoking a pack or two a day, just going outside and breathing. So, yes, there’s all the particulate matter. Well, let me back up.  I didn’t know, I never really found a great way to support lungs. Yes, spirulina for some reason seemed to be beneficial in lungs. But I think that was more quenching the free radical damage and not so much clearing out the actual toxins. And so it was always in the back of my mind. I thought that one of these days, if I ever figure out how to clean out the lungs, that would really be great. So now there’s another issue.  Then there’s microplastics, right? Because the amount of microplastics is just absurd. There’s so many tons of this stuff. And it breaks down and gets finer and finer and finer and it gets into the atmosphere. So we’re all breathing microplastics in all the time. There’s like, what, 400 million tons of plastic made around the world each year that ends up in landfills. And it keeps breaking down from the sun and goes airborne. So, I’ve always been wondering: how could we clean out the lungs? And so the first thing we could talk about is this microparticulates. SPENCER: Right. So the ability to remove a particulate depends on the size of the particulate and its electrical charge.

  5. 5 АВГ.

    Podcast 483: Feral Cells

    Podcast 483: Feral Cells In this episode, we examine the concept of feral tissue, exploring its fundamental triggers—Short Chain Fatty Acids, Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptors, and pH imbalance. We discuss Spencer Feldman’s innovative, research-oriented protocol aimed at addressing feral tissue growth through a comprehensive 6-step program. This protocol includes products designed to repair the microbiome with short chain fatty acids and lactic acid. As well as products to shift pH balance. It also employs a trophoblast program using pancreatic enzymes and electrons. While promising, these methods are currently unproven and intended solely for research purposes. They are not medical advice, nor have they been proven safe or effective. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST   MARTIN: Well, hello, it’s Martin Pytela. Life Enthusiast podcast. And with me Spencer Feldman Remedy Link Chief Formulator. Today we have a topic that is big. In the sense that a lot of people end up with very tragic health outcomes when they mismanage what we’re going to talk about today. Anyway, Spencer, let’s see how we can frame it without getting into trouble and stepping on toes of the people who are censoring us. SPENCER: Right. Okay, so let’s start by saying that neither Martin nor I are physicians, and nothing we’re saying in this video should be construed as medical advice or for the treatment or diagnosis or therapy for any disease. Right. Now, having said that, we can also have intelligent conversations as free and sovereign human beings who are responsible for our own health. MARTIN: Yeah, we can talk about physiology. We can educate about nutrition. We can educate about how things work in the body. We’re not promising that we are going to cure or remove or mitigate or whatever, any health condition. But we can talk to you about how health is built. SPENCER: Having said that, as of pre-COVID days, one out of three people died of growths in their body. MARTIN: Runaway cells. SPENCER: Runaway cells. Tissue growing in ways we don’t want. Since vaccination, those numbers have increased. Some of them have. Sometimes people will go from diagnosis to death within one month. I suspect that in the decades to follow, it’ll be closer to 50, 60 or 70% of people will find that the end of their life is a result of growths in their body they don’t want.  MARTIN: And post mRNA technology people now have this turbo version of this stuff going. SPENCER: The term I’m going to use for this video is called Feral tissue. F-e-r -a-l. Now I’m using that word very specifically. And let me give you a way of, the reason is because the word that’s typically used has a lot of baggage associated with it. A lot of fear, a lot of scientific baggage. That word when someone hears it, they could feel that their body has betrayed them, is fighting them, is hurting them. It’s out to get them, that it’s an evil and malignant entity. And I think that’s the wrong way to think about our bodies.  MARTIN: Yeah, let me just put it in my thoughts. The feral or feral or feral has to do with something that previously was civilized has gone wild. Think of it in that way.

  6. 16 ИЮЛ.

    Podcast 482: pH Balance

    Podcast 482: pH Balance On today’s episode, we’ll explore how our bodies manage acids through critical metabolic pathways. Our metabolism constantly produces acids, mainly hydrogen ions (H+) and carbon dioxide (CO2). We can breathe out CO2, but H+ needs to be either combined with CO2 with bicarbonate or removed through urine using phosphate and glutamine/ammonium pathways.  Join Martin and Spencer as they discuss these metabolic pathways, their health implications, and a new way to support your body’s naturally acidic systems with Bicarbamet. Looking for pH strips? We sell them in our dispensary. Please contact to inquire further. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST     MARTIN: Well, hello there. This is Martin Pytela at Life Enthusiast podcast. And with me today, Spencer Feldman. Spencer is the CEO at Remedy Link. And Spencer, wouldn’t you believe it, has found a way to dive into the most persistent problem we have faced, which is the pH balance, acidosis, alkalosis, knowing where we are and working on it. But there’s so much to it. I would rather have Spencer kind of dive into it. But the main point that I want to make is when your pH balance is off, your mineral stores are affected and your mineral stores are in your bones. So if you’re suffering with thinning bones, you may have an issue with pH balance. MARTIN: And this talk will probably interest you a lot. Spencer, what do you think? SPENCER: Hey, Martin, I have got a lot to share about pH, so here we go. Okay. So it’s one of the things you hear in the alternative medical spheres is, oh, you should be more alkaline and kind of, right? You don’t want to be completely alkaline. You need stomach acid to break down proteins and sterilize the foods you eat. You want the colon to be acidic to make good short chain fatty acids. But yes, as a general rule, we are too acidic. MARTIN: Let me just butt in here before you get in. Because this is my metabolic typing hat. We know that there are some people who wake up overly alkaline. Over-alkalinity is represented in your emotional world as dark moods, unmotivated, procrastinating, and even depressed. SPENCER: I wouldn’t agree with that. I’ve seen plenty of people that are, I see plenty of people that have great metabolic acidity with the same symptoms. MARTIN: I know that when we have acidity, people are short tempered, anxious, ragey, easy to anger, that sort of thing. Now, if you see them swinging back and forth, that would be because their meals are affecting them. I promise you that if you’re an oxidizer, you’ll be alkalized by fats, and if you’re autonomic, you’ll be alkalized by carbohydrates on your plate, in your food. And this will swing. SPENCER: Okay. MARTIN: Anyway, the main point is, what’s your overall situation? Right? SPENCER: So as a general rule, if you check most people’s pH and through their urine and saliva pH, I’ll tell you a bit about that later. Almost everybody I find is acid. And the people that look like they’re alkaline,

  7. 4 ИЮЛ.

    Podcast 481: Understanding Inflammation Beyond Arthritis

    Podcast 481: Understanding Inflammation Beyond Arthritis In today’s episode, Martin delves deep into the complex world of inflammation, revealing its root causes and examining powerful, evidence-based strategies to help relieve symptoms. Join Martin as he breaks down the science of inflammation and arthritis, providing clear insights and practical tips to help you take control of your health. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST   Good morning. This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast. Today’s topic I wanted to raise arthritis. Arthritis is an interesting word. Itis, otis, etes, at the end of a word in medical terminology, signifies or means inflammatory. Like diabetes is an inflammation, otitis media would be the infection of the middle ear. Gastritis would be inflammation in the gastric stomach. Colitis would be the inflammation of the colon, and on and on and on. Names like that. So arthritis specifically is the inflammation in the joints.  The mainstream medical people like to use geography to name things. They do not concern themselves with the cause of the disease. They just simply describe it as where it is and what the symptom is, which is very deceptive, because it causes the illusion that the illness is caused by where the symptoms are. But sort of like a mushroom – if you go in the forest and see the fruiting body of a mushroom that pops up somewhere, that is just the reproductive organ of the mycelium, and you have this mycelium throughout under the ground, around the roots. And then this thing just pops up. That’s just where it reproduces. That’s just where it shows its face. Or maybe another metaphor I would use would be an iceberg where you see an iceberg, whatever you see above water, that’s only 10% of the total mass of the thing. Arthritis as such, of course, is a nasty thing because it makes us uncomfortable, gives us pain. In its latter stages, it causes a great deal of discomfort and loss of mobility. That’s the story with inflammation. It has five important symptoms. Redness, swelling, heat, pain, and importantly, loss of function. Of course the acute that’s that’s easy right. Like you twist your ankle, you can’t step on it because it’s painful. It’s there for a reason. The pain is there so you stop using it. You can’t use it,  that’s the loss of function. It swells up because the cells are broken and fluids are filling in and making it swollen, and the redness, well, sometimes you can’t see because it’s on the inside, but the swelling is obvious. And the heat, it’s there because with heat the body can restore cells, replace the bad or worn out damaged ones with good ones. Now, in case of arthritis you will see swelling of the joints, like for example, you can see it on the fingers. You would see that the knuckle will swell in size. When you see that, then that’s a sure sign of arthritis. On the knee, it’s often obvious because it’s a swollen knee. On the hip it’s seldom as obvious because it’s inside, hidden by a lot of flesh, but all the same, it’ll give you discomfort. It’ll give you an inability to move. But before we get to that stage,

  8. 11 ИЮН.

    Podcast 480: Pregnancy

    Podcast 480: Pregnancy When people learn they’re expecting a baby, they often focus on planning the nursery decor or choosing outfits for their newborn. While these aspects are significant, what’s even more essential is to focus on cleansing your body, mind, and spirit before conception and to follow the right steps during pregnancy to guarantee your baby’s health and well-being. Remember, your body is a sacred temple. You should treat it as such. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST   Good day, everyone. This is Martin Pytela, health coach at Life Enthusiast. So I thought it’s a good idea to talk about the issues that are leading up to pregnancy, going through pregnancy, and dealing with little children. I think that would be a good thing. So now to the talk, right? As I was contemplating this, I’m realizing that I was actually involved in helping my daughter with managing her health before pregnancy. The way I see this, and I think I’m not wrong about it, is that nature in genetics wants to promote, right? Like we as a species exist because we have a limited lifespan of maybe, let’s just say a hundred years of which we are in reproductive years, somewhere between 18 and 35. So that’s the optimal window. These days, people have been pushing it back. So these days, the first child isn’t born to an 18-year-old, it’s born to a 27 or 33-year-old. In the old days, before contraception and before modern days and jobs and stuff, visualize a village in the year 1200, somewhere in Europe, the typical couple living in a village. They marry, they start having children. The natural protection of breastfeeding keeps the woman not conceiving for about two years. Sometimes it breaks through, but most times it’s that so every other year she gets pregnant. So between the age of 18 and 36, she probably has been pregnant nine times. Sometimes she loses the pregnancy because that’s normal, that’s nature. Sometimes she loses the infant. Again, that’s nature. So I would visualize that she may have a dozen of pregnancies that she will take to term in her reproductive years, but only maybe four or five of them will grow up into their reproductive age because there was poor hygiene. So anyone, any child, any infant that was not strong or that was unlucky with the arrival of some sort of an infection, they would succumb. They would die. In Roman times, like 2000 years ago, they didn’t even bother naming infants until they were two years old. The attritional rate was pretty high. Charles Darwin, his first five kids died tragically of typhoid fever. So what we have here is a cycle where nature wants to promote our DNA, right? We are reproducing by being motivated to make babies and only the strong survive. So as it rolls forward, only the most adapted to the local environment are making it, are living into their reproductive years. And I believe that nature treats the mother as the precious resource and treats the fetus, the child, as something that’s not precious at all. And so the placenta is in fact used as a detox organ during the pregnancy. So whatever toxicity exists in the mother is actually pushed into the placenta during the pregnancy. And then through that,

  9. 3 ИЮН.

    Podcast 479: Enzymes are Catalysts of Life

    Podcast 479: Enzymes are Catalysts of Life Today, Martin is joined by Mike Kramarczyk the CEO of HCP Formulas to delve into the fascinating world of enzymes. These remarkable biological catalysts play a crucial role in accelerating chemical reactions within our bodies, all without being consumed in the process. By doing so, enzymes ensure that essential metabolic processes occur swiftly and efficiently, keeping us alive and thriving. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST   MARTIN: Hi everyone. This is Martin Pytela for Life Enthusiast Podcast. And today with me is Mike Kramarczyk. He is with HCP Supplements, our favorite enzyme supplement company. Mike, would you take two minutes to tell your personal history? How did you get into enzymes? MIKE It all started with hearing a decent sized handful of end users telling me about all these different experiences they had with systemic enzymes. That’s ground zero. MARTIN: All right. And so that’s many years ago now, right? MIKE: Oh, 22 years ago. MARTIN: So you have taken classes, you have gone to, MIKE: Oh, oh, yes. MARTIN: You studied it. You now know enzymes backwards probably, right? MIKE: I like to think so. I definitely don’t know everything. I don’t know. Pretend to, but it does take quite a bit to stump me when it comes to enzymes. MARTIN: Well, so let’s just unpack it. Why do people need to take enzymes? MIKE: That’s an awesome question and that actually goes all the way back to when we’re born. The reason why people need to take systemic enzymes, not digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes, you take them with food, they release in the stomach and they get the whole digestive process a head start. Systemic enzymes are taken away from food and the intent is to keep them intact until they have a chance to get into your bloodstream and that’s when they start bringing with them an entirely different set of benefits. As far as why people should take enzymes, systemic enzymes specifically, that reason totally goes back to our birth. When we are born, we are born with this massive supply of enzymes within us inherently. And throughout our entire childhood, our body is not shy about tapping into that supply and using them, and it uses them by the truckload. And that’s why when we’re five and 10 and 15 years old, we run around, we trip, we fall, we hurt ourselves, all we did was get right back up and keep doing whatever it was that hurt us in the first place. But you might notice when we’re 40 or 50 or 60 years old, it just isn’t quite the same way. And the entire difference is enzymes. The reason why there’s such a huge gap between those two situations is because we go through a lot of different changes in our life. And one of the biggest periods of changes in our late 20s, like 28, 29, maybe 30 years old. A lot of big changes take place at that point. Our aging process kicks into high gear at that point. But also too, our bodies take inventory. And our body basically says, hey, if we keep using these enzymes at the rate that we did through our youth we’re not gonna have any left when we get to 40 or 50 or 60 years old. So instead of using them by the truckload,

  10. 18 МАЯ

    Podcast 478: Methylene Blue

    Podcast 478: Methylene Blue In today’s episode, Martin explores the remarkable versatility of Methylene Blue, a compound with applications across multiple fields. In medicine, it treats methemoglobinemia and serves as an antidote for certain poisonings. Researchers are also investigating its potential in treating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s due to its antioxidant properties. With its wide array of uses, Methylene Blue is an invaluable resource in both science and health. We are excited to announce that Life Enthusiast now offers Methylene Blue. Tune in to learn more about this remarkable product. Download our FREE Chronic Pain Manifesto. Subscribe to our newsletter, so you are always up to date with new health information, product tips, podcasts, webinars, and much more. Follow Life Enthusiast Podcast on Amazon Music and get new episodes when they become available! Find us on Telegram and catch our live show every Sunday @ 9:00 am PST   Hello, this is Martin Pytela, health coach at Life Enthusiast. And today I want to talk to you about Methylene Blue. I’ve done a lot of looking around, considering what is or isn’t the right thing to do around the Methylene Blue and I feel confident that what we have is actually good. In the following manner, first of all, Methylene Blue is a very old thing. It actually is the first drug that the FDA ever approved back in the 1800’s. 1800’s, not 1900’s, 1800’s. It was first introduced in 1778, in Germany as a dye. In fact, this blue is the same dye that makes your blue jeans blue. But when taken orally, it actually has some significant benefits. It’s in an industrial dye, so you can buy it quite inexpensively in the industrial grade. We have technical grade, which is what you would use for jeans. And then we have pharmaceutical grade, which is what you want to use for ingestion. I went looking for companies that don’t sell it in just the lab grade where you can buy quite inexpensively a box of it, you can buy ten grams, a hundred grams, whatever weight of it in laboratory grade and use it. But that’s not going to be certified to be free of contamination. And the contamination will probably include heavy metals like cadmium, arsenic, lead, who knows what else, but definitely heavy metal contamination. I’m concerned that there will be some unscrupulous buyers or sellers, I should say, who would go and buy this just laboratory grade and mix it. It’s not complicated. All you really need to do is understand the scale and how much to use and get with it, and I’ll explain that. But before I do that, let’s talk about what it is and how it works. There are medical uses and there are chemical uses, right? So dealing with this. Whenever you put it on, it’s a strong blue dye. And when you put it in your mouth, it will stain your mouth blue. And of course, when you put it on any surfaces, it will stain. I was just dumping some in my sink, and interestingly enough, it actually stained all the things that were not completely 100% washed off. So even a stainless steel sink had some stuff stuck to the surface, and whatever was stuck to the surface was getting stained blue. It was quite entertaining.

    36 мин.

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Life Enthusiast with Martin Pytela and guests is an educational program focusing on health and wellness from the holistic perspective - discovering the root causes and blocking factors of optimal health.

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Африка, Ближний Восток и Индия

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США и Канада