Lindsay Orridge

Подкаст «Racing Lives with Aurélie Donzelot»

Lindsay Orridge is the person you should call if you want to make something happen in motorsport. She has a wealth of knowledge and contacts throughout the industry, as well as an incredible knack for getting brands seen through clever and meaningful activations. 

On a personal note, today’s guest is largely responsible for the fact that I now have my own company. Thanks to her friendship, her constant support and guidance, and the fact that she gives me THE WORSE jobs. Not true of course, but by believing in me and seeing potential in me in an area that I definitely couldn’t. And asking me to take on a project that was very much out my comfort zone. I thank her for that. 

Lindsay is the best bullshit filter in motorsport, bar none, and I am so proud to have her as one of my closest friends. 

A huge preface is needed for this episode. Although published now, in March 2024, it was in fact recorded almost exactly a year ago. An incredibly busy year followed during which I established and developed my own motorsport consultancy. That went well, but our lovely Racing Lives podcast suffered. While I very much plan to continue recording new series of this awesome podcast, I couldn’t go ahead and not share the few episodes I already have - I owe it to the wonderful women who gave up their time to chat so candidly with me. So my biggest most heartfelt apologies to my guests for being so damn tardy, and a huge thank you to the fans of this podcast for waiting so long! 

Check out Lindsay online:



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