Mads Christophersen – Danish nationalteam badmintonplayer #154 part 2 (English)

Подкаст «Mental Vinder»

”When you walk on court, both players have a chance of winning

I have tried to rewire my brain, so it does not matter whether I am the favourite or the underdog before a match.

I have one mental ritual before a match – listening to Beethoven sonata 14

If you put in the work, I am sure that some day you will reach your dream, and I hope I can be that kind of inspiration.”

This is second part of the interview with Mads Christophersen. In episode #153 you can hear the first part of our conversation. (There is a 15 second long introduction in Danish)

5.30 Mads tells about his change in attitude regarding being a favourite or being the underdog before a match.

9.00 Mads shares three tips to become mentally stronger

  1. Work with your breathing and stay in the present
  2. Try focusing on what you can do something about
  3. Reading books. Just write to Mads if you want tips to relevant books

Preparing for a match – you will hear how Mads prepares physical, mental and how he eats, so he can perform his very best at the upcoming match.

Beethoven has also become a part of his prematch routines. You can hear Beethoven Sonata 14 here:

The 4 P’s and the R of Mads as a Mental Winner. Power, Patience, Precision, Present and Relax.

Hear how he uses the letters to improve his game.

25.30 Mads tells about his Instagram adventure: @madsdrostchristophersen, where he now has more than 135.000 followers. It helped him finding sponsors and in 2023 he started earning money helping other badmintonplayers develop their game.

Mads tells about being in flow:

You are just so present, that you dont pay attention to anything else; than the shuttle and your opponent.

Mads would like to invite Magnus Ditlev - one of the worlds best triathlets - in the Mental Winner studio to a talk about mental strength.

Mads encourages you – dear listener to keep fighting for your dreams, and he shares a funny story which involves H. K. Vittinghus.

Other podcast episodes in English:

Mads Christophersen #153 part 1:

World Class badminton coach Ron Daniels #69 –

Explore your inner Mental Power #55 -

This episode's partner is YONEX, which is my preferred supplier when it comes to sports equipment for racquet sports.

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