MathsTalk by AMSI Schools

AMSI Schools
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MathsTalk by AMSI Schools. Conversations in Maths education between experienced teachers, seeking to improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Australia and all over the world. Feedback is always welcome at

  1. 27 АВГ.

    Identifying Quality Maths Resources

    In this episode of MathsTalk, Host, Leanne McMahon speaks with Cass Lowry, a PhD candidate researching the identification of high-quality mathematics resources. Cass shares her experiences at major conferences and discusses the need for a framework to help teachers discern effective math resources in the rapidly expanding online space. She highlights the importance of balancing problem-solving and explicit teaching and mentions her current research efforts, including a survey for Australian teachers. Cass also shares her top three maths websites, books and hands-on resources, : Please help Cass by completing her survey:  2024 MANSW Annual Conference 3-day event:  30 September - 2 October Twin Towns Tweed Heads Theme: Teaching for, about and through problem solving Keynote: Amie Albrecht Websites: Steve Wyborney's blog LoveMaths by Michael Minas: OpenMiddle by Robert Kaplinsky.  Books: Mathematics Assessment for Learning: Rich tasks and Work Samples by Ann Downton, Rose Knight, Doug Clarke and Gerard Lewis Rosenshine's Principles in Action by Tom Sherington Chasing Rabbits: A Curious Guide to a Lifetime of Mathematical Wellness by  Sunil Singh Teaching Mathematics through Story Books byt Sheila Griffin and Dr Paul Swan  EMMaths Virtual Summit:  Amplify Polypad: Cass's Pattern blocks presentation:

    31 мин.
  2. 23 АПР.

    Out of Field Maths Teaching - What can we do?

    In this episode of MathsTalk, host Leanne McMahon discusses the pressing issue of out-of-field teaching in mathematics education. With recent media attention on AMSI's analysis of out-of-field secondary maths teaching and upskilling initiatives in Australia, Leanne explores the complexities of defining out-of-field teaching and its various dimensions, including qualification, specialism, workload, and capability. Drawing from extensive research and insightful anecdotes, she discusses the impact of out-of-field teaching on student learning and offers practical strategies for upskilling teachers, emphasizing the importance of government funding for retraining initiatives. Through engaging discussions and resource recommendations, including the invaluable Out of Field Teaching Toolkit podcast, McMahon aims to ignite a conversation and provide actionable solutions to enhance the quality of mathematics education across Australia. Resources: AMSI Paper:  Podcast Out-of-Field Toolkit: Margaret Paton: Hobbs, L., Campbell, C., Delaney, s., Speldewinde, C. & Lai, J. (2020). Defining and mapping out-of-field teaching in Victorian government schools. Deakin University Retrieved from Ní Ríordáin, M., Paolucci, C., & O' Dwyer, L. M. (2017). An examination of the professional development needs of out-of-field mathematics teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 162-174. Beswick, K. (2014). What teachers' want: Identifying mathematics teachers' professional learning needs. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 11(1), 83-108. Desimone, L. M., & Garet, M. S. (2015). Best practices in teachers' professional development in the United States/Mejores practicas de desarrollo profesional docente en Estados Unidos. Psychology, Society, & Education, 7(3), 252-278.  Du Plessis, A. (2016). Leading teachers through the storm: Looking beyond the numbers and turning the implications of out-of-field teaching practices into positive challenges. International Journal of Educational Research, 79, 42-51. Goos, M., O’Donoghue, J., Ní Ríordáin, M., Faulkner, F., Hall, T., & O’Meara, N. (2020). Designing a national blended learning program for “out-of-field” mathematics teacher professional development. ZDM, 52(5), 893-905. Contact us: Twitter (X): @AMSIschools

    22 мин.
  3. 16 ЯНВ.

    Choosing good resources: Re-release of Dr Catherine Attard’s discussion

    In 2020, Special guest Dr Catherine Attard released a blog post looking at how teachers and parents can discern between good and not-so-great mathematics resources in this time of information overload. We felt this was timely with the explosion of questionable quality resources from sites  like Teachers-pay-teachers and Twinkle. The highly engaging Marcus Garrett and regular host, Leanne McMahon lead a spirited conversation. They also discuss effective use of technology in Mathematics, the difference between performing and learning in maths and what 'home-schooling' really means. Podcast notes and resources can be found at Catherine's Blog can be found at Other Links discussed in the episode: Attard, C. (2020), Teaching maths in challenging times: Keep calm and remain critical! Blog post on Engaging Maths. Retrieved from Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), 2010, Mathematics Proficiencies. Retrieved from Boaler, J. (1996), Case Studies of Alternative Approaches to Mathematics Teaching: Situated Cognition, Sex and Setting. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Kings College School of Education, University of London, UK. Retrieved from Garrett, M. (2016), The Problem with Problem Solving. Blog article on Calculate by AMSI. Retrieved from Website: Joel Speranza – Leveraging Technology for Learning. YouTube Channel: Joel Speranza Math. Link to Dr Attard’s Research Project, ‘Investigating the impact of COVID-19 on teachers' technology-related attitudes, beliefs and practices’ (call for survey participants):

    28 мин.
  4. 18.10.2023

    Connections in Maths with Michaela Epstein

    Welcome to the latest episode of MathsTalk by AMSI schools. In this conversation, Leanne McMahon, the Schools Maths Advisor at AMSI, discusses the vital aspect of great mathematics teaching, making connections. Leanne is joined by Michaela Epstein, the founder and director of Maths Teacher Circles, who challenges conventional thinking in maths education. They explore the importance of focusing on the "big ideas" in maths and how to help students make connections between different mathematical concepts. Michaela provides practical strategies for educators to implement in their classrooms and encourages a more creative and connection-based approach to teaching mathematics. To stay updated and get access to valuable resources, you can subscribe to Michaela's email newsletter, follow her on social media, and explore her professional learning program for teachers. Join this engaging conversation to discover new ways to foster mathematical understanding and encourage your students to connect the dots in maths. Resources: @AMSISchools Juggling As A Way of Building Deep Understanding:  (blog post related to our conversation) Charles, R.I. (2005). ‘Big Ideas and Understandings as the Foundation for Elementary and Middle School Mathematics’, Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership, Vol.7 (3).Siemon, D. (2022). ‘Teaching with the Big Ideas in Mathematics’, Issues in the Teaching of Mathematics. State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training).Bransford, J., Derry, S., Berliner, D., Hammerness, K., & Beckett, K. (2005). Theories of learning and their roles in teaching. In L. Darling-Hammond & J. Bransford (ed.), Preparing teachers for a changing world: What  teachers should learn and be able to do. Jossey-Bass. (quiz questions re Easter Bunny etc came from) Cryptoshifts:  Contact Michaela: My email newsletter:

    34 мин.

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MathsTalk by AMSI Schools. Conversations in Maths education between experienced teachers, seeking to improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics in Australia and all over the world. Feedback is always welcome at

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