Mistakes Were Made

Mistakes Were Made
Подкаст «Mistakes Were Made»

This ain't your grandma's quilting podcast. Mistakes Were Made aims to break down the stigma of failure, both personally and professionally, and how we can turn the tides of fate on their heels. An open discussion between two unique souls, Frank Pepper and Austen Knopp, you'll get a raw taste of the world we live in and the challenges we face in our daily lives. It will be rough, dirty, and there's going to be some swear words. Unapologetic, unabridged, and uncensored. Mistakes Were Made is here for your listening and viewing pleasure.

Об этом подкасте

This ain't your grandma's quilting podcast. Mistakes Were Made aims to break down the stigma of failure, both personally and professionally, and how we can turn the tides of fate on their heels. An open discussion between two unique souls, Frank Pepper and Austen Knopp, you'll get a raw taste of the world we live in and the challenges we face in our daily lives. It will be rough, dirty, and there's going to be some swear words. Unapologetic, unabridged, and uncensored. Mistakes Were Made is here for your listening and viewing pleasure.

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