Money Belt Radio

Shaun Connolly & Nate Duckett
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Hosted by Shaun Connolly and Nate Duckett, Money Belt Radio discusses current world economic and geo-political events and how they affect the personal finances of Main Street America. Broadcast weekly on Newstalk KENN 1390 AM and 92.1 FM on Saturday afternoons from 4pm MST. Listen to podcasts of the show anytime at Join the discussion at #MoneyBeltRadio.

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Hosted by Shaun Connolly and Nate Duckett, Money Belt Radio discusses current world economic and geo-political events and how they affect the personal finances of Main Street America. Broadcast weekly on Newstalk KENN 1390 AM and 92.1 FM on Saturday afternoons from 4pm MST. Listen to podcasts of the show anytime at Join the discussion at #MoneyBeltRadio.

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