Nordic Ad Tech Review

Netric Sales
Подкаст «Nordic Ad Tech Review»

Dear Listener, This Podcast is all about ad tech, the promises the technology holds, the past, but more so the future and how the technology and the companies involved that are in constant change. We will bring on knowledgeable guests from the publisher and agency side as well as brands and technology partners to address and drill down on current and important questions. Spoken language depends on guest in current episode.

Об этом подкасте

Dear Listener, This Podcast is all about ad tech, the promises the technology holds, the past, but more so the future and how the technology and the companies involved that are in constant change. We will bring on knowledgeable guests from the publisher and agency side as well as brands and technology partners to address and drill down on current and important questions. Spoken language depends on guest in current episode.

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