Nurturing Confidence in Fearful Shelter Dogs with Tom Candy

Подкаст «Pod to the Rescue»

It is no secret that shelters can prove to be extremely stressful environments for dogs - even the friendlist, most easy-going dog can experience severe stress or fear in a shelter environment. In this incredible conversation, Emily, Libby and Tom Candy discuss how we can best support shelter dogs in and out of the shelter environment to build confidence, trust, and a sense of play. In this episode, they cover:

  • How to work with dogs who display fearful behaviors in the shelter and kennel environments

  • How to distinguish a dog’s shelter-based fear from their general fear

  • The positive benefits of play for shelter dogs

  • The constant game/challenge of cost-benefit analysis for shelter dogs

  • COVID-related undersocialized dogs

  • The genetic vs. evolutionary origins of shelter dogs’ fear

  • How to prepare anxious or fearful dogs for adoption - and, how to prepare their families

This is an excellent conversation for anyone who interacts with shelter dogs in any way; employees, fosters, potential adopters, and more.

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Credits: Libby Felts and Emily Wolf (Hosts and Creators). Original music by Mike Pesci. Production and editing by Alex Ammons of For the Love Media.


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