OMG, You What?! Hosted by Juliet Parker

Juliet Parker
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S.O.A.P Chronicles of Juliet Parker. In search of a softball team, but was challenged with S.O.A.P! What started as a Cruel Set Up, became 15 years of A Life Altering Adventure with the God of the Christian Bible. OhMyGod, His Word Works! Praises the Ex-drug Addict/dealer, self-harming cutter, suicide attempter, adulteress, fighter, prideful, worri-wart, wretched and selfish, sin loving, approval seeker, liar, manipulating thief, fornicator, vengeful self-professed Christian changed and Made New By the His WORD! Get @ Me, Let’s Talk!


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S.O.A.P Chronicles of Juliet Parker. In search of a softball team, but was challenged with S.O.A.P! What started as a Cruel Set Up, became 15 years of A Life Altering Adventure with the God of the Christian Bible. OhMyGod, His Word Works! Praises the Ex-drug Addict/dealer, self-harming cutter, suicide attempter, adulteress, fighter, prideful, worri-wart, wretched and selfish, sin loving, approval seeker, liar, manipulating thief, fornicator, vengeful self-professed Christian changed and Made New By the His WORD! Get @ Me, Let’s Talk!

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