Rea’s Mental Movement

Подкаст «Rea’s Mental Movement»

Host, Reagan, gets weekly guests to open up about their personal life experiences to help break stigmas surrounding mental health (with a splash of f***** up humor). Topics may include but are not limited to: relationships, dating, insecurities, fears, anxieties, and much more. You may laugh and/or cry by relating to other peoples’ mental health issues, but that’s okay because we’re all a lil messed up in the head in some shape or form. Stay tuned you crazy b*tches, see ya’ll every Thursday.

Об этом подкасте

Host, Reagan, gets weekly guests to open up about their personal life experiences to help break stigmas surrounding mental health (with a splash of f***** up humor). Topics may include but are not limited to: relationships, dating, insecurities, fears, anxieties, and much more. You may laugh and/or cry by relating to other peoples’ mental health issues, but that’s okay because we’re all a lil messed up in the head in some shape or form. Stay tuned you crazy b*tches, see ya’ll every Thursday.

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