S.3 Episode 4: Fiona Stewart | Creative Generosity

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Join Generosity Path's Operations Director, Lucy McDonald, in conversation with Fiona Stewart about the intersection between creativity and generosity. Fiona is a writer, performer and creative consultant based in Glasgow, Scotland. She is the founder and Creative Director of Foolproof Creative Arts. Recently, Fiona has filmed the facilitation videos to guide you through our new online Journey of Generosity retreat.

"I think creativity and generosity are closely linked, in as much as anything I write or perform or do, I'm very conscious of that connection with God as a creator – my Heavenly Father enables me and resources me to do that... And that, to me, is a reflection of God's generosity of Spirit."

If you'd be interested in exploring the new Journey of Generosity, facilitated by Fiona, you can do so by visiting www.generositypath.org/retreats


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