Saving Thousands

Robert Palmer
Подкаст «Saving Thousands»

Saving Thousands Radio Show with Host Robert Palmer Robert Palmer is the financial adviser that consumers have been waiting for. From personal finance, debt management, home ownership and beyond Robert Palmer takes to Saving Thousands Radio Network to help consumers like you enrich their lives. Consumers who listen to Saving Thousands and follow the Saving Thousands Rules quickly become the empowered consumer that big financial corporations fear. You no longer have to be a Financial Zombie!

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Saving Thousands Radio Show with Host Robert Palmer Robert Palmer is the financial adviser that consumers have been waiting for. From personal finance, debt management, home ownership and beyond Robert Palmer takes to Saving Thousands Radio Network to help consumers like you enrich their lives. Consumers who listen to Saving Thousands and follow the Saving Thousands Rules quickly become the empowered consumer that big financial corporations fear. You no longer have to be a Financial Zombie!

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