Sciencing from Home

Подкаст «Sciencing from Home»

Welcome to Sciencing from Home, a podcast from the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Latin@s Gaining Access to Networks for Advancement in Science program, also known as L@s GANAS. Instead of having our research fellowship students, or fellows, check in via email or another Google form, I have invited them to chat with me about how their research is going while we are social distancing and they cannot be in the lab.

Об этом подкасте

Welcome to Sciencing from Home, a podcast from the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Latin@s Gaining Access to Networks for Advancement in Science program, also known as L@s GANAS. Instead of having our research fellowship students, or fellows, check in via email or another Google form, I have invited them to chat with me about how their research is going while we are social distancing and they cannot be in the lab.

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